Thursday 15 March 2012

Kill The Banking Cabal

Increasing numbers of global citizens are becoming aware that the monetary system and international cartel of banks are rotten to the core and represent the root cause of all economic disparity to mankind.

They can literally print all the wealth they need for their cabal, while at the same time transferring the interest attached to each monetary unit created to the general public.

It's a scheme that has given them ownership of nearly every material object on earth, while placing the chains of debt servitude on the whole of humanity. Knowledge of this scheme is reaching a critical mass who are now becoming hungry for solutions.

A great many scholars have put forward models of monetary creation and banking that have tremendous merit for a new world system that better serves all of mankind. These scholars look to what has had some success in the past for presenting a better model for today.

Some propose returning to a gold or commodity standard to help control the supply of money, while others seek to remove interest (debt) attached to money creation. There are also out-of-the-box proposals like using electricity as currency or the already successful digital currency Bitcoin. Each display the desire for something new and show elements of promise in their own right.

However, there is much infighting over the best approach to replace the current system. Therefore, I propose that all of these factions who share solidarity that something must be done to end the banking cabal's bondage at least unite behind principles first, and then design the new system to fit those principles.

Here are the principles I would suggest are a good starting point:

Fiat money may not be created by a private group: Many learned scholars have condemned the entire idea of fiat (paper) money as unrealistic. Indeed, they have history on their side in that it has never succeeded for very long. However, paper money is simply a much more practical physical currency than anything else for a swelling population. Therefore, it will likely have to be part of the mix in the future of money.

The problem with fiat money is twofold: who and what controls the issuance and supply of the money? Given that a private cabal has taken over planet earth because of no restrictions on their printing press, it seems the temptation for abuse is too large for an unaccountable private agency to be responsible for money creation. Thus, I propose it should only be the function of the government (federal, state, or local), with strict guidelines for supply controls. Perhaps these controls can come in the form of a commodity standard as some suggest, or a Constitutional Amendment clearly defining how the monetary supply should be governed and, more importantly, to detail exactly what the government is allowed to spend money on.

There shall be no monopoly on currency: Even if the government is the only entity capable of creating fiat currency, no law shall be passed to outlaw any other form of currency. Currently, in America, legal tender laws force everyone to use private Federal Reserve Notes as money, and they enforce it with the guns of the State to prevent any competition from the likes of gold and silver or anything else.

This is a form of mafia control in order to extract taxes on every single voluntary transaction in the economy (I'll get to taxes in my final suggestion). All forms of commodity and barter exchange should be legalized no matter what type of universal "federal" currency is agreed upon. This will prevent tyrannical central control from dominating the economy.

Money shall not be created with debt attached to it: Currently, money is created out of thin air by the Fed, given to the cartel of private banks at nearly zero interest who then buy Treasury bonds to fund government spending. The bonds pay a much higher interest rate than the money that was created, and the payments for the right to use the nation's currency is paid for by taxes to the private bankers who create and provide no value to the actual economy.

All of the middlemen leeching off this system must be cut out of the money creation process. The only way to do that is to eliminate the debt attached to each unit when it is created. And, philosophically, we must agree that money is a unit of exchange, not an instrument of debt that inherently enslaves all who use it -- including governments. Many gold advocates say money should also be a store of wealth, but money is just a vehicle to buy something of value like gold, land, businesses, labor, or tools. Yes, money as a store of value encourages savings, but then it discourages active investment and economic development. By itself, it seems that currency should simply be a debt-free unit of exchange.

Loans shall be made by full reserves only: Under the current fractional reserve system, new money is created every time a loan is made because the banks are allowed to lend what they don't have, at interest. What a scheme! In a new system, loans can be made by anyone at interest rates they determine (or the market determines) as long as they have "full reserves" to lend. In other words, if a wealthy individual wants his money to work for him, he may lend it out at interest. Or, as the current banking structure permits, several depositors can buy CDs at their local credit union who will then lend the funds to qualified borrowers. The system won't change much in this regard, except that banks must have full reserves to make loans -- not a fraction of what they lend, which creates new money with debt attached to it.

Taxes must be voluntary: I fully understand that this concept is so foreign to modern society that many will denounce it as impossible. However, it is absolutely essential for any of the above to work.

In fact, mandatory taxes are only a necessary evil because of the current monetary system which rewards and encourages government growth and spending. Ultimately, it becomes a question about the role of government -- which creates nothing and provides no actual services, but rather acts as the ultimate gun-toting middleman who's gotten fat in the process.

Know this; no one will starve in the streets if the government stops taking money from some and subsidizing others. Roads got built, hospitals helped sick people, and defense was provided long before mandatory taxes (remember war bonds when people actually believed in funding wars). Significantly, if money is created by the government without debt attached, and government spending was strictly defined under the Constitution, then no federal taxes would even be necessary.

To handle local social services, local governments could set up an online exchange that allows people to make donations directly to any public/private services they deem valuable. If people were not burdened by mandatory taxes and the pressures of manufactured inflation, they would gladly give to schools, roads, clinics, police and fire services, etc., because it is in their local interest to keep those services healthy. It is an investment in their own health and wealth if their community is strong, as their property values will be enhanced and they'll naturally want the best for their children. When the dust settles, it can and will work if we commit to it.

In conclusion, I'm under no illusions that the current banking cabal that runs the planet will release their grip willingly or go quietly into the dustbin of history. I'm also fully aware that these proposals, even if agreed upon tomorrow, will not likely happen in the foreseeable future. Indeed, most would call me a dreamer just for writing this. Yet, I think it is vital to open this discussion to help get the ball rolling for practical solutions. Incidentally, everything that has ever manifested into reality once started off merely as ideas.

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