Monday 7 March 2011

SAS given boot from Libya

Good for the rebels - they know that Britain is run by treacherous New World Order run corrupt scum.

The fact the rebels kicked the British diplomat and his SAS bodyguard out of the country shows us that they know the score about Britain.

The idea Libyans will allow Britain to once again control its oil, is one held only by the maniacs in the Lib-Con government, the delusional maniacs in MI6, David 'Bilderberger' Cameron, William 'Mekon' Hague and the civil service morons in the Foreign Office.

The Libyan revolution will fail.

Gaddafi will keep power, and will then turn Libya into another global trraining camp for anti-western terrorists.

If the rebels win then Libya will become another terrorist training camp run by Al Qaeda and the CIA.

What happens in Libya is none of Britains business.

Keep Britain out of foreign wars and foreigners out of Britain.;_ylt=Am0TH_Qa.OopLUIRtgxnBmALewgF;_ylu=X3oDMTMyNG1zY2I4BGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDExMDMwNy9saWJ5YXBvbGl0aWNzdW5yZXN0YnJpdGFpbgRwb3MDMzUEc2VjA3luX3BhZ2luYXRlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDYnJpdGlzaHRlYW1s

British team leaves Libya after 'difficulties': minister

.. AFP – Libyan rebel fighters man a check point in the outskirts of Ras Lanuf on March 6, 2011. Britain said … .– Sun Mar 6, 10:50 pm ET

LONDON (AFP) – Britain said a "small diplomatic team" had left the Libyan city of Benghazi after trying to contact opposition forces, as rebels there made it clear they had refused to talk to them.

"I can confirm that a small British diplomatic team has been in Benghazi," Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement on Sunday.

"The team went to Libya to initiate contacts with the opposition. They experienced difficulties, which have now been satisfactorily resolved. They have now left Libya."

Despite the botched mission, Hague promised to forge links with the rebels and echoed Prime Minister David Cameron's earlier demand for Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi to step down.

"We intend, in consultation with the opposition, to send a further team to strengthen our dialogue in due course," Hague said.

"We continue to press for Kadhafi to step down and we will work with the international community to support the legitimate ambitions of the Libyan people."

A defence ministry spokesman earlier reiterated the standing policy that it did not comment on operational matters relating to the special forces.

In Benghazi itself, a rebel spokesman said they had refused to talk to the delegation because they had entered the country without making any prior arrangements.

"We do not know the nature of their mission. We refused to discuss anything with them due to the way they entered the country," spokesman Abdul Hafiz Ghoqa told reporters in the rebel stronghold.

The Britons left Benghazi for Malta on board the Royal Navy frigate HMS Cumberland, Sky and BBC news reported.

While Hague had described the Britons as "a small diplomatic team" Ghoqa said: "One person claims he is a diplomat and he has some guards accompanying him.

"Eight persons were arrested and it turns out that they carried British passports. The reason that they were arrested is that they came into the country unofficially and without any previous arrangement."

The team had come into Libya by helicopter, landing in Suluk, a small town southwest of Benghazi, he said.

The Guardian newspaper Monday said the team comprised six SAS troops and two officials from the MI6 intelligence agency.

The delegation was captured near the al-Khadra Farm Company, 18 miles (30 kilometres) south-west of Benghazi, it said.

Britain's ambassador to Libya, Richard Northern, told a senior rebel leader that the incident had been a "misunderstanding," in a recording aired by Libyan state of what it described as a telephone conversation.

"They made a big mistake, coming with a helicopter in an open area," the rebel leader said in the recording, prompting Northern to say he "didn't know how they were coming."

The Sunday Times had reported that the uninvited appearance of the SAS alongside the diplomat "angered Libyan opposition figures who ordered the soldiers to be locked up in a military base".

Opponents of Kadhafi "fear he could use any evidence of Western military interference to rally patriotic support for his regime", the weekly broadsheet added.

A British source told the weekly that the diplomat they were protecting had wanted to make contact with the rebels ahead of a visit a more senior colleague.

British service personnel have already been involved in the rescue of British nationals working on oil installations in remote desert camps.

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  1. The SAS were actually taken prisoner by farmhands, young 19 year olds.

    Looks like BP is desperate to keep it's lucrative Libyan oil contracts

  2. "Diplomatic" team...LOL, heavily armed special forces with multiple passports, dressed in overalls, non military insignias, looks like a covert operation, agent provocateurs. Who really knew their true mission?

    If the rebels win they may nationalise the oil fields, and BP would be kicked out, the British Government doesn't want that.
