Saturday 2 July 2011

Zionist Whore Greek Banker State

Now we know what the take over of the Greek nation means, its surrender to the power of global capitalism and the Zionists.

The Greek nation is now a nation of debtors and zionist whores abasing themselves before the US and Israel.

American activists took to Twitter on Friday to say they were intercepted by the Greek coast guard just moments after they left Perama port near Athens, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Greece's Civil Protection Ministry said on Friday that the coast guard had been ordered to take “all appropriate measures” to bar Gaza-bound Greek and international ships from leaving Greece's ports.

The ban comes as organizers of the humanitarian aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip say the Tel Aviv regime is making Greece halt the convoy.

They complain that Greece is throwing up “administrative obstacles” for the activists in response to pressure from Israel, the Associated Press reported on Monday.

“We call on the Greek government to let us sail,” Ann Wright said.

The flotilla members also say Israel has attempted to stop them by sabotaging the convoy. They said a joint Greek, Swedish and Norwegian boat was found sabotaged with serious damage to its propeller, a Press TV correspondent reported on Tuesday.

The flotilla activists suspect that Israeli agents were responsible for the damage.

Greece has recently increased relations with Israel, and the two countries are currently holding preliminary talks on potential energy deals. Greece's cash-strapped government has also explored venues to acquire more overseas investment, possibly from Israel, to offset its financial crisis.

Israel's security cabinet has ordered the navy to use all possible means to prevent the incoming international aid flotilla from reaching the Gaza Strip.

Some 1.5 million people in Gaza are being denied their basic rights, including the freedom of movement and the right to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

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  1. The EU/IMF Pawn Shop -

    "As the EU and IMF will have to agree every three months to release further Greek bail-out money, investors are braced for heightened volatility at the
    end of each quarter."

  2. Greece has recently increased relations with Israel, and the two countries are currently holding preliminary talks on potential energy deals

    Just like a Jew state- sell off something they get for free- fought for by the Goyim nations blood- sent by ZOG!

    With the criminal invasion of Iraq by their alcoholic thug, GW Bush, the oil price may never drop again in our lifetime. All of Bush's lies for the reasons to invade a non-threatening country have been forgotten. The bottom line for Iraq is: Iraqi oil will stay in the ground as agreed by the majors after Versailles. Iraqi oil production must be slowed. Bush's criminal invasion has seen to that. Except oil for Israel, which the Israelis appear to be getting for free, reportedly being pumped directly from Iraq into Haifa by a new pipeline. Bush's war has raised the price of our gas by over a dollar, with constant threats that it might go as high as six dollars per gallon. With Ben Shalom Bernanke in charge of counterfeiting - why not?
