Friday 23 January 2009

Poor Kids Go Hungry as Councillors Lick Obamas Arse

The article below reveals just how much the establishment parties care about the British people.

They spend so much time brown nosing Obama that they forget about poor, hungry kids in their own borough.

Total scum the lot of them.

LEWISHAM: Council Obama debate leaves no time for free school meals motion
10:52am Thursday 22nd January 2009

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By Matthew Jenkin »

COUNCILLORS spent more than 20 minutes praising American President Barack Obama at a council meeting last night, leaving no time to discuss other issues affecting Lewisham residents.

A motion tabled by mayor Sir Steve Bullock to recognise the importance of Mr Obama's inauguration took priority over other motions such as the provision of free school meals for all.

The meeting was ended before councillors had time to discuss the motion tabled by Green councillor Darren Johnson.

Cllr Johnson said: “I think it was reasonable that the full council formally noted Mr Obama’s inauguration.

“But whether it should have been debated to such an extent when there were other issues to discuss, I’m not sure.”

Tory councillor Barrie Anderson chairs the council but says that it would have been unfair to cut the debate short.

He said: “How long councillors talk is up to them. It’s not fair of me to dictate that and I have to be fair to all parties.”

Cllr Johnson’s proposal is to run a pilot scheme in Lewisham borough offering all children free school meals.

A similar scheme was piloted in Hull, but was scrapped because it cost too much.

Cllr Johnson admits that it will cost millions of pounds to fund but suggests requesting the money from central government.

He said: “I think it’s important that kids do get to eat a healthy meal. The results from schools in Hull was very encouraging and showed an increase of kids having a proper meal.

“The feedback from parents also showed that it did have an effect on children’s eating habits and could help cash-strapped parents during the recession.”

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