Sunday 13 May 2012

Where Are The English Nationalists ?

The convictions of the Muslim rapists in Rochdale is a massive social event, yet where are the English Nationalist parties ?
Not one so called English Nationalist Party has gone to Rochdale and either offered assistance to the ENGLISH children raped by the Muslim gangs or organised a demonstration to demand a full police and public inquiry into the rapes.
There should be constant public marches and demonstrations in Rochdale until the police and social services and government hold full and open public inquiries into why these rape gangs were allowed to rape dozens of children and the public services did nothing to stop them.
Every group should organise a demonstration in Rochdale until we get these simple aims and goals ;
1) A Public Inquiry into the rapes and events behind them
2) A police inquiry into why the police failed to arrest the rapists for so long
3) An inquiry into the social services and council as to why and how they failed to protect the children.
Until we get these inquiries then we must march, demonstrate and agitate for justice until we get them.
This issue is of fundamental importance to the English nationalist community and also all nationalists and patriots.
It is an issue that we can all unite around as different groups and work together to achieve our simple aims and goals.
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  1. Hi Lee!
    Hope all is well. Why aren't you leading the way?


  2. We need a LEADER to unite the Tribes Of Albion!

  3. Have a look at these tweets on Emma West.
    Emma West Tweets

  4. They were protesting outside court every day of the trial, completely ignored by the MSM of course until it came to appeal and these invisible nationalists conveniently influenced the racist jury.

  5. The various groups are to concerned about being lord of their own little crumb instead of uniting to campaign.You would have thought the English democrats would have done something but their inactivity shows how unimportant they are. To be fair the BNP have had demo's and some air time but much much more could be done

  6. Absolutely correct. Apply massive pressure on to the establishment, don't loose this opportunity to expose them for what they are.
