Sunday 3 April 2011

A nice news story to start the day

Aaaah, a nice news story to start the day.

NIGHT Stalker Delroy Grant has been given a beating in jail – and has been warned he is on a death list.

Sex attacker Delory Grant was targeted as he walked around the exercise yard at Belmarsh high security prison.

A lag waited until he was on his own and threw a flurry of punches before guards could react.

Grant, 53, suffered bruising to his face after the beating at the category A jail, in South-East London.

The former cabbie has also been warned a well-known thug at the jail has put him on a “death list”.

Grant was given four life sentences for an horrific campaign of rapes and burglaries on elderly women and men in a 17-year reign of terror across South-East London.

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  1. We seem to have degenerated to the point where convicted felons have a better sense of right and wrong than law makers and enforcers.

  2. A brilliant point Alan.

    Who would have thought that prisoners would be more moral than judges.

    Lets hope they get the job done properly next time.

  3. More Moral than Judges, if only people knew what we do !
