Friday 30 July 2010

This is why we have to act now to defuse the demographic time bomb, or else mass immigration will explode into civil war and anarchy on our streets.

Migrants will end up driving our population higher than Germany's

By Steve Doughty
Last updated at 8:45 AM on 30th July 2010

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In 40 years time, Britain's population will have climbed close to 80million

In 40 years time, Britain's population will have climbed close to 80million

Britain is destined to become the most heavily populated country in Europe, U.S. experts predicted yesterday.

They said that in 40 years' time Germany will have lost its position as the European country with the highest number of people, which it has held since it was founded as a unified country 140 years ago.

While Britain's population will have climbed close to 80million, there will be just 71.5million Germans in 2050, a report said.

The estimates from the U.S. pressure group Population Reference Bureau follow the disclosure earlier this week that a third of all the population growth in Europe is now concentrated in Britain.

The figures supplied by the U.S. organisation say that Germany's population will have fallen by 11million by 2050, thanks to its falling birth rates and low levels of immigration.

But in Britain - where numbers will reach 70million in 2029 according to official projections - there will be 77million people by 2050, the report said.

In comparison, France, the next most populous European nation, will have seen numbers climb from the current 66.1million to just 70million.

Both France and Germany currently have far more people than the 62million estimated numbers in Britain.

But neither has the high immigration levels which mean numbers in this country are rising much faster than anywhere else on the continent.

Official estimates say that around two thirds of population growth in Britain is a result of high immigration. The latest predictions of the effects of immigration and population growth came as David Cameron tried to put an end to Coalition differences by insisting there will be a cap on numbers coming into the country.


* Cameron stands firm on migrant cap despite facing mutiny on policy
* Nearly 100,000 new homes must be built every year for immigrants

The arguments between ministers - with Business Secretary Vince Cable calling for a 'liberal' immigration policy - have come as a spate of new figures give fresh impetus to concerns over the impact of rising population.
French president Nicolas Sarkozy

The French president has been accused of ethnic cleansing after ordering the expulsion of thousands of gipsies who are illegal immigrants.

Nicolas Sarkozy provoked fury by calling Roma camps 'sources of trafficking, exploitation of children and prostitution'.

Malik Salemkour, of the French Human Rights League, said: 'This is ethnic cleansing and the criminalisationof misery.' Others warned Mr Sarkozy's language had chilling undertones of France's role in sending gipsies to concentration camps in World War II.

Mr Sarkozy's crackdown came after violent clashes between police and gipsies two weeks ago. He held a meeting on Wednesday with ministers and police, but critics were angry that he did not include Roma leaders.

European figures earlier this week showed that numbers in Britain swelled by 412,000 in 2009, almost a third of all population growth in the 27 EU countries.

Yesterday ministers disclosed a Whitehall analysis which showed 100,000 new homes will be required each year for the next 25 years simply to cope with the numbers of immigrants arriving in the country.

The Population Reference Bureau, which campaigns for the spread of contraception as a means of controlling population numbers around the world, published figures similar to those first calculated by the United Nations last year.

The UN accepted official British estimates that the population of this country will grow by 174,000 a year as a result of migration.

But in Germany migration will add only 110,000 a year to the population while birth rates are falling, and in France, migration will mean an extra 100,000 people each year.

Frank Field and Nicholas Soames, the backbench Labour and Tory MPs who head the Cross-Party Group on Balanced Migration, said in a statement that it was necessary to restrict immigration.

'If this is to be achieved, whilst retaining the flexibility that our economy needs, we must ensure that economic migration no longer confers an almost automatic right to settle here.'

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  1. How do we stop it?

    This demographic time bomb is all already going off in slow motion..

    in the near future immigration /massive overpopulation will be destructive of all life, or any real quality of life in Britain

  2. just imagine when Cameron's dream of a EU Turkey becomes a reality. The UK will be flooded, Europe will become a Muslim bloc.

  3. Most people have no idea, even when they live in enriched areas they assume it's just a local thing because if there was an agenda, someone would be on at least one of the news channels.
    If there was a plot by Labour, the tories would bring it up at PMQ's.

    Most people have no idea how big the conspiracy is, how the media and the leadership of all the political parties are involved in a plot to quite literally exterminate western europeans.



    download some dvd authoring software, dowload 3hrs worth of youtube videos and sho people what is really going on in places like malmo, the wembly vid, the paris suburbs, show them videos of David duke, michael savage, mark steyn, Nick Griffin.

    Give them the information and discussions that is being withheld from them.

    You can put 3hrs worth of video on a dvd-r, that's a massive amount of what will in effect be reprogramming.
    That amount of information will literally provide overwhelming evidence of what is going on.

    I don't know if u received it Lee but i sent you an example dvd called Jigsaw pieces.

    David Duke

    there is a reason these people are banned in this country, because the powers that be do not want their message heard in case we look for people n this country with a similar message.
