Friday 14 October 2011

Swiss Peoples Party In Huge Poll Lead

The far-right Swiss People’s Party (SVP) could claim almost 30 percent of the votes in the October 23rd federal elections, a milestone that no other party has ever reached in the history of modern Switzerland, a new opinion poll has shown.

With less than 10 days to go before voting begins, the SVP's position is looking stronger than ever, according to a poll commissioned by Swiss public television network SSR.

The far-right party would get 29.3 percent of the votes, 1.3 percent more than a month ago when the previous poll was published.

Behind the SVP, the other main parties would lose support in comparison to the September poll. The Socialist Party would get 19.9 percent, compared to 20.5 percent then; while the Green Party would go from 9.5 percent to 9.3 percent.

Elsewhere, support for the liberal Free Democratic Party would fall from 15.6 to 15.2 percent, and the Christian Democratic Party would drop from 14.5 percent to 14.2 percent.

The centrist Green Liberal Party looks set to spring a surprise on election day, with the party showing a steady increase in surveys. According to Wednesday’s poll, it would get 4.9 percent of the votes – half a point more than a month ago, and almost double its share in the 2007 federal elections.

Meritxell Mir (

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