Wednesday 19 January 2011

One Honest Man Amongst an Army Of Cowards and Liars

So there is one honest man amongst the shower of shit that run this pathetic politically correct country.

BRITAIN’S chief social worker yesterday backed the Daily Star’s exposure of Asian sex gangs.

Hilton Dawson, head of the British Association of Social Workers, warned children’s safety must not be put at risk by political correctness.

The former MP said the problem of mobs of British-born Pakistanis targeting schoolgirls for sexual abuse had been “under-reported”.


Mr Dawson praised ex-Home Secretary Jack Straw for speaking out about gangs who prey on white girls they see as “easy meat”.

And he backed a demand from charity Barnado’s for a Government minister to be appointed to probe the problem.

Mr Dawson, whose group represents 13,000 social workers, said: “There is certainly evidence that people from that particular south Asian background have been involved in a number of incidents.

“We must get away from worrying about the political correctness here.

“We must focus on protecting children.”

Mr Dawson spoke out after we revealed how a nine-strong gang of Asians were jailed for 40 years for abusing girls as young as 12 in Derby.

They plied the girls with vodka and cocaine and forced them into sex with groups of men.

Five British-born Pakistani Muslims from Rotherham, South Yorks, had earlier been jailed for targeting girls aged 13 to 16.

A Daily Star probe revealed there have been 17 prosecutions since 1997 involving on-street grooming of girls by gangs.

Out of 56 convictions, 53 were Asian and the remaining three were white.

Mr Dawson said: “This affects every community. Every parent needs to be aware of the dangers.’’

He said the mobs were “often very ordinary men’’ who had made “grossly immoral and disgraceful decisions’’.

His comments fly in the face of Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary’s bid to blame the evils of British culture.

As we revealed yesterday, the radical cleric insists the rape mobs have been corrupted by the vices of western society.

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