Wednesday 5 March 2014

Putin - The Enemy Of Nationalism

There are those deluded nationalists who think Putin is our ally.
They are wrong.
He has plans for an Eurasian Union to copy the EU, another vast nightmarish anti-nationalist supra-national state to suffocate and repress the indigenous nations and people of Eurasia.
Some people think that Putin is a nationalist.
They are wrong.
This is the reality of Putin's Russia.
And is this what the BNP and other nationalists around Europe now support then ;
Boris Spiegel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The above is the Jewish Oligarch who was appointed by Putin and who worked until March 2013 as the head of the Russian constitutional law making body.
Spiegel is the man who wrote the anti-Russian Nationalist laws that Putin pushed through the Russian Parliament to do this to Russian Nationalists ;
Note the organisations this pro-Putin Oligarch is linked too ;
World Without Nazism -
MBN has declared its official aims to be: establishment of an international "early warning" system, monitoring and prevention of the uprising and spread of nazi ideas and actions;
establishment of interaction with national, European and international law enforcement and judicial bodies in order to suppress any manifestations of neo-nazism, racism and xenophobia, including glorification of its accomplices, struggle against those who deny Holocaust,
cooperation with international European organizations, parliaments, public associations overseeing de-nazification processes in the UN member states,
incorporation into the educational system of the Council of Europe member-states (and further on of other states) of obligatory programs of teaching the Second World War and Holocaust history;
popularization of publicist materials, films, works of literature and art which cover issues of revival of the nazism threat, the need to struggle against it;
support of organizations initiating investigation of activities against persons who are accessorial to nazi crimes of the Second World War;
perpetuation of the memory of victims of the Second World War and Holocaust, heroes of Resistance and Soldiers-Liberators.[8]
According to a member of Russian Public Chamber and founder of a sub-section of the MBN in Russia Alexander Brod, MBN aims "to protect Russian-speaking compatriots in Baltic States",[
Which it what it has done in the Crimea here - a video of Pro-Putin anti-fascists attacking Ukranian Nationalists whilst screaming 'Kill the Fascists' and wearing red soviet armbands
Note also Putins state funded anti-fascist street army NASHI whose details are here ;
Note also the Golden Dawn leaders who are not in prison, which suggests they are either state agents or idiots, now support the same Putin anti-fascist mobs in the Crimea who killed their own people here ;
Any Nationalist supporting Putin is the enemy of NATIONALISM not just in Ukraine, but also in Russia and across the whole of Europe.
Putin is NOT our ally.
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