Thursday 8 September 2011

The Damned Judges Again.

A MAN with a “wholly inappropriate”

attitude to young girls had an open house for teenagers to stay, a court heard.

Mehul Patel, aged 26, abducted teenagers and also asked a 13-yearold girl for sex.

But after admitting the offences yesterday, Patel was told by a judge he is likely to escape jail in favour of a course to help him change his attitude.

Patel, formerly of Claremont Court, Halliwell, pleaded guilty to two charges of abducting two teenage girls without lawful authority.

He also admitted causing or inciting a 13-year-old to engage in sexual activity by sending her a text message asking for sex.

A further charge of inciting a teenage girl, which involved him asking the teenager for a kiss, was left on file.

Bolton Crown Court heard he invited girls to stay at his home between December 31, 2010 and March 27 this year.

Patel, who has recently served a custodial sentence for a theft from his wife’s home in Eldon Street, Tonge Moor, was told he would be granted bail when an address is found for him.

Judge Steven Everett said: “The Northumbria Sex Offenders’ course may be what is needed for him to change his attitudes. If there was any suggestion that he had forced the girls or prevented them from leaving, the outcome would be different.

“The charges are not what the public might think of an abduction where you carry them away.”

Patel, who must sign the sex offenders’ register, will be sentenced next month.

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