Saturday 4 February 2012

Black On White Crime - Liberalism Dirty Little Secret

Recently, editors for the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune have all publicly admitted to censoring black crime. They all said they justified it to protect blacks from being stigmatized. In his recent undercover videos, LA Lawyer Ben Shapiro recorded the creator of the TV show COPS stating the same thing.

All have decided that political correctness is more important than public safety. In recent days there has been a major online backlash against these policies. It is playing out on newspaper websites in the comment sections, on craigslist "rants," youtube comments, and facebook.

Many in South Carolina are particularly outraged over the treatment of the near fatal beating of Carter Strange in Columbia, SC. Carter Strange, 18, was jogging late at night near five points. A group of 8 black males aged 13-18 were out looking for a white person to attack.

They pounced on Strange and beat him almost to death. It wasn't until four days later that the story began receiving significant media attention in the Columbia area. The media and the Columbia Police have made no mention of "hate crime" or "lynching.”

The website for The State filled up with angry comments demanding that the newspaper call the attack a "hate crime." The State responded by deleting all the comments and disabling future comments on the story. There is a strong sense, that had the races been reversed, the media would be reporting it much more aggressively and using much stronger terms.

On Sunday, June 27th, the Peoria Chronicle reported a statement from the president of a neighborhood association about a rash of violence and disturbances from large groups of young black males. The incidents had been going on for weeks. He said the mobs target whites. In a recent incident, black teens were screaming, "Kill all whites" in his neighborhood.

The local Peoria FOX & NBC station interviewed residents who confirmed that violent mobs have been terrorizing the neighborhood. However, all mention of race was censored in the report.

After the Drudge Report posted a link to the Peoria Chronicle Sunday, thousands of posts and comments began appearing online. Many slammed the Peoria Journal Star, the city's daily paper, for never mentioning the mobs. Finally, the Peoria Journal Star broke their silence. The wrote an article calling the events "exaggerated" and attempted to smear the president of the Altoona Park neighborhood association.

However, the last two sentences in the Journal Star article seem to confirm that the story is true after all.

Rogers says the crowd was running wildly around yards and porches. It was the largest Rogers, 38, had ever seen in the neighborhood.

"They were doing a show of force," he said, "to show everybody, 'Hey, this is their hood.'"

Peoria, IL and Columbia, SC are not the only places where these events are occurring. Over the weekend, half a dozen whites were viciously assaulted by a mob of young blacks in Philadelphia. Police say the mob ranged from 50-100 people.

One woman had her leg broken. Two other were hospitalized with facial injuries. Yet the Philadelphia Inquire completely censored all mention of race in their article. No mention of “hates crimes” either.

No one has ever claimed that censoring information about crime makes the public safer. So why are major media bosses justifying all of this censorship? It is time to put public safety above political correctness and confront crime as it happens.

If media, police, and politicians do not openly and honestly confront the growing trend of brutal black on white crime things will only get much worse. It will also severely poison race relations in this country. Censorship is never justified when it puts the public in danger.

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  1. Wonder if we will hear about this in the news Beaten by Asian Gang

    Let's not forget the politicians are just as guilty.

  2. Interesting Poll on Humanitarian of 2011, but Amnesty pulled it when Gadaffi was seen to be winning in the Poll.

    Amnesia International

    If true would suggest Amnesty is a Globalist organization too.

    RIP Gadaffi, some of us in the West know we have been lied to.

  3. Black on white crime figures are always massaged favourably, for the blacks. Note, the summer riots last year. CCTV footage of wanted looters always showed 50%black and 50% white. This is to give the impression that all are equally as bad. My guess 90% of the looters were black but the authorities are full of bullshit.
