Tuesday 19 October 2010

Shut Hospitals - fund PC Propaganda

Under the British Freedom Party government, all these funding groups would be shut down, their property seized, sold and the money used to fund decent care homes for old people and jobs for British workers.

The money given to these groups will be recouped from the individual spongers given it.


The Arts & Humanities Research Council has awarded £495,643 to a two and a half year Open University project examining the roots of black jazz in the UK and its impact on British culture.

The project, titled What Is Black British Jazz? Routes, Ownership and Performance, has the backing of some of Britain's most dynamic and innovative black jazz musicians, including Gary Crosby, a founder member of the pioneering group The Jazz Warriors, and the acclaimed composer, pianist and broadcaster Julian Joseph.

It aims to examine "black British jazz in the light of its complex history of migration, political economy, recordings and performances" and explore "the cultural significance of jazz made by black British musicians".

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1 comment:

  1. I reckon, if our healthcare system worked as it should, half our hospital beds would be empty, hospitals could close their top floors, or rend them out as office space.

    No it's not a Porn site, lots of good info on physical and mental health.

