Wednesday 6 July 2011

Griffin, the Reds and Andrew Brons

True to form the Griffinite attack dogs, the Searchlight operatives, the UAF supporters and assorted anti-nationalists are all working to keep Griffin in charge of the moribund, dying, pathetic remnants of the BNP.

The Red-Griffin Alliance is based on the fact that the reds are desperate to keep Griffin in charge of the BNP.

The last thing the reds want is for a decent, honourable and most important an ELECTABLE leader of the BNP to come along and takes the party from the gutter where it is now, filled with some of the most vile vermin and filth of nationalism, to power.

The BNP under Griffin is a pustule on the face of British politics.

The BNP has become a rump of sad, poisonous, evil verminous filth whose deeds and attacks on Andrew Brons on sites like VNN Forum and The British Democracy Forum demean not just British Nationalism, but our people and nation.

Under Griffin the BNP has become an embarrasment to the nationalist cause, our country and our democracy.

This is why the Red-Griffin Alliance are so desperate to keep Griffin in charge of the BNP, as they know that as long as Griffin remains in charge and running the party for his own financial benefit and for the financial benefit of his cabal of crooks, perverts and lick spittles - that British Nationalism will remain a marginalised and despised movement.

The last thing the Reds want is for Andrew Brons to replace Griffin - as they know that Andrew Brons can take the BNP out of the Griffinite sewers and into the mainstream.

Hence why the long term red agents, internal plants, enemies with various sock puppet names and other low lifes are all attacxking Andrew Brons all over the internet.

There are many decent people in the BNP.

If they do not vote for Brons, then they are the moronic lackeys of the corrupt elite and deserve nothing but contempt.

If Griffins is re-elected, and if they stay in the party, then they are all gutless cowards who deserve zero respect from anyone, especialy British Nationalists.

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  1. Does make me wonder Lee before i quit a few years ago.Simon Darby is still talking about how the grass is so green when the the dogs have laid turds all over it !

  2. Does make me wonder Lee before i quit a few years ago.Simon Darby is still talking about how the grass is so green when the the dogs have laid turds all over it !
