Saturday 7 January 2012

Massive Muslim Paedophile Ring Hidden By Media

Click on the above image.

On the 3rd January 2012 in Liverpool Crown Court 21 Muslims allegedly involved in a massive paedophile gang who are alleged to have been targeting primarily white children in the Manchester area were sent for a pre-trial hearing.

We have been informed from sources inside the court that the media have been asked by the Liverpool police to keep this case out of the papers.

There is a massive Muslim rape / grooming epidemic in our country targeting primarily white children for rape.

The media have mentioned a few cases, but hidden many.

There has been no public inquiry into the full extent of this crime wave, no investigation by the Equality Commission as to its extent and even childrens charities that are supposed to protect children from perverts involved in such crimes are refusing to investigate such cases out of political correctness.

This year we must begin the civil rights struggle to get the media to cover these cases and for our community and children to be protected.

If we dont then these crimes against humanity will continue in Britain.

UPDATE - by checking some of the names on the above court list we can confirm they are the same ones from Rotherham who are mentioned in this article below ;

Eight men were due in court this morning following a police probe into the alleged grooming of young girls.

All of the suspects, from Rochdale, were charged late last night with conspiracy to commit penetrative sexual activity with a female under 16 years.

The men are Abdul Rauf, 42, of Darley Road;

Liaqat Shah, 40, of Kensington Road;

Adil Khan, 41, of Oswald Street;

Qamar Shahzad, 29, of Conisborough;

Mohammed Sajid, 34, of Jepheys Street;

Mohammed Ikhlaq, 31, of Clover Hall Crescent;

Mohammed Amin, 44, of Failinge Road

Abdul Aziz, 40, of Armstrong Hurst Close.

The men were due before magistrates in Rochdale today.

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  1. So it was covered by media then..

  2. So in fact this has been mentioned in the media. Make your mind up.

  3. Read the date on the news articles you dumb ass - it was from early 2011.

    The fact that 21 people have been charged and attended court last week has not been mentioned in the media.

  4. I direct my comment to "anonymous".
    We are heading for an inevitable civil war. Throughout history traitors have recieved summary justice. If you're a follower of the religion of peace you have a slim chance of survival. (But you will return home).

  5. If it was British people then it would be on the front page of all major papers. One rule for Muslims and another for us. They are the scum of the earth and britain lets them do what they like which is why in 20 Years time there wont be a cockney left in London it'll be crowded out by these terrorists
