Tuesday 12 July 2011

Daily Star Censors Islamist Colonist Threat

This was an article in the Daily Star today - the story has now been censored and pulled.

The Islamist colonists are being protected by the media.


HARDCORE Islamists have vowed to ban booze and mixing between the sexes in new Sharia law enforcement zones across the UK.

The move will see specific areas flooded with thousands of stickers saying “no gambling”, “no music or concerts”, “no porn or prostitution” and “no drugs or smoking”.

The posters declare: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.”

The radicals will kick off their controlled zones in the London borough of Waltham Forest later this month.

They also claim their hardline rules will be policed by thousands of “Sharia cops” on the streets.

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1 comment:

  1. Here it goes, Britain is Serbia, London is Kosovo.

    Ps, there are serious racial riots in Ireland..
