Friday 12 November 2010

Labour Nonce Supporter and Scum Judges

12 months.

12 months for raping children.

One day the judges that pass these sentences must be held to account.

A BUSINESSMAN who groomed teenage girls to get his sexual kicks has been jailed for 12 months. Gulam Bobat, 64, of Princess Street, Batley, targeted vulnerable girls aged 13 to 15 over a three-year period.

Hardware store owner Bobat, who has property in Dewsbury town centre, plied the girls with cannabis, cigarettes and alcohol. It is thought he gave one girl £6,000. On Friday Bobat, a grandfather, admitted six counts of sexual assault and one of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. He was locked up for 12 months.

He became notorious in West Leeds where he enticed vulnerable girls into his car. Mr Askins told how Bobat took one of his victims and her friends to McDonald’s before giving them cannabis. He would also phone girls and ask them to meet him.

A girl of 13, who he gave the cannabis to, became addicted and had a mental breakdown. When he was arrested police found him in possession of seven mobile phone sim cards.

Before he was sentenced the Recorder of Leeds, Judge Peter Collier, was shown letters by Batley and Spen Labour MP Mike Wood, Leeds North West Lib Dem MP Greg Mulholland and his local imam.

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1 comment:

  1. And what about the white british 85 year old kiddy fiddlers living in Thailand? You don't mention them Barnsey...wonder why? fooking snow niggers!
