Monday 14 March 2011

The Thai Model for New Nationalism

The Thai Model of New Theory, or National Self Sufficiency is one of the ways how we break from the globalist noose ;

Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy

It can be summarized that the target of the numerous royal-initiated projects is the development of “Man,” to be self-reliant.

One of His Majesty’s significant principles is that the development must be suitable to the geographical and social conditions. There must be proper promotion of knowledge and modern technology. The developments must be based on the principles of sustainable conservation and the development of natural resources.

His Majesty’s New Theory proposes guidelines for the proper management of limited natural resources to achieve optimum benefit. It has been estimated that Thai farming households, consisting of 4-5 members each, own approximately 15 rai (24,000 square metres) of land per household. The New Theory thus divides the land into four parts; thirty percent for digging a pond to collect water to be used for cultivation in the dry season, and to raise fish as well; thirty percent for rice cultivation sufficient for all year round home consumption; thirty percent for integrated field and garden crops, and fruits; and ten percent for housing and constructions for other activities such as livestock enclosures, mushroom nursery, and roads.

When the New Theory is carried out, in the first year the farmers will have all the food they need for consumption. They are basically self-reliant concerning food and also have work to do all year round. When successful, some farmers will follow the second phase of the New Theory by forming groups to sell their surplus, thereby initiating production, marketing, and social grouping, resulting in a cooperative. This leads to the third phase of the New Theory which involves an expansion of operation to facili tate a higher level of business dealing, requiring funding from outside sources such as banks or private companies to set up funds to carry out activities for further benefit.

In developing the country, His Majesty has adhered to the natural principle, in which people employ natural resources available in each locality. The results are very satisfactory, for example, growing vetiver grass to prevent the erosion of top soil, as well as to conserve soil and water; improving deteriorated soil for natural farming; refores tation without planting; building check dams in the forests to conserve watershed areas; and using water hyacinth to solve the problem of polluted water. The simple operations of these projects have resulted in the balance of the entire ecological system, and led to sustainable development. The Royal Development Study Centres and various other projects have therefore been visited not only by practitioners but also by heads of s tate, prime ministers, as well as leaders of many countries. Eminent visitors include Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, of the United Kingdom, Their Majesties King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Sylvia of Sweden, His Excellency Nuhak Phumsawan, President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and President Gloria Arroyo of the Republic of the Philippines.

In 2005 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Royal Development Project Board jointly organized the Ministerial Conference on Alternative Development: Sufficiency Economy, attended by 19 ministers from countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. As a means to offer sustainable agricultural assistance, His Majesty’s philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and the New Theory for agriculture have been used as guidelines in providing assistance in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. The United Nations agreed that the work of the royal-initiated projects is most suitable in the development of countries in dire need of assistance.

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