Sunday 26 December 2010

Bop It Extreme 2 High Score

Just been playing Bop It Extreme 2 and when I reached a score of 160 the machine stopped the game.

Is that the highest score you can get on the British version when you play solo ?

Anyone beaten that score ?

The American sites say that you can get to 250, but the game stopped when I hit 160 - anyone know why ?

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  1. You need to get out more

  2. Your just jealous as you are shite at the game.

  3. only because I get out more

  4. Thats no excuse.

    The day you get over 100 is the day you can come on this blog and give it large.

    When you get 160 - then you get my respect.

  5. Does 15 count?


  6. lmao, Lee use the force :O)

    The only ingrediant anyone ever needs is to envoke is passion ..

    You must want to win, like you need food to survive or air to breath.

    Give me a fever, I will find you a cure !!

    Sorry mate, throw it away and get back to what you are best at ;o)
