Monday 21 March 2011

SAS used as Terrorists

The use of the SAS in Libya is an act of terrorism.

The greatest army regiment in the world should not be used as a tool of the foreign policy of transient governments.

They are aiding AL QAEDA AGAIN !

The SAS trained the KLA in Serbia who killed and ethnically cleansed Christians from Kososo.

" On April 19, Canadian Member of Parliament David Price told reporters that 50 Canadian soldiers are working with the KLA in Kosovo to help report "where the bombs are falling" so they can better target "where the next bomb should go," UPI reported. Opposition to Canada's participation in the U.S. war on Yugoslavia is growing rapidly in that country.

Jane's Defense Weekly reported April 20: "Special forces involvement confirmed." The report said that that special units from Britain, the United States, France "and other NATO groups'' were working undercover in Kosovo.

The April 18 London Sunday Telegraph reported that SAS, a unit of the British special forces, is running two KLA training camps near Tirana, the Albanian capital. According to the Telegraph, the KLA units trained by SAS are infiltrating Kosovo, using satellite and cellular telephones to help guide NATO bombing missions. "

Note how the SAS had to later arrest the same KLA terrorists they trained for genocide ;

" SAS soldiers in Kosovo have seized a group of ethnic Albanians suspected of being involved in the mass killing of Serbs, it was confirmed yesterday.
Four of those detained are believed to have been identified as members of the Kosovo Protection Corps, which grew out of the Kosovo Liberation Army and is headed by the KLA's commander, Agim Ceku.

KLA members were trained by the SAS before it was disbanded after the Kosovan war, and the arrests are likely to embarrass Nato, the UN, and other international agencies trying to impose law and order in the Serbian province.

Members of 22 SAS Regiment trained in counter-terrorist warfare were sent to Kosovo last week at the request of the British commander in Kosovo, Brigadier Hamish Rollo, to spearhead a surveillance operation involving 3,000 British and Norwegian troops. "

This is a total disgrace.

SAS 'Smash' squads on the ground in Libya to mark targets for coalition jets
By Defence Correspondent
Last updated at 10:03 AM on 21st March 2011
Comments (77) Add to My Stories SAS teams are on the ground in Libya with orders to pinpoint and destroy Colonel Gaddafi’s weapons.

Dozens of the crack troops have been operating behind enemy lines to identify targets for bombing raids.

Highly-trained units, known as ‘Smash’ teams for their prowess and destructive ability, have carried out secret reconnaissance missions to provide up-to-date information on the Libyan armed forces.

Air strike: SAS units have carried out secret reconnaissance missions to provide up-to-date information on the Libyan armed forces
LOCKERBIE BOMBER 'TAKEN TO SAFETY' Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi has been moved out of his home in Tripoli.

The 58-year-old has been regarded as a hero since his release from jail in 2009.

A Libyan government source reportedly said: ‘We know targets are already being worked out by the West, and Brother al-Megrahi is certain to be high on the list.’

Yesterday police and armed soldiers were still visible around al-Megrahi’s home in the New Damascus district of Tripoli, but neighbours confirmed he had been moved.

‘The government does not want him here – it is too dangerous,’ said one. Al-Megrahi is the only man to have been convicted over the bombing, which killed all 259 passengers and crew on board the New York-bound Boeing 747 and 11 people in Lockerbie in December 1998.

He was released by the Scottish government on compassionate grounds when he was said to have just months to live with prostate cancer.

His longevity has been a source of embarrassment to the Scottish government since.

It is understood the soldiers have reported the location of airfields, supply routes, radar stations and Libya’s anti-aircraft defence batteries.

This intelligence was used by British defence chiefs to help RAF Tornado fighters and the Royal Navy’s submarine in the Mediterranean, HMS Triumph, deliver devastating strikes.

Combined with air and space reconnaissance, their undercover operations have bolstered the Coalition’s mission to destroy the tyrant’s air defence systems and impose a no-fly zone.

A senior defence source confirmed that there are special forces operating in Libya and that more could be sent.

More...Tragic story of British schoolgirl who fled Libya on military jet and returned to UK to discover Gaddafi's forces had killed her father

The source said: ‘What is ruled out? An invasion. What is not ruled out? Everything else.

‘You want to have men on the ground doing laser targeting and reconnaissance, gathering intelligence about the situation and updating the target list.

‘The other point is that if one of our planes gets shot down you have to send people in to get them out.’

The British soldiers are thought to have been on the ground for more than three weeks with Special Operations forces from other countries.

These troops on the ground use a process called ‘painting a target’ to pinpoint a site to be attacked. A laser beam from a portable device is bounced off a building or military installation from a few hundred yards.

These troops on the ground use a process called ‘painting a target’ to pinpoint a site to be attacked. A laser beam from a portable device is bounced off a building or military installation from a few hundred yards.

This is detected by the aircraft or a missile sensor, which then deploys the weapon.

The special forces have also been trying to discover the whereabouts of the Libyan army’s most potent anti-aircraft weapons.

Libya has more than 216 ground-to-air missiles, with the majority deployed around Tripoli.

Despite dating back to the 1980s, the Russian-made SA5A ‘Gammon’ long-range system can fire missiles between 150 and 200 miles, far enough to hit targets across the Mediterranean.

It is capable of shooting down commercial airliners, a chilling threat made by Gaddafi after the international community secured UN-backed military action to rein in the despot. If switched on, the system can be identified by warplanes with electronic counter-measures.

But Gaddafi is thought to have hidden the firepower to prevent its detection.

SAS soldiers are also hoping to find arms dumps containing some of Libya’s 400-plus SA-7 ‘Grail’ portable anti-aircraft surface-to-air missiles.

A Western intelligence briefing note warned that British jets carrying out bombing and strafing runs below 15,000ft were vulnerable to the weapons.

The danger posed to state-of-the-art warplanes by ageing missile launchers was highlighted in 1999 when a U.S. F-117 stealth bomber was brought down over Serbia.

The SAS units will be called on to help in case Western jets are shot down. They are also co-ordinating a search with rebel forces for British nationals in Libya.

Members of the Special Boat Service and the Special Reconnaissance Regiment are also operating behind enemy lines in Libya, special forces sources said.
Destroyed: An elderly rebel fighter gestures in front of a destroyed tank belonging to forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi after an air strike by coalition forces in Benghazi
CAN GADDAFI BRING DOWN AN AIRLINER? SECURITY CHIEFS WARN LIBYAN DESPOT MAY RESORT TO TERRORISM IN EUROPE Threats: David Cameron warns Colonel Gaddafi may seek to return to his former status as the world's foremost terrorist paymaster
Intelligence chiefs are monitoring Colonel Gaddafi’s claims that he wants to shoot down civilian airliners.

Security sources warn he may try to resort to terrorism in Europe, although they believe his ‘ambitions may outstrip his capabilities’ to strike.

David Cameron has warned Gaddafi will seek to return to his former status as the foremost terrorist paymaster in the world.

The dictator has threatened to target civilians in the West. But security officials think he has become isolated and lacks the ability to stage a major attack on the scale of the Lockerbie bombing in 1988, Britain’s worst terrorist atrocity.

From 2001, Gaddafi actually cracked down on Al Qaeda, leaving him with few allies among militant Islamist terrorists.

‘He doesn’t seem to have many friends,’ said one senior source. ‘If this was Iran we would be looking under every stone to find Hezbollah sympathisers and searching for sleeper cells. But Gaddafi’s capabilities seem to be significantly below that. There is not an endless list of people he can call.’

In the 1980s he funded attacks on aircraft and terrorist groups such as the IRA

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  1. Interesting.

  2. Interesting.

  3. Interesting.

  4. Lee, one only joins the SAS for the thrill, nothing more nothing less. It's not about country it's about guaranteed action. Rather like joining the French Foreign Legion. You dont give a crap when where and whom you kill or for what reason. I served in the HAC, we trained extensively with the SAS, 21 in particular. Many of them once leaving the SAS go and work for the highest bidder, again seeking the next big one, the next conflict. There's many in Sudan now, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, many working for the Saudis. Who do you think they are training? Boy scouts?
