Tuesday 3 August 2010

Kids on the Pill

Anyone who has sex with an 11 year old is a rapist.

Rapists need to be in prison regardless of their age.

Children of 11 should not be given the pill.

Doctors that give them the pill should be arrested if they do not notify the police that these children are being raped.

Schools are sexualising children and doctors facilitating rape.


More than 1,000 girls in the first year of secondary school have been given prescriptions for the pill, according to figures from GPs, while a further 200 have long-term injectable or implanted contraceptive devices.

The disclosure prompted warnings that Britain was “facilitating the sexualisation of young people at an every younger age”.

Trevor Stammers, chairman of the Christian Medical Fellowship and a GP in south London, told The Sunday Times: “If sex education is introduced in primary schools in the way being proposed, we will see many more 11-year-old girls seeking contraception without pointing out the risks…. We are going to make matters worse.”

He added: “These figures illustrate the fact that the UK is facilitating the sexualisation of young people at an ever younger age.”

The latest figures came from the General Practice Research Database, which collects information on medical records from 500 GP practices.

The data also shows that at least 58,000 15-year-olds were on the pill last year – more than double the number in 1999.

By law, doctors are bound by a duty of confidentiality towards children – even if they are under the legal age of consent – unless they suspect abuse.

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  1. Hear hear Lee,

    they are children full stop,
    even if they (either sex) act older or look older, they are children.

    They should NOT be proscribed ANY contraception.

    And any do ggoder doctor or likewise who thinks they are 'protecting them' by giving it to the CHILD should be prosecuted.

    It should NOT be made easy for ANYONE to think having sex when you are a child is right.

  2. Problem reaction solution, wait for the public outcry then propose sterilizing british schoolchildren.

    200,000 abortions every year carried out in the uk, that's 1 million fewer Brits every five years.
    7.2 million since 1970, Dawn Primorolo is openly suggesting that our children be sterilized.

    Genocide, and all done with spin and lies so it looks like it's the fault of the British people.

    Studies show that children taught sex at an early age at school tend to experiment more.

    Our politicians are like the pied piper, their policies carefully constructed to lead us to extinction.
    All the while blaming the parents, blaming the children rather than their policies then proposing
    our children be sterilized.

  3. Here's one of them -

    Plus all the others we know of and are documented.

    Since the legalisation of abortion in 1967, more than 7 million British babies have been aborted.
    The hidden holocaust!

    Satanic filth! Expose them all!

  4. Dr Stammers is a long-term campaigner associated with Family and Youth Concern. This group puts out a regular informative bulletin that repeatedly exposes the institutionalised family-wreckers in the MSM, 'old gang' parties and education.

  5. off topic..I really had to laugh..


    ""It will be primarily an air attack with covert work to start a 'velvet' revolution so [the] Iranian people can take back their country," said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a former fighter pilot."

    Sure, when a foreign nation is dropping bombs on your head, killing your people you're really gonna rise up against your government. Hitler had the same idea when he ordered the bombing of British cities, backfired on him.

    Where the fuck do these General's go to school?

  6. The disclosure prompted warnings that Britain was “facilitating the sexualisation of young people at an every younger age”.


  7. Docs are bound by a duty of confidentiality towards children unless they suspect abuse? Abuse should automatically be suspected if she's not at legal age. Whatever the case, School health workers are forbidden to give a students Tylenol for a headache (without permission from parents) but could offer condoms without permission in NY. Does that make sense?

  8. Is not the sxualisation of children on of the key tenets of the Frankfurt School subversion technique?
    People who give the pill to children are aiding and abetting rape and should be in prison.
    But what about this for sick....

  9. Perhaps some of these children are being prescribed the pill for other reasons? Lihe heavy/painful periods? Bad acne? There are other reasons to take the pill than contraception.

    Also, everyone who has sex with a child should be jailed whatever their age? You are seriously proposing jailing two 14 year olds for sleeping with each other, for example?

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Perhaps some of these children are being prescribed the pill for other reasons? Lihe heavy/painful periods? Bad acne? There are other reasons to take the pill than contraception.

    Also, everyone who has sex with a child should be jailed whatever their age? You are seriously proposing jailing two 14 year olds for sleeping with each other, for example?

    4 August 2010 01:01

    as a woman, who has gone through and experienced periods acne etc, there is NO way the pill is prescribed foe these conditions at this age, obviously there will be the few who do need them then, but its rare.
    The average age for starting your periods is 12 and they are not full blown for a few years.
    Acne rarely affects before 13.
    So, this is not a arguable case.
