Tuesday 19 July 2011

Met Police on Murdoch Payroll


Giving evidence to the Commons Home Affairs Committee, Sir Paul said that former News International employees and interns accounted for almost a quarter of the DPA's staff of 45.

''I understand that there are ten members of the DPA staff who have worked in News International in the past, in some cases journalists, in some cases undertaking work experience with the organisation,'' he said.

Sir Paul spoke of his "personally painful" decision to resign in the light of the Metropolitan Police's links to former News of the World deputy editor Neil Wallis.

In a final statement to the committee, he said: "Contrary to much ill-informed media speculation, I'm not leaving because I was pushed, I'm not leaving because I have anything to fear or threatened, I'm not leaving because of any lack of support from the Mayor (Boris Johnson), the Prime Minister (David Cameron) or indeed the Home Secretary (Theresa May).

"And until the point of informing them of my resignation, their support was very strong and afterwards their comments most generous.

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"It's about making decisions that put your organisation, your mission and the people you lead first. It's about doing things that will make them proud of the leaders and that's much different from being popular with them.

"It's about making decisions that may be difficult and personally painful. And that's leadership and that's why I'm going."

Sir Paul said there had been "huge events, regrettable events" and he spoke of his "sincere regret" that Assistant Commissioner John Yates had also chosen to resign.

"I think the work he has done, particularly in counter-terrorism in this country, has been splendid and I think will be poorer for his passing, frankly," he said.

"However, the Met will recover, the Met has over 50-odd thousand people, the large majority of whom are decent, honest, hard-working professionals."

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