Sunday 28 November 2010


Deport convicted foreigners, say Swiss in early referendum results

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:39 PM on 28th November 2010

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Preliminary results show the majority of Swiss voters are in favour of foreign criminal deportation

Preliminary results show the majority of Swiss voters are in favour of foreign criminal deportation

Foreign convicted criminals should be deported from Switzerland, early results of a referendum have revealed.

Figures released on national television showed 53 per cent of voters are in favour of a proposal to automatically deport immigrants convicted of serious crimes such as murder, rape and trafficking drugs and people.

The initiative - put forward by Switzerland's right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP) - is the latest indication of an increasing hostility towards immigration.

Last year the Swiss backed a ban on construction of new minarets, drawing international condemnation.

At present, non-nationals are deported on a case-by-case basis.

Foreigners make up more than one fifth of Switzerland's 7.7m population and a disproportionate number are convicted criminals, officials have revealed.

The SVP has been campaigning for towards their proposal being passed with posters showing a group of white sheep kicking a black sheep off the Swiss flag.
Toni Brunner leader of right-wing party SVP campaigned for the referendum

Toni Brunner leader of right-wing party SVP campaigned for the referendum

They were first displayed when the SVP began collecting signatures for the referendum.

However, there are a proportion of the population fighting against the proposal.

A native of Lebanon who recently received a Swiss passport said: 'We're not all criminals.'

Last year the Swiss backed a ban on construction of new minarets, drawing international condemnation.

In the same referendum, 58 percent of voters also vetoed a second proposal that would have imposed a minimum state tax on the very rich, the preliminary figures showed.

Currently tax rates vary among cantons, yet they remain low compared to elsewhere in Europe.

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    Who are these people! I think we know.

  2. What the hell is wrong with the Swiss?
    Why don't they want to be robbed, raped, shot, mugged, stabbed, defrauded, blown up, or live in fear, or have their kids drugged, raped and pimped.
    Damned "racists" and "xenophobes".

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
