Monday 14 March 2011

Interview on the British Resistance Site This Saturday

I will be in The British Resistance Site paltalk room this saturday night at 8 PM.

As part of this interview with Mr. Paul Morris I will be detailing where the British Nationalist movement needs to go now that the BNP has descended into a pitiful farce, the ideology of Cultural Nationalism and also how we need to create a whole new dynamic in British Nationalism based on the ideas and activities of continental social, cultural and political movements.

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  1. Should be interesting.

    Will you remember it's a G rated room though Lee ?

    Someone's bound to upset you and set you off on rant, outcome, red dotted then bounced.

    I'm taking bets on how many minutes you will last lol.

  2. You have the wrong idea about me mate, I am a pacifist and bad people tell lies about me.

    I am a pussycat really.

  3. Your not a real pacifist mate, your fire is always burning, you just need slight direction like a wirlwind does ;o)

    A Militant Muslim say that about me not so long ago, I thought if only he knew , tehe :O)

  4. This is fantastic news. You leaders have to start talking and putting your differences aside.

  5. Please do not bring up any stuff about Ionispheres or American experiments or tsunamis. People will just laugh at you.
    I always thought your contributions to the BNP web site were very good. I printed out 'Theft of public space' all that time ago, must reread it.
