Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Zionist Takeover of The Tory Party

The motto of the Zionists 'If we cannot destroy you, we will buy you off'.

A millionaire hedge fund baron who bankrolled former Defence Secretary Liam Fox made a series of personal donations and gifts to a string of senior Cabinet Ministers, including the Prime Minister and Chancellor, it emerged last night.

Soldier turned banker Michael Hintze has given at least £1.2million to the Conservative Party and provided a further £2.5million in loans since 2005.

Mr Hintze, 58, also gave more than £100,000 to the Atlantic Bridge charity set up by Dr Fox and run by his self-styled adviser Adam Werritty.

Now the Daily Mail can reveal how other senior Tories have received individual gifts and donations from the banker.
Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne are among the top Tories who have benefited personally from the former Goldman Sachs banker.

Home Secretary Theresa May, Foreign Secretary William Hague and new Defence Secretary Philip Hammond also received gifts or donations from Mr Hintze or his company, CQS Management. Even London Mayor Boris Johnson and former Tory leadership candidate David Davis have been backed by the banker.

His generosity makes him one of the biggest Conservative Party donors behind Lord Ashcroft and has raised concerns about his influence.

Labour MP John Mann has asked the Electoral Commission to investigate. He said: ‘Michael Hintze is the new Godfather of Tory donations.

‘He is putting his money behind the key people in the party very deliberately. People never give money for nothing. They want something in return, they want influence.

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‘Michael Hintze is a hedge fund boss and where he wants influence is over financial regulation. He does not have to ask Tory Ministers for anything, the act of giving simply changes their behaviour.
When they come to consider the issue of financial regulation they are much less likely to do something if it upsets someone who makes such generous donations.’

Mr Hintze made a personal donation of £10,000 to Dr Fox when the Conservative Party was in Opposition.
Money matters: David Cameron has benefited hugely from Mr Hintze
Other payments to senior Tories when in Opposition include £37,500 to Mr Osborne, £25,000 to Higher Education Secretary David Willetts and £1,200 to Mrs May.

Former Tory leadership candidate David Davis received £7,000, backbencher Adam Holloway £1,500 and Boris Johnson £5,000.
In addition, CQS made ‘non-cash donations’ to Mr Osborne of £1,254, while Foreign Secretary William Hague received £25,763 and Dr Fox a further £10,439.

Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne travelled from Newcastle to Biggin Hill in a plane paid for by Mr Hintze after the Conservative Party conference in March 2008.

In May that year Mr Cameron declared a donation from Mr Hintze to the Conservative Party that was used to pay for drinks receptions for Tory MPs and their partners.

Mr Mann has also raised concerns over potential donations Mr Hintze may have made to figures around the Conservatives, such as Mr Werritty.

His hedge fund has investments in companies that have contracts with the Ministry of Defence. Also, in the autumn of 2008, at the height of the global financial crisis, a CQS funds short-sold Bradford and Bingley shares.

Mr Mann said: ‘This raises the question over whether Adam Werritty was the only person with potential influence on the government who was being funded by Mr Hintze.’
Refugee from Communism who made a £700m fortune

One of Michael Hintze’s favourite and oft-quoted maxims is taken from Luke 12:48: ‘Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.’

At the Belgravia headquarters of his $10billion CQS hedge fund, one employee is tasked solely with opening the flood of letters which arrive daily, asking the celebrated philanthropist for money.

‘Somebody has to read them, and treat those people with respect,’ Mr Hintze, a devout Roman Catholic, once explained. ‘They are not asking just because they want something for nothing.’

Quite. In the light of ongoing revelations one wonders how many of these pleas bore the Conservative Party crest. That Mr Hintze has given much to the Tories in recent years is beyond dispute. His loans and donations total around £4million.What he requires in return for such bankrolling is a question that the electorate can, today, quite fairly wonder.

His name was thrust into the spotlight when it emerged Mr Hintze’s hedge fund had sunk £21.5million into a defence company which benefited from an announcement made by the Defence Secretary Liam Fox in July to replace the ageing fleet of Nimrod spy planes.

So was it for commercial gain or purely philanthropic reasons?

'My success has happened in the UK because of the context that the Conservative Party provided'‘He is an ideologue, albeit one who is politically naive,’ argued an acquaintance. ‘When someone like-minded asks him to sign a cheque or give office space, he won’t hesitate.’

Whatever the motive or, indeed, the power he wields as a result of such largesse, Mr Hintze is a remarkable man from an extraordinary background.

He was born in the Chinese city of Harbin, to which his family had fled from Russia during the Bolshevik revolution.

Following the then recent seizure of power by the Chinese Communists the family moved again, this time to Australia.

Mr Hintze grew up in Sydney, raised by a single, secretary mother and educated by the austere Christian Brothers, whose examples, he says, has informed his later life. He studied physics and engineering at university, before joining the Australian Army, as a junior officer, for three years.

When he left he gained an MBA at Harvard Business School, where he met his wife Dorothy, and afterwards embarked on a blitzkrieg through the world’s great finance houses, working for Salomon Brothers in New York, then Goldman Sachs and CSFB in London, before setting up Convertible & Quantitative Strategies in 1999.

The £200million with which the fund was launched has since multiplied many times over, as has his wealth. In 2005 alone he was reported to have earned for himself as much as £60million; the latest Forbes List estimates his personal worth at around £700million. Not that you would guess by his lifestyle.

Unlike most other hedge-funders, who favour the gold-paved streets of Mayfair, he lives south of the Thames, in the relatively unglamorous borough of Wandsworth. His four children were all state-educated.

But while bling is not his thing, Mr Hintze has made an indelible mark in public life through his £25million patronage of the arts, education and good causes through the Hintze Family Charitable Foundation.

All very laudible. But Mr Hintze’s political donations invites more rigorous analysis.

Last year Mr Hintze, who holds dual British and Australian citizenship, said: ‘It is pretty clear to me that my success has happened in the UK because of the context that the Conservative Party provided.’

And he was grateful enough to repay that provision, very handsomely indeed.

We know this because the Adam Werritty affair is not the first time he has reluctantly revealed the extent to which he is the money man behind David Cameron’s Conservatives.

In 2006, during the New Labour government’s ‘cash for honours’ scandal, a loophole in political funding was exposed relating to loans serviced at commercial rates, which could remain secret.

Mr Hintze admitted it was he who had made such a ‘stealth loan’ of £2.5million to the Tories.

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1 comment:

  1. The Catholic connection is key.

    Whatever the Zionists run, it's the Jesuits that run the Zionists - and like the top Mafia Dons, always keep in the shadows to let the minions take the heat.

    The Jews signed their own death warrant for this age in John 19:15:

    "We have no king but Caesar."

    God has honoured their commitment to Caesar, from pagan to papal Rome and up until the Second Advent. Anything up to 99% of professing Jews will die violently in the next decade, I think, thanks directly to their king 'Caesar,' at least 2/3 certainly i.e. 9-10 million but indirectly to their own Messiah Whom they rejected, Daniel 9:26, Zechariah 13:8, 9.

    When addressing any apparently Zionist-based intrigue, always ask the question, "How would the Vatican benefit?"

    I believe that will explain a lot.
