Saturday 15 January 2011

One Law for them, One for Us.

This says it all really.

Instead of them learning English when they live in Britain, instead they get away with crimes and do not get prosecuted.

This country is mad.

Ethnicity - Positive

The Fixed Penalty Notice (ticket issued by the patrollers) is only available in English. It would not be cost effective for patrollers to carry the ticket in different languages in case they needed to issue to a non English speaking member of the community.

FPNs are issued by patrollers but do occasionally meet language barriers due to the multi cultural community Tameside enjoys. On the odd occasion that this has occurred there has normally been an English speaking family member or friend to translate to the offender. This assessment has revealed that there would be a problem if there was no one available to interpret, if this was the case the FPN would not be issued due to the patroller not being able to obtain name and address details and to explain what the FPN was for.

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