Monday 16 April 2012

It looks like Breivik is still working for the Zionists - now he does a Black Power Salute as he enters court.

It seems someone has told him that elections are underway in Europe and that his trial must be seen as a 'Far Right' trial - when in fact he was as much an enemy of the Far Right as the Zionists, as he repeatedly states in his manifesto.

What did his attacks do ?

They killed young people protesting against Zionism.

They allows the anti-Jihad movement to be classified as a terrorist movement.

They united the left and liberals and Muslims against nationalists.

They undermined the rise of Nationalism across Europe.

Now he is being put on trial as elections are underway across Europe which means his 'Black Power salute, which is being called a white power salute when it isnt in any way, is being used by the media to attack the Far Right.

I suspect that Breivik is mad or he is a 'Manchurian Candidate' being used to undermine the right in Europe.

Military salutation of the PCCTS, Knights Templar

The military salutation of the PCCTS, Knights Templar is the clenched fist salute.

The raised fist salute consists of raising the right arm with a clenched fist (preferably with a white glove). The clenched fist symbolizes strength, honour and defiance against the Marxist tyrants of Europe while the white glove symbolizes purity, duty, kinship and martyrdom.

Using the right arm symbolizes the tradition of the “Right Opposition”. The salutation is in line with traditional usage, as we regard the present ruling multiculturalist elites in Western Europe as left wing fascists. Our military salutation has nothing to do with the so called “white power” salutation or the “Roman Salute” (Saluto Romano), where the palm is faced down with fingers touching, often known as the Hitler Salute used by National Socialists.

"2083 A European declaration of independence" p. 1092

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  1. There are some excellent points in that. We are also seeing many innocent people harassed by the police in an attempt to slot them into the new narrative that grew up around Breivik's crazy actions. The Hope not Hate blog get it wrong as usual:

    The "far-right" has not morphed into anti_Muslim groups. Most of these CounterJihad groups are Zionists. That is a different movement that accepts multi-racialism and liberal views on gender but opposes Islam. It does that in defence of Israel not our countries.
    The hallmarks of this anti-Muslim ideology is that it dismisses race and territory and attacks Islam as an ideology and condemns it and The Koran for being like Nazism. The groups who promote this view? The EDL leaders, The British Freedom Party leaders, Gates of Vienna blog and Geert Wilders. Note in Paul Weston's otherwise admirable speech ha accepts that we are multi-racial which is not a "far-right" view.

    Paul had an article published by the Nationalist Unity Forum under their Guests column. I tried to post a comment pointing out that in last Autumns Black Insurrection young Blacks in Birmingham fired live bullits at the police and we can not ignore that unpleasant reality to just attack Islam. The hypocrites on the NUF censored my reasonable comment.

  2. (1) "It looks like Breivik is still working for the Zionists - now he does a Black Power Salute as he enters court."
    It wasn't a black power salute, it was the (admittedly unusual) Knights Templar salute.

    (2) "It seems someone has told him that elections are underway in Europe" (he would already be aware of these, as he obviously reads the news) "... and that his trial must be seen as a 'Far Right' trial - when in fact he was as much an enemy of the Far Right as the Zionists, as he repeatedly states in his manifesto".
    But if he wanted to appear as a far-right bogeyman and sully the far right elections, then why did he not just do a Sieg Heil/Roman Salute?

    (3) "What did his attacks do ?
    They killed young people protesting against Zionism".
    I thought they were young political activists, akin to our labour party.

    (4) "This allows the anti-Jihad movement to be classified as a terrorist movement".
    The EDL haven't been proscribed as a terrorist group, neither have the BNP for criticising Islam, and neither has anyone else (talk about banning the NPD in Germany was taking place BEFORE Breivik). And the Governments in Europe don't need a reason if they DID want to proscribe opposition to Islam/itself. They don't need Breivik as an excuse to do this.

    (5) "They united the left and liberals and Muslims against nationalists."
    They already were, and always have been.

    (6) "They (the attacks) undermined the rise of Nationalism across Europe."
    Nationalism seems to be forever on the rise. Breivik hasn't undermined anything.

    (7) "Now he is being put on trial as elections are underway across Europe which means his 'Black Power salute, which is being called a white power salute when it isnt in any way, is being used by the media to attack the Far Right."
    As (1) to (5) above.
    And the phrase "far right" is just anti-Patriotic nonsense anyway.

    (8) "I suspect that Breivik is mad or he is a 'Manchurian Candidate' being used to undermine the right in Europe."
    I suspect he is neither. We should be wary of falling into the habit of assuming everyone who is Patriotic/Nationalist across Europe has EXACTLY the same ideas as we do. People can have all sorts of opinions, some will fall into line with our, some won't. We may think Breivik is correct on some things, and hopelessly wrong on others. That doesn't make him a wrong un, mad, working for the state, etc.

  3. 1) The salute, as I stated in the article is a made up one designed to associate Breivik with the far right. The Templars had no salute.

    2) In the eyes of the media and the masses he did do a Nazi salute. The difference is simply for academics to understand, not the masses.

    3) He killed the victims of the systems brainwashing, the kids - he didnt attack the brainwashers. The kids werent born reds, they were made into reds at school, by the media and the politicians.

    4) The attacks were designed give impetus to the attacks on the right and to allow the masses to support a ban on the right. Now the right are seen as terrorists who kill white people, and the muslims the victims.

    5) The nationalist movement was beginning to break through the cordon sanitaire and gain electoral support, now the movement are once again seen as terrorists and a threat.

    6) Since the Breivik attack, nationalism has sunk. Look at the BNP results - and watch how the nationalists in Europe, and not the Kosher Nationalists, will also start to sink . The only nationalists on the rise are the Israel adoring, zionist supporting Kosher Nationalists, not racial or ethno-nationalists.

    7) The issue is academic, we know its nonsense. The masses dont.

    8) Breivk did not kill the mindbenders, the corrupt politicians , the media scum, the elite etc - he attacked innocent kids who were their victims.

    Think about this - if it was legitimate for Brevik to attack labour party kids as they represented in his opinion a threat to the future, then the same logic can be applied to nationalist kids who oppose multi-culturalism.

    We are nationalists, not child murderers who use such methods - we leave that for the Reds, Islamists, Zionists, African militia gangs in places like Siera Leone and the other terrorist filth of the planet.

    A true National revolutionary attacks the puppet masters, not their sad, pathetic, brainwashed child puppets.
