Saturday 14 August 2010

The Only Word Is Delusional

I honestly believe Griffin is delusional.

I just read this statement from the AC meeting report ;

" The core of the problem was identified as a matter of the party growing faster than our systems could cope. "

Now read it again ;

" The core of the problem was identified as a matter of the party growing faster than our systems could cope. "

So the problem is not ;

Allegations of sexual assault
Abuse of power and position
Unlawful suspension of activists
Threats of violcence
Gross Misconduct
Bringing the party into direpute.


The problem is ;

" The core of the problem was identified as a matter of the party growing faster than our systems could cope. "

The man is delusional.

There can be no other explanation.

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  2. moreover - isnt their "industry expert" alleged to have impooirted these systems???

    SO he is admitting that Dowson and his sytems have FAILED

    he has spent a LOT of money on a man whose systems have failed [not to mention alleged sexual misconduct, illegal phone and internet threats etc.]

    The sweary reverend is a massive WASTE OF MONEY as the bnp goes to the creditors [allegedly].

    I'd like your assessment as a recent 'insider' Lee.

  3. We see also that the BNP is to roll out yet another anti-war campaign, rather than recognise, cultivate and radicalise the already extant anti-war concensus.
    Neither has the BNP publicly exposed the agenda of the liblabcon, or named and outed those involved, so that the public knows its enemies and sides with the BNP.
    The UAF is an open goal, yet the BNP has never really done the deed.
    Instead, Griffin will most likely hire a 1940's decollage and take up smoking cigars. Or even a Napoleon outfit or that of a Japanese Admiral or a designer copy of Bonnie Greers trouser suit.

  4. It gets better he blamed money problems on regions and local groups. When we all know it him and Dowson thats the problem. David Hannam will still be national treasurer!!


    Poor renewal rate down to local branches not staying in touch.
    Nothing to do with endless begging letters then!!

  5. This is so pointless.

    How are these posts helping at all?

  6. Quoting Simon Bennet "The reason the BNP is now collapsing.
    From the first moment I laid eyes on the Jim Dowson inspired "RAPID GROWTH" fund raising appeal, it confirmed for me beyond doubt that my fears were correct. The man was a complete moron, hopeless businessman and a total fraud.

    Anyone with an iota of real business experience knows that rapid growth to small business is the kiss of death. Growing too fast means that when income slows or stops altogether you are completely unable to pay for the infrastructure you have built and the staff you have taken on.

    What follows almost always results in collapse. "

  7. Do you really think so little of us that we've somehow forgotten just how long you were part of the gravy-train?
    Bitter and a touch pathetic.
    Get a life....and a job, son.
