Saturday 2 July 2011

British Freedom Party Liverpool Meeting

I spoke at the British Freedom meeting in Liverpool last night.

Around 25 people attended the meeting.

I gave a speech which was video recorded and will be uploaded on the Freedom Party website and Peter Staffords Youtube account sometime tonight I believe.

The speech was called The Convergence Of Catastrophies and focused on the various dynamics afflicting Globalism.

I hadnt spoke at a political meeting for a couple of years and enjoyed doing so.

I will be speaking at more meeting over the next few months and will let you know when and where so you can attend.

Thanks to Peter Stafford and the landlady of the pub.

I really enjoyed the hospitality and friendliness of the Liverpool people and also enjoyed Liverpool as a city and its architecture and vibe.

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  1. British Patriots Society march London August 20th, google it mate, all welcome

  2. Thanks mate - I will check it out and I may attend.



  3. Excellent speech comrade, I especially enjoyed the last 30 seconds. Brilliant.
