
Saturday, 15 March 2014
The Right Spectrum
The continual call of The Right Sector as Far Right / Fascist / Uktra-Nationalist / Nazi / Nationalist etc prove that the media do not have a clue as to what either The Right Sector stand for politically or where they sit on the Nationalist spectrum.
I define below where most Right parties and movements sit.
The Right Spectrum is based on two forces Revolution and Reaction. One the Far Left we see the Socialist & Nationalist anti-corporate and anti-Imperialist impulse and the Far Right is designated by an Imperialist and Corporate impulse.
This allows us to place nationalist political parties and movements on a Left to Right scale based on Left Nationalist Revolutionary ideology to Reactionary Right ideology.
We shall start on the Left of the Right Spectrum.
A) Social Nationalist - eg Strasserite Left Revolutionary Social Nationalists. Anti-corporate, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and nationalist.
B) National Socialism - the original ideology of the NSDAP in Germany prior to the expulsion of the National Socialist left by Hitler. Had its origins in a fusion of the Left & Right.
C) Conservatism - we can place this at the centre point of the spectrum. Do not confuse Conservatism with the Conservative Party in Britain, as the latter is now a social democratic party. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others, called reactionaries, oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were ". The Conservatives who want things to remain stable are on the left of the Conservative wing, usually called 'the wets' or Red Tories and those who are the Dries, whose policies which came to be labelled as "dry" ones included foremostly reducing public spending, cutting taxes, lowering interest rates, tightly controlling the money supply, and reducing the regulatory power of the state – all policies which were closely associated with Thatcher.
D) Paleo-Conservatism - emphasis on tradition, limited government, civil society, anti-colonialism and anti-federalism, along with religious, regional, national and Western identity.
E) Nationalism - traditional nationalism relates to a protection of the people and the nation. Though the nation and people are seen as a unity, this is not based solely on an ethnic definition of the citizens of that nation. Those who are loyal to the nation are seen as one with the nation. Unlike Cultural Nationalism, which says only those who are culturally integrated into the nation and its culture can be members of the nation, nationalism allows other cultures to exist within the nation state as long as their loyalty is to the nation and the people of the nation itself - and not some other nation or their own ethnic interests.
F) Cultural Nationalism - as this does not explicitly relate to ethnic interests, it sits between Paleo-Conservatism & Ethnic Nationalism on the spectrum. Though the fact that it demands cultural integration and excludes those who may be loyal to the nation even though they are not culturally integrated means it sits on the right of the spectrum to Nationalism.
G) Ethnic Nationalism - as its focus relates to the protection and promotion of ethnic and cultural interests, it sits on the Right of the spectrum.
H) Fascism - Fascism was the merger of the State & the corporations. Hence its union with the corporations ensured the pre-dominance of corporate interests took precedence over the socialist impulse within Fascism. Hence it has to be placed in the Reactionary Right section of the spectrum. Fascism can also be imperialist.
I) Neo-Conservatism - this is included on the Far Right spectrum due to its imperialist, militarist, supra-national scope as way to promote US corporate interests. The fact that the movement has as much loyalty to Israel as America, means that it cannot be included within the definition of a Nationalist movement.
J) Hitlerism - Hitlerism is not National Socialism. It is fact the antithesis of National Socialism as it is the use of the State to profit the Capitalists and Industrialists via the use of war as a mechanism to increase corporate profits. Hitlerism was Supra-national in scope eg Greater German Reich & The New Order based on supra-national imperialist Pan-Aryanism.
So we can see that the placing of The Right Sector as a Fascist / Nazi / Hitlerite group is false.
They fit squarely into the Nationalist bracket.

Monday, 10 March 2014
The Frankfurt School And The Truth
The origins of the Frankfurt School began with funding provided by the German Jewish Marxist Felix Weil.
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Weil
Weil had been a student of the German Marxist proffessor Karl Korsch. Who was not Jewish.
Along with György Lukács, Karl Korsch is regarded as one of the major figures responsible for laying the groundwork for Western Marxism in the 1920s.
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Korsch
Karl Korsch was born in 1886 in Tostedt, near Hamburg in Germany. His father was a successful bank clerk and later a bank manager. Korsch went to school in Thuringia, and to university in Munich, Berlin, Geneva and Jena. Like Walter Benjamin, his first political experiences came as a member of the 'Free Student Movement', a broad, liberal and idealist organisation committed to the idea of transforming education in the interest of students.
On the outbreak of war, in August 1914, Karl Korsch returned to Germany. He claimed to have served in the war, while openly expressing his opposition to it. For this, he was demoted from the rank of reserve lieutenant to corporal. Korsch boasted that he never carried a rifle or sabre. Somehow he survived the hostility of his own commanding officers, and was twice decorated with the Iron Cross, for acts of bravery under fire.
2) http://www.dkrenton.co.uk/research/korsch.html
The Frankurt School as it has come to be known, is actually The Institute For Social Research and was founded in 1923.
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Social_Research
Its first head was Kurt Albert Gerlach. A German Marxist. Not a Jew. He died before the centre opened and was replaced by Carl Grunberg
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Albert_Gerlach
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Gr%C3%BCnberg
Carl Grunberg was a German Marxist. He was Jewish.
The idea of the centre and its origins are described here ;
1) http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School
The Institute emerged from a week-long symposium held in Ilmenau, Germany in 1922. The First Marxist Workweek was organized and funded by German-Argentinean agricultural magnate Felix Weil with the purpose of combining the different trends of Marxism. The symposium was attended by Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch, Karl August Wittfogel, and Friedrich Pollock, among others. The event was reportedly so successful that Weil set about erecting a building and funding salaries for a permanent "Institute for Marxism" modeled upon the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow.
In 1923, with the help of the German Communist Party, the Institute for Social Research was opened at Frankfurt University with Carl Grünberg as its first Director.
The initial work at the Institute was oriented towards exploring Marxism as a scientific and economic methodology, but after the death of Grünberg and the temporary directorship of Pollock, Jewish Marxist Max Horkheimer was appointed the to the chair and changed the direction of the Institute from promoting an orthodox Marxist philosophy to what would later be called "cultural Marxism," better known as "political correctness."
Cultural Marxism is also known Critical Theory ;
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory
Critical theory was first defined by Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School of sociology in his 1937 essay Traditional and Critical Theory: Critical theory is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole, in contrast to traditional theory oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Horkheimer wanted to distinguish critical theory as a radical, emancipatory form of Marxian theory, critiquing both the model of science put forward by logical positivism and what he and his colleagues saw as the covert positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and Communism
The ideological basis of critical theory comes from five Frankfurt School theoreticians: Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, and Erich Fromm. Of these five only Adorno was not Jewish. All were Marxists.
Modern critical theory has been influenced by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci as well as the second generation Frankfurt School scholars, including Jürgen Habermas.
Lukacs was a Jewish Marxist. Gramsci an Italian Marxist.
The current head of the Frankfurt School is Jurgen Habermas.
Habermas is a German Marxist whose father was a Nazi supporter. He is not Jewish.
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%BCrgen_Habermas
So we can see from the above explanation of the Frankfurt School the following things ;
1) It was set up as a Marxist body to promote Marxism
2) every one of its founders were German and Marxists.
3) The aims of the organisation have always been to spread the ideas of Marxism into society.
Therefore the contention that the organisation is Jewish and serves Jewish interests is clearly false.
The organsations leadership is not united by one race, one nationality or one religion.
Its leadership is united by only one thing - their support for Marxism.
Which should come as a shock to non-one as it is an organisation set to represent Marxism.
Therefore we need to address two issues peddled by the White Nationalist movement that the Frankfurt School is a Jewish plot to destroy society and for Jews to control the West.
This is clearly false.
For a start the ideology spread by the Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism, DOES NOT BENEFIT JEWS.
The basis of the contemporary LIBERAL society is LIBERAL. As a result of Liberalism and assimilation pushed by Liberalism derived from Cultural Marxism, the Jewish community is slowly being misceginated out of existence ;
1) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26067980
2) http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/IntermarriageWhyNot/
3) http://www.alternet.org/story/142478/israeli_government_ads_warn_against_marrying_non-jews
1) http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/01/netanyahu-blasted-for-sons-non-jewish-girlfriend/
It is Liberal Jews and Liberals who most oppose the most nationalistic and racist ideology supported by many Jews today - this being the racist Imperialist state of Israel and its Racist, Nationalistic, imperialistic ideology of Zionism.
Even within Israel vast swathes of the Jewish population, from anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews to Left Wing Liberal Jews oppose both the actions of the Israeli state and Zionism.
The Liberal values that these left wing Jews in Israel support find their origin in Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School.
It can even be said that without the ideological influence on Israel and Jews by the Frankfurt School and its Critical Theory / Cultural Marxism, that the Zionist Likudist Far Right in Israel and America would have no political or social opposition groups to oppose them and their activities at all.
The Liberal movement deriving from Cultural Marxism has been the primary fetter on the Eretz Israel Imperialist and Militarist expansionist policies of the Zionist Nationalist right.
If liberal Jews like Gilad Atzmon, Noam Chomsky and many others did not oppose Zionism both in Israel and America then Zionism would would have undoubtedly achieved most of its ideological aims in Israel, America and in relation to its expansionist foreign policy.
Now we need to look at why so many Jews in the 1920's and 1930's supported Marxism.
Thats a pretty easy issue to explain.
As a result of social, political and legal anti-Jewish and anti-semitic laws and violence many Jews across Europe saw Marxism as a mechanism to liberate themselves.
This is why Jews both in Germany & Russia embraced Marxism.
This iw why many Jews in Russia decided to embrace the Marxist Revolution that had swept Russia in 1917 and become either Bolsheviks or Mensheviks.
Many Jews in Russia had embraced the Bolshevik Party early on and had formed a significant proportion of its membership ;
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolsheviks
The average party member was very young. In 1907, 22% of Bolsheviks were under 20, 37% were 20-24 and 16% were 25-29. By 1905, 62% of the members were industrial workers (3% of the population in 1897
22% of Bolsheviks were gentry (1.7% of the total population), 38% were uprooted peasants, compared with 19% and 26% for the Mensheviks. In 1907 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish (34% and 20% for the Mensheviks).
Total membership was 8,400 in 1905, 13,000 in 1906 and 46,100 by 1907 (8,400, 18,000, 38,200 respectively for the Mensheviks). By 1910 both factions together had fewer than 10,000 members.
But many Jews had also embraced the Menshevik Party as well.
An important issue to note re the Russian Revolution is that the Mensheviks had a far higher proportion of Jewish membership than the Bolsheviks - 20 % of the Mensheviks as opposed to the Bolsheviks 10 %
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensheviks
The primary opponents of the Bolsheviks WITHIN RUSSIA were the Mensheviks.
Menshevism was finally made illegal after the Kronstadt Uprising of 1921.
Therefore the idea that Jews ran the Bolsheviks and formed the majority of its membership is false.
What is also false is that the Jews all supported the Bolsheviks.
The primary party supported by Jews was the Mensheviks.
The Mensheviks fought against the Bolsheviks in the Kronstadt Rebellion of 1921 and were banned as a a result ;
The Kronstadt rebellion (Russian: Кронштадтское восстание, tr. Kronshtadtskoye vosstaniye) was a major unsuccessful uprising against the Bolsheviks in the later years of the Russian Civil War. Led by Stepan Petrichenko and consisting of Russian sailors, soldiers and civilians, the rebellion was one of the reasons for Vladimir Lenin's and the Communist Party's decision to loosen its control of the Russian economy by implementing the New Economic Policy (NEP).
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronstadt_Uprising
The Mensheviks were led by a Jew ;
So the leader of a major uprising against Lenin and the Bolsheviks was a Jewish Menshevik leading a Menshevik movement with a far higher number of Jews in it than the Bolsheviks.
So the idea that Bolshevism was Jewish & supported by Jews is demonstrably false.
Note that the Bolshevik Party with the smallest percentage of Jews in it, lost and the Bolsheviks won.
So therefore the assertion that ;
1) As the Frankfurt Schools had a high number of Jews in it that they served Jewish interests as opposed to Marxist interests is false.
Jews in the early 20th century did not form a monolithic, cohesive bloc.
They were divided into Orthodox Jews, Nationalistic Zionist Jews and Communust Bolshevik, Menshevik and Liberal Marxist Jews. There were also atheist Jews, anarchist Jews and even fascist Jews such as the ones who supported Mussolini ;
1) http://redroom.com/member/frank-sanello/writing/mussolini%E2%80%99s-jews-the-chosen-people-fascist-italy-rejected
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margherita_Sarfatti
Even Hitler had over 150,000 Jews fighting for Germany in WW2 ;
1) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/museums/10682975/The-Jews-who-fought-for-Hitler-We-did-not-help-the-Germans.-We-had-a-common-enemy.html
2) http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/righit.html
3) http://www.rense.com/general43/jewserved.htm
The soldier whose image of the ideal German Soldier used in Nazi magazines was also Jewish ;
Even the Number 2 in the leadership of Himmlers SS was Jewish ;
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Maurice
Even the British Union Of Fascists led Sir Oswald Mosley had Jewish members and candidates in elections.
So we can see that as far more Jews served in the German military for Hitler, then using the same logic of those who call the Frankfurt Schools 'Jewish' simply by counting Jews involved in the organisation, then using that exact same 'logic' that the Nazis and the Nazi movement were also Jewish and controlled by Jews.
The idiocy of 'counting Jews' as the basis of an proposition that an organisation serve Jewish interests, is about an asinine methodology one can imagine.
Jews are not The Borg from Star Trek. They do not share a Hive Mind nor do they all have a sense of ethno-communal loyalty only to their fellow Jews.
In fact such ethno-communalism that does exist, can be exploited by criminals within the Jewish community.
For an example of how some Jewish crooks can exploit Jewish ethno-communalism for their own advantage we need only to look at such criminals as ;
1) http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/24/world/americas/24iht-24jews.18903457.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
2) http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2008/12/charities_old_people_jews_hit.html
If the Frankfurt School was Jewish, then so too must have been the Fascists in Italy as many Jews in Italy supported, funded and were members of the Fascist movement.
THE PRIMARY POINT IS THIS - the Cultural Marxist movement that spawned Liberalism has not benefited the Jews in any way.
It has led to the formation of the Jewish Left who oppose Zionist Nationalism.
It has created the social dynamic towards Jewish assimilation that is misceginating much of the Jewish Community itself.
It has created the myriad liberal social dysfunction such as the epidemic of drug abuse that kills many Jewish young people in the entertainment industry in particular eg Amy Winehouse.
Cultural Marxism is as much a threat to Jewish social, political and ethnic communalism and genetic survival as it is to all those peoples exposed to it.
All the above information is based on facts.
If you think you can refute it then try.
If you are right, I will publish it.
Friday, 7 March 2014
The Great Femen Lie
Image - Femen activists burn the SALAFIST black battle flag of Islam outside the Grand Mosque in France. They have bigger balls than most nationalists.
For years Nationalist have been told a series of systematic lies and propaganda that they believed uncritically. Like idiots we believed every lie. In fact we cheered them and welcomed them.
Its okay.
I did too.
I was just as much an idiot as most people, either apolitical, right or left.
Instead of taking the time to educate myself about the reality and the truth, I too just accepted the lies and the propaganda like some insipid apathetic sponge.
After discovering how much I have been lied too though, trust me, I am never going to allow anyone to tell me what to think again.
Most especially I am not going to let the parade of halfwits, mostly so called White Nationalists, that posture as intellectuals in the Nationalist movement tell me what to think. Most of them are just as uncritically accepting of propaganda as the masses are.
The Great Lie I am referring too is the lie about Femen.
We all know about Femen right, a bunch of lefty birds who go topless to call for Communism in society.
This is Femen ;
1) They protest about the sexual slavery and trafficking of white, Ukranian and Eastern Europe by ethnic gangs across the European Union. They are fighting to defend white European women from being sold into sex slavery and trafficked like animals by vermin of all ethnicities across the EU. Anna Hutsol is credited as founding the FEMEN movement, on 10 April 2008, after she became aware of sad stories of Ukrainian woman duped into going abroad and then taken advantage of sexually.
2) They demand the criminalisation of prostitution to defend women across the EU.
3) FEMEN has protested "against the limitation of democratic liberties and freedom of the press" during Viktor Yanukovich's presidency[87] and against (Ukrainian) government corruption.
4) FEMEN protest actions have also taken place against alleged anti-Ukrainian policies by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian President and Government of Russia. It also demanded "independence for the Ukrainian church "
5) In the past (namely 2012) FEMEN had stated that its goals were "to develop leadership, intellectual and moral qualities of young women in Ukraine" and "to build up the image of Ukraine, [a] country with great opportunities for women.
6) In December 2012 FEMEN "warned" the European Union "to stop immediately political, economic and cultural contacts with Gazprom-Kremlin's dictatorship"; because "dependence on Nord Stream will bring Europe to an economic collapse and the abolition of visas requirements for Russians threatens Europe with a cultural Armageddon".[92] An 8 April 2013 "topless ambush" of Russian President Vladimir Putin (accompanied by German Chancellor Angela Merkel) at the Hanover trade fair was described by Alexandra Shevchenko as "non-violent women protesting against the most dangerous dictator in the world, it got great coverage and will hopefully inspire people in Russia as well as helping us to recruit new members.
7) The organization staged a topless protest at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London in opposition to "bloody Islamist regimes", which they accuse the IOC of supporting.[99] The protest included women in the clothing of Muslim men as well as signs stating "No Sharia"
8) FEMEN activists burned the Salafist flag in front of the Great Mosque of Paris on 3 April 2013
9) They fight against Islamism and against the repression of women in the West and abroad who are repressed and attacked and by Islamist thugs.
Femen of course opposes abortion, but just I demand the right to full autonomy over my own body, so too I must accept a womans right for the same.
I may oppose the idea of abortion, as is my right, but I have no right to demand women do as I wish in relation to their bodies.
After doing the research on Femen I discovered something that made me realise their hostility to the Russian Orthodox Church which also controls the Ukranian Church.
Its not because they are anti-Christian. Far from it. They want a Christian church hierarchy that are Christian.
The head of the Russian Orthodox and Ukranian Church is an ex KGB agent who infiltrated the church to spy and inform on his fellow priests.
Want proof ?
Here it is ;
1) http://www.orthodox.net/russia/2000-09-23-irish-times.html
2) http://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/feb/12/1
3) http://www.keston.org.uk/kns/miscnew/KNS%20RUSSIA%20The%20Patriarch%20and%20the%20KGB.html
4) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1579638/Orthodox-Church-unholy-alliance-with-Putin.html
Many in the Orthodox hierarchy are also accused of working as KGB informers, a fact that critics say the Church has never fully acknowledged.
"Essentially, the Orthodox Church is one of the only Soviet institutions that has never been reformed," said one priest, who declined to be identified for fear that he could be defrocked. That fate already befell another colleague, Gleb Yakunin, in the 1990s when he called on Church leaders with KGB links to repent.
So by fighting against the Russian Orthodox Church, which is exactly what Pussy Riot are doing, they are in fact fighting against a false church run by an ex-KGB agent who Works with Putin, the ex-head of the KGB.
Instead of attacking Femen & Pussy Riot as commies, they are in fact fighting against the Putin Imperialist state and its ex-KGB Kleptocracy and associated oligarchs, plutocrats and gangsters.
Apart from the issue of abortion, every Nationalist will agree that none of the Femen positions are anti-nationalist.
We do not support Putins control of European gas supplies for instance. We are Nationalists, we demand that every nations puts in place its own sustainable energy supply systems to ensure we do not need to rely on foreign nations for energy supplies that then drags into Imperialist Oil Wars such as in Iraq & Afghanistan.
Putins control of European gas via the Ukrainian pipeline is not just a threat to the EU, Putin has already used the threat to stop the gas supplies in members of his Eurasian Union.
Putin uses Russian energy supplies as a way to terrorise and control nations that depend on Russian energy supplies.
We do not want to rely on Russian, Saudi or Israeli oil or gas.
We demand national energy independence.
Nationalists have allowed the media, Putin and morons within the Nationalist movement itself many of them with an agenda, to lie to us, deceive us and manipulate us.
Femen are not our allies. That is true.
But neither are they our enemy.
Instead of attacking Femen and Pussy Riot, and supporting the Putin supporting vermin who do this to their supporters in Russia - we should let them get on with their project to bring down Putin and his evil Shadow Soviet Union.
Attacks like this on Pussy Riots members such as in the video link below which were perpetrated by by pro-Putin Anti-Fascist red members of his anti-Fascist youth organisation NASHI are disgusting ;
That is Putinism.
On 19 December 2011 FEMEN performed a topless protest against Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko outside the KGB Headquarters in Minsk, mocking Lukashenko's recognizable haircut and moustache.Afterwards, according to FEMEN, the three protesters Inna Shevchenko, Oksana Shachko and Aleksandra Nemchinova were abducted by the Belarus authorities and taken to a remote forest blindfolded, doused with oil, forced to strip and then threatened with being set on fire, before having their hair violently cut with knives and being abandoned in the snow half-naked
Is that what nationalists are supposed to support ? Attacks like this on our daughters, cousins and women by the same anti-fascist pro-Putin thugs doing this to young nationalists in the Ukraine ;
That is what cowards do, not men.
These are the same Cossack pro-Putin thugs standing alongside the anti-fascist mobs attacking Nationalists in the Ukraine, who did this to Pussy Riot in the Olympics ; http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/feb/19/pussy-riot-attacked-whips-cossack-milita-sochi-winter-olympics
The very same cossacks whose ancestors were murdered by Communists now prostrate themselves before Putin and his false Church and fight alongside pro-Communist mobs in Crimea ;1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decossackization 2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repatriation_of_Cossacks_after_World_War_II Now Cossack 'men' beat young girls with horse whips and some nationalists cheer that. Each is as ugly and stupid as the other. Russia has lost its honour and soul under Putin. It has become a pitiful whore to his propaganda and the most shallow and pernicious form of reactionary right Plastic Patriotism. As long as some retard waves a plastic Russian Flag, the Putin retarded masses will salute it and follow it. That is not Nationalism. That is the antithesis of everything that Nationalism and Nationalists stand for.
Pussy Riot,
Russian Nationalism,
topless Femen activists,
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Putin Imperialism, Yeltsin & The Lie Of Legality
One of the primary problems of a dumbed down education system is that it creates a dumbed down population.
Hence why the average person has the mental capacity of a hamster and the memory of a goldfish.
Not even the politicians, journalists and political commentators have a memory or historical vision that allows them to understand contemporary international issues like the Ukranian Revolution.
In 1993 Boris Yeltsinj ordered an attack on the Russian parliament.
The constitutional crisis of 1993 was a political stand-off between the Russian president and the Russian parliament that was resolved by using military force. The relations between the president and the parliament had been deteriorating for some time. The constitutional crisis reached a tipping point on September 21, 1993, when President Boris Yeltsin aimed to dissolve the country's legislature (the Congress of People's Deputies and its Supreme Soviet), although the president did not have the power to dissolve the parliament according to the constitution. Yeltsin used the results of the referendum of April 1993 to justify his actions. In response, the parliament declared that the president's decision was null and void, impeached Yeltsin and proclaimed vice president Aleksandr Rutskoy to be acting president.
The situation deteriorated at the beginning of October. On October 3, demonstrators removed police cordons around the parliament and, urged by their leaders, took over the Mayor's offices and tried to storm the Ostankino television centre. The army, which had initially declared its neutrality, by Yeltsin's orders stormed the Supreme Soviet building in the early morning hours of October 4, and arrested the leaders of the resistance.
The ten-day conflict became the deadliest single event of street fighting in Moscow's history since the revolutions of 1917.[1] According to government estimates, 187 people were killed and 437 wounded, while estimates from non-governmental sources put the death toll at as high as 2,000.
This action by Yeltsin has direct legal consequences for the actions of the Russians in the Ukraine.
The attack by Yeltsin to topple the ELECTED Russian government was illegal under the Russian Constitution.
It breached the terms of the constitution of the Russian State.
Yet the West and the Russian government of Yeltsin that replaced the former government regarded Yeltsins actions as lawful.
Therefore the exact same scenario applies in relation to the Ukraine.
The former leader of the Ukraine fled the country and after his departure a new government was formed to replace the previous one.
In this case the Ukranian people, as opposed to a single tyrant using the army eg Yeltsin, did the toppling of the government.
The fact that the former government of Russia then had no legal authority to issue any laws or decrees was affirmed by Yeltsin.
The same situation now applies in the Ukraine.
The former government have no legal authority, using the exact same legal principles as used by Yeltsin, to issue any request to Russia for them to invade the Ukraine or to undertake any actions in the Ukraine that conflict with the pre-existing legal agreements in place relating to Russian use of Ukranian territory in the Crimea.
Putins decision to regard the request of Yanukovych as the order of a legal government is in fact unlawful.
The fact is that regardless of Yeltsin being the Russian president AT THE TIME, the Russian Constitution stated that the President did not have the power to remove the Russian Parliament - especially by using the army and tanks to shell the Parliament building, murder hundreds of people and put members of the Parliament in Prison.Therefore there is no legal authority for Putin to regard the orders of Yanukovych as the expression of a government that still retains power in the Ukraine, neither in fact or law or in regard to the legal principle as defined by Yeltsin in the 1993 toppling of Parliament. The actions of Russia are therefore illegal under not just Russian law, but Ukranian law and international law. The basis of this is the fact that the legal principle stating that the toppling of a government illegally can be legal is the legacy of the modern Russian state itself. In the ongoing Ukranian example ; 1) the surrender of power and the fleeing of the Yanukovych government from Ukraine 2) the issuing of illegal orders to Russia 3) and the ongoing illegal actions of Russia in the Ukraine as mandated by Yanukovych also ensure that the previous government cannot claim any legal authority in regard to their assertion that they are the legal government of the Ukraine.

The Ephialtes Griffin Strategy
Image - Ephialtes Griffin - the betrayer of British and Ukranian Nationalists.
People may have noticed Nick Griffin cosying up to the Golden Dawn and other European political parties of late.
I would have called them Nationalist political parties, but after their absurd support of Putin and his Ukranian invasion plans for an Eurasian Union, they can no longer be defined with the Nationalist political spectrum.
" British for the British in the European Union ", is as much an absurd notion as " Russian for the Russians inside the Eurasian Union ".
The fact that the parade of Putin fan boys and halfwits that run half the formerly nationalist parties in Europe now support Putins Imperialist plans to invade, occupy and exploit the Ukraine as the focal point of his Eurasian Union proves that Griffinite stupidity afflicts much of the former nationalist right.
Some people have been wondering why Griffin has been spending so much time with the former nationalist parties in Europe.
The answer is simple.
After the next round of European elections on the 22nd May 2014, the BNP will lose both its remaining MEP seats.
That means the party will lose virtually all its income.
The flow of Euro cash that has funded Griffins little clique of lickspittles will dry up and the party has no money to keep the Griffin gravy train running.
The BNP has lost almost all its elected officials and almost all its membership.
It is now a pathetic shuffling hollow husk of a party facing financial ruin - especially after losing the recent will case.
So it needs to try and draw in new supporters / mugs to fund Griffins lifestyle.
Hence Griffin thinks that by being photographed with the parade of peacoocks, halfwits and pseudo-nationalists of parts of the European Right, that the far right supporters in Britain will return to the party fold.
Its the strategy of financial desperation.
Hence why Griffins idiot propagandists are busy churning out ridiculous ideas like the White man March - the sort of crass, asinine and facile stunts that merely make the BNP and nationalists look like a parade of halfwits.
Its an idiotic political stunt - another idiotic stunt that will do nothing to prevent the continued collapse of Nationalism that has accelerated over recent years.
No doubt a few of the Putin fans , impressed with Griffin shaking the hands of other traitorous Putin fans, will rejoin the party.
Let every idiot cluster together in the moronic Griffinite cult.
The real nationalists will support the Ukranian Nationalists, whilst the fake and idiot nationalists can support the Red Flag waving anti-fascist mobs and militia attacking Nationalists in Ukraine and Russia.
We stand with the Spartans.
Not with Ephialtes and his clique of traitors.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014
The Ukranian Sniper Conspiracy Theory Explained
So now we have more pot stirring in the Ukraine re the phone call between Cathy Ashton and Estonia's foreign minister, Urmas Paet.
This makes sense.
Both sides in this conflict, the EU & Putin both have a motive to try and discredit the nationalists in the Ukraine.
Hence why that recording was leaked by the Russian security forces and why it specifically featured a conversation between two representatives of the EU smearing the Nationalists by insinuating that the protestors hired people to shoot themselves.
I have no doubt that a wide range of window lickers will give some credence to these words.
But the facts are clear - that we have a wide range of video evidence that shows conclusively that the police were shooting at the protestors both with sniper rifles and AK47's.
Note also the direction of fire - clearly coming from police lines ;
Note also in this footage - you can hear both sniper rifle fire and the sound of AK47's on automatic fire firing at the protestors - and also the rate of fire re the bullets hitting the ground and protesors is clearly not a sniper rifle firing. For that sheer volume of bullets only an automatic or semi-autmoatic rifle would do that.
Listen to the rounds coming in towards the protestors.
Note the comments of a 'hail of bullets' coming towards the protestors.
Sniper rifles do not create 'hails of fire'.
Note that the BBC crew recording the fire from the sniper in the hotel heard only a few shots from one window in one building.
Thats not a hail of bullets.
All the footage clearly shows police officers firing AK47's at the protestors and that was the primary volume of fire.
Does that negate the possibility that some of the protestors were shot by accident or design by others around the square ? Of course not - but the video evidence, eye witness testimony and facts all show conclusively that the firing was primarily from the police and that firing killed most, if not all of the protestors.
Thats clearly not sniper rifle fire we hear in the footage above - that is clearly machine gun fire from an AK47. Hence that came from the police, not the protestors.
and here we have footage of the police firing AK47's at the protestors ;
Does that mean a more sinister explanation cannot be also true. Of course not.
I suggest that the truth is a lot more less interesting than the conspiracy theories.
Keep it simple says Occams Razor.
Cui Bono ?
Who benefits ?
Lets say that the Russian government led by a man who served 16 years as a senior high ranking KGB officer ordered snipers to target both the protestors and the police.
The reason for this is smimple - it then provides a pretext for the army to be sent in to protect both the police and the protestors.
If the police could not break the demonstrations, which they couldnt after weeks of harsh violence and brutality, then the only other option would be to send in the army.
That such a plan existed has already been documented, the toppled Ukranian government were about to launch a massive army led offensive to smash the demonstrations.
The pretext for this, as discovered in the documents that were tried to be destroyed by the former prime minister of the Ukraine and discovered in bags thrown into the lake of his huge estate by people who saw pages of the documents floating on the water and retrieved them, was to plant a series of bombs in Kiev and blame The Right Sector. The army would then sweep in a smash the protestors.
But the primary flaw in the 'the protestors shot themselves' conspiracy theory peddled by the EU is this - it pre-supposes that ;
1) The protestors would win the struggle against the government
2) that the shootings would not justify yet more government repression of the protestors.
One thing is clear to all real Nationalists.
The more violence you use the state, the more powerful the state becomes.
Violence only feeds the monster.
The use of terrorist violence throughout history has been used by governments as a pretext to impose ever more draconian laws to repress free speech, movement, protests and political parties.
No serious revolutionary would use violence against a government.
The Video Camera Is Our AK47.
Far better for the revolutionaries TO BE FILMED BEING THE VICTIMS OF STATE REPRESSION than using violence against the state.
In a case such as we saw in the Ukraine, the violence of the protestors was at all times DEFENSIVE not offensive.
They were attacked by the police and defended themselves. Therefore that provided no pretext for an army intervention.
Nor does the idea make any sense that by shooting POLICE OFFICERS, WHICH WHAT IS THE TAPE STATES THE ALLEGED SNIPER / SNIPERS DID that this would benefit the protestors - as this would merely generate support and sympathy FOR THE POLICE, not the protestors.
If the protestors really wanted to kill their own people to generate support from the masses, then they would not have shot a single police officer.
To shoot or kill just one police officer is an invitation for the whole power of the state to come crashing down on your heads. It also generates only sympathy for the police and the government.
The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing 293 people and injuring 651. The explosions occurred in Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 and 13 September, and Volgodonsk on 16 September. Several other bombs were defused in Moscow at the time.[1]
A similar bomb was found and defused in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September 1999. Two days later Federal Security Service (FSS) Director Nikolai Patrushev announced that the Ryazan incident had been a training exercise.[2] This led some, such as Alexander Litvinenko and Anna Politkovskaya, to speculate that the apartment bombings had been carried out by the Russian secret service FSB (formerly KGB).
This is what happened to Litvinenko, a former FSB officer ;
and to Politkovskaya
Now where have we heard of governments holding 'training exercises' on days and in locations when terrorist attacks happened such as ;
1) 911
2) 7/7
3) The Boston Bombings
Read these to find out if the FSB would kill people to provide a pretext for the Russian government ;
This video explains it all ;
In the news media we read that the previous toppled Ukranian government said that 27 police officers had been shot during the protests. Yet no evidence exists to prove this 'fact' and no video evidence exists of any film footage of any protestors shooting at the police. If police were officers were shot, then such a situation only benefited one side - THE GOVERNMENT. Putin in his press conferences said that the previous Ukranian prime minister 'did not stick to the plan'. Now we can see what the plan was.
As a final note re false flags attacks and the Russian government, remember the Russian apartment bombings of 1999
.jpg)
Dark forces at work. And they all want to try and undermine the Ukranian Nationalists so they can control the Ukraine.Watch the video. And see who had just come to power in Russia after serving 16 years as a senior KGB officer. Putin.

Why Putin Invaded Ukraine - Energy & Empires


If realized, the Eurasian Economic Union would comprise a number of states which were part of the former Soviet Union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.[9][10] Vladimir Putin stated in November 2011 that the Eurasian Union would build upon the "best values of the Soviet Union"; however, critics claimed that the drive towards integration aims to restore the "Soviet Empire" The problem for Putin is that the Ukraine is the key to the Eurasian Union ; http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/opinion/eurasian-economic-union-with-russia-at-centre-of-putins-endgame/story-e6frgd0x-1226844074752 In addition to the geostrategic importance of Ukraine, getting Kiev on side is critical to the success of Putin’s proposal for a Eurasian Economic Union. Such a union will exist as a counter to the EU and allow Moscow to institutionalise Russia’s influence. If realised, the Russian-dominated union would also potentially control one-third of the world’s proven natural gas reserves. It is also clear that losing Ukraine would dangerously undermine Putin’s standing and authority within his own United Russia political party, and provide an example of what dissatisfied populations can achieve through popular protests. This is why Russian willingness to use coercive diplomacy to maintain an exclusive sphere of influence in the former Soviet Space should come as no surprise. After all, it was Putin who in 2006 described the demise of the Soviet Union as the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century. To protect its declining influence, Russia has not hesitated to use its control of energy resources. At the height of winter in 2006 and 2009, Moscow cut off gas supplies to the Ukraine - and Europe - in disputes with Kiev over gas prices and gas debts. Russia also uses its position on a network of Soviet-era pipelines as the last exit point to European markets to bully clients and extract low gas and oil prices from Central Asian suppliers. For example, in 2009, in a dispute over gas pricing Russia suspended gas imports from Turkmenistan for nine months, which cost the latter an estimated one-quarter of its total annual GDP. Griffin, Golden Dawn, FN, Jobbik, NPD have all rushed to lay down and be petted by Putin. They have done so solely for their own short term political interests, and at the same time have betrayed both Nationalism and Europe. What Europe needs is a heroic resistance movement led by a revolutionary nationalist vanguard of young nationalists like the Ukranian Right Sector to lead the overthrow of the rotten old EU regime. Instead we have a clique of tired, weak, corrupt cowards who have sold out their nations and nationalism for the patronage of Putin, a man who would do Nationalists in his Eurasian Union and in a Putin controlled Europe exactly what he has already done to Nationalists in Russia. The primary reason why these puffed up political clowns of the pseudo-political right in Europe have opposed the Ukranian Nationalists is because the Ukranian Nationalists have done in a few months what these parasites have never achieved in decades of political activism. The Ukranian Nationalists have overthrown their governments and built a National Revolution from the ground up. Look at the European political nationalists, in their plush EU funded offices in designer suits supping fine wines and playing pathetic reactionary bourgeoisie games as they surrender ever more of our nationalist principles to appease the howler monkey liberals that hoot and yell perpetually demanding the dilution of nationalist principles in order for nationalists to sit beneath their tables and beg for the scraps they down to us like good, well trained pets of the traitorous elite. The European nationalists are too stupid to realise they will never win the rigged game of electoral politics, or they are just too corrupt to care. Therefore these sad pathetic parade of losers now go bowing and scraping to Putin for some pocket money to put in their already bulging pockets filled with EU funds, state cash and the subscriptions of their gullible members. Anyone with any intelligence knows you cannot win the rigged game of politics in the EU. All nationalist political parties are is controlled fake oppositions to perpetuate the illusion of democracy in the EU tyranny. Even when Nationalists do win elections then their parties are banned ( NPD), arrested ( The Golden Dawn ), infiltrated by state agents ( BNP, NPD) the law forces them to change their constitutions to remove nationalist principles ( BNP ) or their leaders are murdered like Jorg Haider. We will never overthrow the EU through playiung the rigged game of electoral politics. That is why the European nationalists hate the Ukranian Nationalists and have now aligned with Putin, whose anti-nationalist venom inside Russia and whose IMPERIALIST plans for a supra-national state entity match only the Imperialism and anti-nationalism of the EU itself. The Right Sector are the future of European Nationalism. I stand with them and their heroes against all who will stand against the European Reconquista that we so deserve and need.



Putin - The Enemy Of Nationalism
There are those deluded nationalists who think Putin is our ally.
They are wrong.
He has plans for an Eurasian Union to copy the EU, another vast nightmarish anti-nationalist supra-national state to suffocate and repress the indigenous nations and people of Eurasia.
Some people think that Putin is a nationalist.
They are wrong.
This is the reality of Putin's Russia.
And is this what the BNP and other nationalists around Europe now support then ;
Boris Spiegel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The above is the Jewish Oligarch who was appointed by Putin and who worked until March 2013 as the head of the Russian constitutional law making body.
Spiegel is the man who wrote the anti-Russian Nationalist laws that Putin pushed through the Russian Parliament to do this to Russian Nationalists ;
Note the organisations this pro-Putin Oligarch is linked too ;
World Without Nazism -
MBN has declared its official aims to be:
establishment of an international "early warning" system, monitoring and prevention of the uprising and spread of nazi ideas and actions;
establishment of interaction with national, European and international law enforcement and judicial bodies in order to suppress any manifestations of neo-nazism, racism and xenophobia, including glorification of its accomplices, struggle against those who deny Holocaust,
cooperation with international European organizations, parliaments, public associations overseeing de-nazification processes in the UN member states,
incorporation into the educational system of the Council of Europe member-states (and further on of other states) of obligatory programs of teaching the Second World War and Holocaust history;
popularization of publicist materials, films, works of literature and art which cover issues of revival of the nazism threat, the need to struggle against it;
support of organizations initiating investigation of activities against persons who are accessorial to nazi crimes of the Second World War;
perpetuation of the memory of victims of the Second World War and Holocaust, heroes of Resistance and Soldiers-Liberators.[8]
According to a member of Russian Public Chamber and founder of a sub-section of the MBN in Russia Alexander Brod, MBN aims "to protect Russian-speaking compatriots in Baltic States",[
Which it what it has done in the Crimea here - a video of Pro-Putin anti-fascists attacking Ukranian Nationalists whilst screaming 'Kill the Fascists' and wearing red soviet armbands
Note also Putins state funded anti-fascist street army NASHI whose details are here ;
Note also the Golden Dawn leaders who are not in prison, which suggests they are either state agents or idiots, now support the same Putin anti-fascist mobs in the Crimea who killed their own people here ;
Any Nationalist supporting Putin is the enemy of NATIONALISM not just in Ukraine, but also in Russia and across the whole of Europe.
Putin is NOT our ally.

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