Saturday 4 September 2010

Green Arrows Latest Video

Image - Paul Morris aka Green Arrow. Kinda creepy looking aint he !

It appears the Walter Mitty fake SAS soldier, Green Arrow, has released a video which features yours truly in it and which calls me a 'traitor'.

Link here ;

I am proud to be called a traitor by a man whose only contribution to the British Nationalist struggle is to talk shite on a crap website.

Treason to Griffin and his cabal of crooks, thugs, perverts and halfwits, is loyalty to the BNP, BNP members and to British Nationalism.

Paul Morris was personally asked by Nick Griffin to publish the names and addresses of those who nominated anyone other than Griffin in the recent leadership challenge.

This threat was made by Morris in order to terrify BNP members into only supporting Griffin and to let them know that if they dared defy Griffin their names and addresses would be given to the reds and AFA and Islamists so they could be attacked and targeted for attacks in their own homes.

That is the action of a foul and poisonous piece of scum, and an action sanctioned by Griffin personally.

If you defy Griffin then he will set the UAF, AFA, Reds and Islamists onto you by publishing your name and address on the internet so the enemies of the BNP can find and target you for attacks.

Griffin will not only set BNP security onto you if you defy him, he will also set the Reds onto you.

That is how much of a British Nationalist and loyal BNP member Paul Morris is, he threatened to do exactly the same as Matt Single did.

Thats how much Griffin cares about BNP members, he would throw them to the reds the moment they dared do anything that he did not like.

With leaders and BNP members like that, we dont need enemies.

Unlike Matt Single and Paul Morris though, I actually assisted hundreds of BNP members who came to me for help and who had been attacked, their homes attacked, who had lost their jobs and were being abused, hounded and victimised.

Unlike Morris, those people, and all the other people in the BNP who I have helped over the years, which probably numbers in the thousands - they all know I am not a traitor.

They do know though, that anyone calling me a traitor is probably a traitor, for the true traitor condemns only those who are truly loyal.

That is what all traitors have done throughout history.

The traitor must subvert the truth and defame the most loyal - for only by undermining the truly loyal can the traitor take power in any organisation or political party.

Therefore to be called a traitor by traitors, is the greatest validation one can have.

Thank you for calling me a traitor.

I wear that badge with pride, for my 'treason' is true loyalty - whilst your pseudo-'loyalty' is nothing more than foul treachery.

P. S Thanks for the tip off - no hard feelings mate, but what this should do is open your eyes up to the true nature of the people you are dealing with and helping.

Those who call me a traitor, in reality only expose themselves.

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  1. Just read this on a blog. Thought you may interested in one of Griffins minions is defending Dowson and claiming that the young 17 yr old is lieing and that she and her boyfriend are trying to blackmail money of griffin. He says he has been told, yeah right.
    The minion in question is Kevin Clarke NW secretary and one of scumbag Jeffersons mates. The way they blindly believe Griffin is sick. This is a 17 yr old girl in question. Fucking scumbags.

  2. They are filth mate.

    Take a look at this blog site on sunday night at 8 pm - a very interesting story is going to be released ;

  3. Thanks for that link Lee

  4. If N Griffin can be proved to have asked P Morris to make public the names of members who nominated E Butler for a leadership challenge is this not a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act ? An incitement or enticement to break the law ?
    If you have proof can you publish it ?
    Best Wishes
    Ex Sub Regional Organiser

  5. No problem.

    Now you can see the scum that griffin is and the scum he works with.

    The more people that see it, the more people will realise the true nature of the BNP under Griffin.

  6. So that's what that freak looks like lol

  7. Green Arrows website is MASSIVELY more popular than yours Lee, stones and greenhouses!

    Now if you are correct and everyone else is wrong then I expect you to be a major player in a new party that will quickly eclipse the BNP.

    trying to bring down the democratic leader of a party is the recepie for destruction of everything.

    So where is your new party Lee that will do everything right and eclipse the BNP?

    What are you waiting for?

    The BNP just had an election and said for now Nick is leader, if you don't like Nicks democratic mandate then move on.

  8. Griffin ate my hamster by Lee Barnes4 September 2010 at 16:43

    Anonymous said...
    If N Griffin can be proved to have asked P Morris to make public the names of members who nominated E Butler for a leadership challenge is this not a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act ? An incitement or enticement to break the law ?
    If you have proof can you publish it ?
    Best Wishes
    Ex Sub Regional Organiser

    4 September 2010 14:55

    There is no proof, as you can see by Lees reply and his attempt to not publish anything that asks him some simple questions.

    so Lee, this is the latest claim this week - WHERE IS THE PROOF?

  9. When has Morris ever claimed to be ex SAS? Hasn't he always stated he was in the navy?

  10. Lee , that green arrow is a ringer for Roger Whittaker minus the facial hair.Did he do the last farewell for Griffo by any chance?

  11. 1)This is a BLOG, not a website dickhead.

    2) I am sure the griffinites all love to visit morris's site, hence its popularity. A dead horse is always popular with maggots.

    3) Wait until the first legal cases go to court and morris is called to testify in court, if he refuses that is contempt and if he lies that is perjury.

    We shall see the truth then.

    But the fact remains ;

    1) Morris threatened to publish the names and addresses of nationalists on his blog so the reds would attack BNP members

    2) As a reward Griffin allowed him to give the keynote speech at the indigenous forum, thereby rewarding a man who threatened to put the names and addresses of BNP members on the internet - which reveals much about Griffin and Morris and how much the rights of BNP members mean to both of them.

    3) Morris pretended to be ex-SAS on stormfront

    Now fuck off you boring, idiotic green arrowtards.

  12. Staying in the BNP does not mean that I agree with everything being do.

    But I could never support a break away group represented by the likes of Simon Bennett and Mark Collet.

    At the moment, the BNP is a house hold name that must stay strong and avoid the negative press. Paul Morris only brings the party down with his smears and counter smears.

    Lee, you should not be responding to petty articles, but you should be aware that those who support the party do not want to be insulted by the likes of the above 2 names.

  13. "At the moment, the BNP is a house hold name that must stay strong and avoid the negative press"

    A "household name"?

    "Negative press"?

    The BNP IS negative press to your average British household.

    As for Morris claiming to be ex SAS, it would be easy to dig up his service records, i'm sure they are available as public records?

  14. Interesting (or at least I find it so)that there is a visitor tracker on the blue arrow blog which traces your ip address.
    I didn't like that much, I have to say.Way down the bottom.
