Monday 24 January 2011


BRITAIN’S youngest mum fell pregnant at 12 after being passed around an Asian sex gang.

The five-strong mob, made up largely of Pakistani taxi drivers, blitzed the schoolgirl with gifts including phones and sweets.


And after plying her with booze they took it in turns to have sex with her in a car park on “numerous occasions”.

The nation was stunned when the girl fell pregnant and became Britain’s youngest mum in 2002.

Police vowed to hunt the dad and prosecute him for statutory rape. But they were stunned when the girl revealed she had been having sex with five men and did not know who was the father.

Officers soon uncovered she had been lured into underage sex by the mob, but rather than highlight the problem the authorities decided to “brush it under the carpet”, a whistleblower said.

None of the gang was prosecuted and the girl was taken into care. She was Britain’s youngest mum at the time but that record has since been broken.

An injunction bans identifying anyone involved to protect the girl’s identity. The girl, from South Yorkshire, moved away and brought up her daughter with the help of her mum.

The case supports ex-Home Secretary Jack Straw’s claim that Pakistani sex gangs have been preying on white girls for years.

An official involved in the case contacted the Daily Star after reading our exposés of Asian sex gangs.

They said: “It was one of the most horrifying examples of the way these gangs operate. The tragedy was she didn’t even know she had been effectively raped by these men time and again.

“She said they were all her boyfriends and had given her mobile phones, sweets, and drinks.

“She was ever such a sweet girl really and very, very pretty. But starved of affection in her own home she looked to these men for comfort.

“They knew that if they befriended her and were nice to her she would respond.

“Afterwards she was moved away to bring up the youngster and the men involved all just seemed to vanish.

“Political correctness dictated issues like this just could not be discussed. It was brushed under the carpet.”

In another case last year, five Asian men were jailed for a total of 32-and-a-half years after being convicted of sexually abusing three girls.

Nine members of a similar gang were also jailed for 41 years.

And yesterday we revealed Rochdale’s child services chief is to meet ethnic leaders in a bid to drive Asian sex gangs out of the Lancashire town.

Police have smashed four sex gangs in the town in the past three years.

So far 16 fiends, mainly British-born Pakistanis, have been jailed for putting three white schoolgirls as young as 14 through group sex ordeals.

Nine more Asians are currently on police bail after being arrested following claims by 14 girls aged 13 to 17 they were forced into sex.

Seven other police forces are currently conducting operations to tackle the problem.

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  1. Hate to say it, but only when we have several further terrorist attacks will people start to wake up.

    The only way to revive Nationalism is for us "all" to realise we are under direct attack.

  2. Wake up people...

    How long will people put up with this for?

    Would our forefathers have allowed this?

    I think not.

  3. Re: "She was ever such a sweet girl really and very, very pretty. But starved of affection in her own home she looked to these men for comfort."

    This is effectively what happened to Jacob's daughter Dinah in Genesis 34. Hivites were dark-skinned, Dinah, being an Israelite, was light-skinned.

    The rest of Genesis 34 is about the girl's brothers taking matters into their own hands, which example is not to be followed. However, in spite of Jacob being petrified of reprisals, the Hivites' allies never did retaliate against the Israelites.

    They clearly witnessed the thrashing that the Hivites got and kept their heads down from then on. No further incidents are recorded in Genesis of Israelite women or girls being "defiled" by dark-skinned or foreign men. This does happen, regrettably when the nation of Israel undergoes foreign invasion later in its history as recorded in the Books of Judges, 1st and 2nd Kings and Chronicles but all that was for disobedience to God's laws as delivered to Moses.

    There are some lessons in there for present-day Britain, I think.

  4. Women truly aren't safe anywhere in this world.

  5. extant said...
    Hate to say it, but only when we have several further terrorist attacks will people start to wake up.

    The only way to revive Nationalism is for us "all" to realise we are under direct attack.

    24 January 2011 16:04

    you will never revive it as your own words show it is already doomed if you think that is the solution, the only way to revive it which i believe is now far to late is to expose the truth, the whole truth regardless of the taboos involved, without that you have nothing and currently you have nothing.

    you are chasing a rainbow, created by those that wish you to never reach the end.
