Thursday 7 June 2012

The Globalist Agenda Revealed.

Finally the Globalist Corporate Fascist agenda is revealed - the British Army will be downsized and replaced by cheap foreign mercenaries, the same as the British economy has been globalised and replaced with cheap foreign workers.
This is the globalist corporate agenda exposed - and it is being imposed by traitor filth governments elected by moronic British people at the behest of the globalist media.
The Army will have to rely on help from private contractors and foreign soldiers in future wars, the Defence Secretary will announce today.
Several regiments will be axed or merged as the Army downsizes from 102,000 personnel to 82,000 by 2020.
Private military contractors, Nato allies and Territorial Army reservists will be employed to plug the gaps, Philip Hammond will say.
In a speech to the Royal United Services Institute in London, Mr Hammond will outline plans for paid civilian soldiers to provide ‘logistics support’ for regular front-line soldiers.
He will promise that the UK will maintain ‘teeth’ for any future military operations, but add that others will have to help with key tasks to keep soldiers armed and fed.
This could lead to recently retired soldiers being rehired as mercenary contractors to deliver kit to front-line soldiers.
Britain could also be forced to rely on other countries for vital transport and logistics tasks, which are currently undertaken by soldiers’ own countrymen.
Mr Hammond will tell the think-tank’s conference on land warfare that the Army will ‘rethink the way we deliver every aspect of military effect in order to maximise capability at the front-line’.
He will say Army chiefs are now ‘thinking innovatively about how combat service support is provided, using more systematically the skills available in the reserve and from our contractors.’
He will add that commanders are ‘working closely with partners to operate logistics more rationally through Alliance structures’, as the Army looks ‘to others to provide the tail, where Britain is concentrating on providing the teeth’.
The long-mooted cuts to personnel were detailed in the Strategic Defence and Security Review in 2010. However, the plans for greater involvement of private military contractors will fuel fears that the economic crisis will leave the UK saddled with a cut-price Armed Forces, placing our soldiers in danger.
Hammond is also braced for a bitter fight over Army reorganisation when he publishes a plan to slash the number of regiments before the summer.
The reorganisation of the British Army will reduce numbers from 102,000 to 82,000
The reorganisation of the British Army will reduce numbers from 102,000 to 82,000
He will pledge to maintain the vital links between regiments and the communities from which they recruit – but he will also acknowledge that some historic cap badges face the axe.
He will say: ‘There is no question, of abandoning the regimental system. But that does not mean that we can avoid difficult decisions as the Army gets smaller.
‘A regular Army of 82,000 will have a different structure to one of 102,000. And some units inevitably will be lost or will merge. In making those decisions, the military voice must prevail.’
Mr Hammond also wants to beef up the reserves, investing £1.8billion in the TA and doubling the number of members to 38,000. This would leave a total of 120,000 soldiers at commanders’ disposal.
Reserve units will be twinned with regular Army regiments, so that members of the TA will train with soldiers they would be deployed alongside.
Mr Hammond will say his Army 2020 proposals provide ‘the opportunity to transform the role of reserve forces’.
He will continue: ‘The future reserves must be structured to provide, as they do today, some niche specialists capabilities that aren’t cost-effective to maintain on a full-time basis – for example in areas of cyber, medical, or intelligence.
‘The integrated Army concept means that light infantry battalions will be reinforced on deployment through a permanent partnership with reserve battalions.’
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