One of the primary reasons for the power and growth of Liberalism is that as the religion of Christianity dies in the West due to demographic collapse amongst White European Christians and the growth of non-Christian immigrant communities, the last remaining vestige of Christianity that exists in the West is Liberalism.
Liberalism is the secular manifestation of the Christian ethos, and represents an attempt to create a Christian utopia on earth. This is why Liberals are so adamant in their belefs, as they have shifted their faith from christianity to liberalism.
This is also why as Christianity shrunk in the West during the 1950's until today, the power of Liberalism rose. As the West rejected its Christian heritage, those who had also rejected their individual christian faith embraced a secular version of christianity itself in order to compensate for their abandonment of their faith.
This secular version of christianity is the cult of liberalism which has its own liturgies (only whites can be racist), its own creedo (Political Correctness) and its own Jehovah (Marx).
This embrace of Liberalism by the last of the christians led to them worshipping 'The Other', all those they saw as the downtrodden, meek and weak of the world - the immigrants and all those other groups who were able to trigger the post-imperial guilt complex in the White European psyche.
Just as they had rejected the religion of Christ, they sought to assume the mantle of Christ.
Post-Christian Liberals saw the West as a sort of post-Christian 'sanctuary' for the poor, huddled masses of the world - and at the same time they were so busy projecting their compassion upon 'The Others' they no longer even saw that their own kin were suffering in the countries they lived within. Whilst they fetishised the poor Black African, they ignored or never saw the poor, homeless White European or cared for the six million aborted babies of Britain.
Compassion flowed only to the stranger - contempt only the poorest of their own kind.
The most important factor to consider though in the collapse of contemporary socities in the West is that the demise of christianity and the rise of liberalism was a factor linked only in those RAISED AS CHRISTIANS, whilst today we have now produced two generations for whom christianity and liberalism are both meaningless.
This is why we have a generation of feral youth who have been raised by Liberalism in a semi-atheistic moral, religious and cultural relativist society who worship only materialism, wealth, money and violence - for they have been raised in a society with no real values of any kind.
This is therefore the spiritual vaccuum at the heart of the West - Christianity is dead and we are in the last days of liberalism which has become the reflection of Christianity.
The last of the christians were the liberals and they participated in the murder of their own religion.
The power of the church at its peak was reflected in the power of liberalism at its peak. Both had a stranglehold on society at the peak of their powers.
But both are now relics, meaningless empty behemoths worshipped only by the last of the faifthful whilst all around run riot the new barbarians who despise both christianity and liberalism.
This is a return to the past.
Just as christianity could only be implanted in the West via force, the forces of chaos at war in the world are the way that the archaic spirituality of the West will return.
Charlemagne 747 – 28 January 814) was King of the Franks from 768 to his death. He expanded the Frankish kingdoms into a Frankish Empire that incorporated much of Western and Central Europe.
Charlemagne was engaged in almost constant battle throughout his reign, often at the head of his elite scara bodyguard squadrons, with his legendary sword Joyeuse in hand. After thirty years of war and eighteen battles—the Saxon Wars—he conquered Saxonia and proceeded to convert the conquered to Roman Catholicism, using force where necessary.
The Saxons were divided into four subgroups in four regions. Nearest to Austrasia was Westphalia and furthest away was Eastphalia. In between these two kingdoms was that of Engria and north of these three, at the base of the Jutland peninsula, was Nordalbingia.
In his first campaign, Charlemagne forced the Engrians in 773 to submit and cut down an Irminsul pillar near Paderborn. This was a deeply symbolic moment. The Irminsul tree was the connection between the Gods, the land and the people. By felling the Irminsul, a living tree, and replacing it with the cross of christ, made from a dead tree, the organic religion of the West was replaced with the theological dogma of the East.
European Man at that moment became seperated from his roots, and the insane fratricidal wars that have destroyed the West in the name of the various christian cults began.
In the summer of 779, he again invaded Saxony and reconquered Eastphalia, Engria, and Westphalia. At a diet near Lippe, he divided the land into missionary districts and himself assisted in several mass baptisms (780). He then returned to Italy and, for the first time, there was no immediate Saxon revolt. In 780 Charlemagne decreed the death penalty for all Saxons who failed to be baptised, who failed to keep Christian festivals, and who cremated their dead. Saxony had peace from 780 to 782.
He returned in 782 to Saxony and instituted a code of law and appointed counts, both Saxon and Frank. The laws were draconian on religious issues, and the indigenous forms of Germanic polytheism were gravely threatened by Christianisation. This stirred a renewal of the old conflict. That year, in autumn, Widukind returned and led a new revolt, which resulted in several assaults on the church. In response, at Verden in Lower Saxony, Charlemagne allegedly ordered the beheading of 4,500 Saxons who had been caught practising their native paganism after conversion to Christianity, known as the Massacre of Verden. The massacre triggered two years of renewed bloody warfare (783-785). During this war the Frisians were also finally subdued and a large part of their fleet was burned. The war ended with Widukind accepting baptism.
Thereafter, the Saxons maintained the peace for seven years, but in 792 the Westphalians once again rose against their conquerors. The Eastphalians and Nordalbingians joined them in 793, but the insurrection did not catch on and was put down by 794. An Engrian rebellion followed in 796, but Charlemagne's personal presence and the presence of Christian Saxons and Slavs quickly crushed it. The last insurrection of the independence-minded people occurred in 804, more than thirty years after Charlemagne's first campaign against them. This time, the most unruly of them, the Nordalbingians, found themselves effectively disempowered from rebellion. According to Einhard:
The war that had lasted so many years was at length ended by their acceding to the terms offered by the King; which were renunciation of their national religious customs and the worship of devils, acceptance of the sacraments of the Christian faith and religion, and union with the Franks to form one people.
The heathen resistance in Saxony was at an end.
The religion of christianity that preached of peace conquered with war, blood and death.
It had turned the natural, organic religions of Europe based on the symbolism of the tree, a living and growing symbol of perpetual life with the dead symbol of the cross - a symbol of horror, violence, torture, obedience and the brutality of Rome and the betrayal of the Jewish Pharisees.
The symbolism of the cutting down of the tree of life is a symbol found throughout Europe wherever christianity killed its way to power.
Saint Boniface (Latin: Bonifacius; c. 672 – June 5, 754), the Apostle of the Germans, born Winfrid or Wynfrith at Crediton in the kingdom of Wessex (now in Devon, England), was a missionary who propagated Christianity in the Frankish Empire during the 8th century. He is the patron saint of Germany.
Boniface found it difficult People were attracted by Christianity but unable to give up their old religion and superstitions, perhaps out of fear of being different or of how the old Viking "gods" would react. Much of the worship of these heathen was centered around sacred trees at which they practiced sacrifices and made offerings to the gods.
Knowing that the people needed a reason to let go, Boniface called the tribes to a display of power. Preaching about the nativity under a great sacred tree dedicated to Thor, he found himself facing a angry armed crowd. As the people watched, Boniface approached the giant oak of Geismar, a sacred tree dedicated to Thor, with an axe. Some of the people must have trembled with each stroke of his axe, but nothing happened. Finally with a crack, the tree split in four parts that we, are told, fell to the ground in the shape of a cross. They crushed all the trees around encept a single small fir three. There stood Boniface, axe in hand, unharmed by their old gods, strong in the power of the one God. The legend says that Boniface used the lumber from Thor's tree to make a church. And that is why Boniface is often shown with a axe.
It is this symbol, that of the Tree of Life, that must become the symbol of the new religion that will save Europe.
The Tree of Life represents an eternal unfolding spirituality connected to living nature whilst the symbol of the Cross is formed from dead wood nailed together and then turned into an instrument of secular power, obedience and torture.
In Odinism the God Odin is crucified like Christ to a tree. Unlike Christ whose redemption is found only after his death, Odin SURVIVES his torment on the tree and gains the wisdom of the Runes and thereby unlocks the secrets of the universe. With this knowledge he can bring wisdom to European Man and European Man can live in harmony with nature and achieve ever higher evolution.
The symbolism of the Christian crucifixion represents the idea that only after death can one achieve completeness, and that therefore ones life must be dedicated to obedience to christianity and a rejection of the world as a way to prepare for the afterlife.
This is why Christianity despises the planet - and this is why we are facing the ecologicl crisis of today.
Odinism on the other hand offers European Man a way to spiritual wholeness in LIFE.
Odin is crucified upon a living tree and therefore this is in direct opposition to that of the cross - which is made from the dead wood of a tree and which is then pulped to make paper from which the Bible is printed.
The living tree represents what Jung saw as a constant unfolding of the divine spiritual force in the universe, whilst the cross represents a death age of obedience.
The icons of death are what the West once worshipped - Moses, Christ, saints, popes etc etc
Now all these icons of death must be replaced by a living, organic religion which allows our people to reconnect once more with nature, the earth and the divine unfolding of the spiritual within the material and within Man.
The Tree Of Life is a symbol of rebirth and new life.
The Tree of Life is also symbolic of Man himself.
The roots represent our descent from the Gods and our connection to the Earth, the trunk represents our shared European racial heritage, the main branches of the tree our nations and tribes, the twigs on each branch represent each family unit and each single leaf symbolises an individual life.
The Tree Of Life is a symbol of Life, whilst the Cross is a symbol of death.
The death age of christianity and liberalism has led to the age that William Blake regarded as Ulro - the lowest stage of human life possible where mans innate value has been replaced by his utility value.
Just as Christianity grafted itself upon the hewn oaks of our heathen past, the new religion that is starting to sprout upon the stumps left behind by christianity and its pimp sister liberalism is a return to an organic and natural religion.
The wood of the cross has rotted away and now only the stump remains as the last remnants of liberalism.
Christianity took power through violence in the West, and as it rotted away its shadow image of Liberalism unleashed through its toleration and promotion of evils such as Islamic extremism, crime, degeneracy and filth the same violence that once empowered christianity.
Liberalism is the senile state of christianity, the last final morbid stage of its existence.
Christianity as it became liberalism unleashed the same forces it once used to take power - and this is why we have such violence in our societies today.
Christianity is a semitic religion, it is creature of the deserts of the Middle East not the forests of the Northern Europe and its symbol the cross is an instrument of torture not of living redemption.
The Tree of Life as represented by Yggdrasil represents the path of perfection and harmony with nature IN LIFE as opposed to after death, which is what the cross and the crucixifion of Christ represents.
Today the violence we see in our society is the prelude to a rebirth of the West, a rebith based on ancestral cultures, values and an organic religion of nature.
The violence in our society is the unleashing of the chthonic forces of nature as represented by Nidhoggr, who exists beneath the world tree Yggdrasil. This is the dark side of mans unconscious released on the earth with no moral or social constraints, for with the fall of christianity and liberalism no moral order exists to control European Man. The vaccuum of religious belief has led to man losing himself in sensation, drugs, alcohol and wars.
In the absence of belief, man kills himself with his desires and hatreds.
The death of Christianity and the conflagration that will result from the bonfire of the vanities of liberalism are the cleansing fires of a new age.
After the fire the green shoots of new life always spring from the scorched earth.
These new green shoots are the rebirth of Yggdrasil and the West after the Ragnarok of the last 1300 years of European history marred by wars, religious extremism, the burning of heretics and the collapse of the West into the black hole of liberalism and materialism.
Odin Is Rising.

It is this symbol, that of the Tree of Life, that must become the symbol of the new religion that will save Europe...In Odinism the God Odin is crucified like Christ to a tree. Unlike Christ whose redemption is found only after his death, Odin SURVIVES his torment on the tree and gains the wisdom of the Runes and thereby unlocks the secrets of the universe.--DOL
Regarding the crucifixion, I think it's more to it than that. But it appears that Europe is much too secular to embrace a new religion. I don't live in Europe so I can only draw from conversations I've had with Europeans in forums online and off the net. The usual reliability of science and reason appears to be at the core of the rejection of religion. I'm not an expert on paganism, but it seems to be less relevant to life experience than Christianity is. Are there any religious texts in Odinism similar to those of the Abrahamic faiths? Established doctrines? etc. I honestly do not believe that any religion could survive or make a "comeback" without those things or evidence that it can improve a population. This is especially true if it has to compete with science and reason.
Interesting article, Lee, thanks
(First up, I agree about China and the Olympics, a costly deception to boost the NWO and eventual global tyranny.)
Re: Odin, he actually derives from Nimrod, king of Babel (Babylon) Genesis Chapter 11, who dies violently and is deified, Hislop, The Two Babylons, p 57, 312, Appendix L. Sometimes, the fate of Odin is conferred on his son, Balder, in Chaldee Baal-zer, the seed of Baal.
Charlemagne was the tool of Pope Hadrian I, who furnished him with the forged Donation of Constantine, by which Charlemagne had 'legitimacy' to set up the (un)Holy Roman Empire by force of arms - a bit like the trumped-up dossier on the 40-minute deployment of WMD used to 'justify' the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. TB was another papal puppet.
See The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan, Chapter 3.
i.e. Catholicism and Christian belief should not be confused. To illustrate the difference, see The History of the Waldenses, by Rev. J.A. Wylie.
Christianity cannot die because Jesus Christ said "I am he that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death" Revelation 1:18.
To illustrate, on July 7th 2005, Muslims murdered 52 victims in London, including 27 white Britons. On October 8th 2005, a massive earthquake (7.6+ on the Richter Scale) struck Kashmir and 75,000 Muslims died, catapulated through the gates of "hell and death" when the Lord Jesus Christ unlocked them.
'Allah' couldn't lift a finger to prevent the calamity.
I believe that the two events are not unconnected and that Christianity's Founder is responsible for earthquakes, Numbers 16:30-32.
John Lennon predicted that Christian belief would die. It didn't but he did.
Hi Lormarie,
secularism is a manifestation of the death of christianity.
Science and rationalism are the antithesis of christian faith, and the renaissance itself was a manifestation of christian totalitarianism.
Have a read of ' The Masks Of Odin' - just type the name in on google and the book is able to be read or downloaded. It is one of the more accesible commentaries on the faith.
Odinism is a religion that seeks higher evolution and therefore fuses both wisdom (spiritual knowledge) and scientific knowledge.
Hi alanorei,
thanks for the comments - I will research them all. Excellent as usual mate. Thanks for that.
I agree entirely that Christos cannot die - what will die I believe is the christian Jehovah worshipping churches and the bibilical version of the christ that they constructed to create the secular power of the church through the Holy Roman Empire.
The second coming is the return of the spiritual gnostic christos - an inner spiritual christos who teaches that ignorance is sin and that the kingdom of heaven is within.
Christos as the gnostic gospels teach us is of the spirit and each of us can become a christos.
I foresee a future where the churches wither away and a myriad new Christos are born - each of whom are the vessels for the spirit of christos within their souls.
This is an interesting article and goes to the heart of the West's problem.
Thanks for that.
I'm not a religious person but I do believe in conducting myself in a certain way, ie. Christian tenets. Here's a few points.
Interesting you say Liberalism is the last remaining vestige of Christianity, I too, have recently concluded that Liberalism is a religion.
It is said that that the final stage of civilisational collapse is the onset of depravity, there is little doubt that this is where we are today.
There is a good case to be made that Liberalism is a suicide cult, with the goal of a world without humans.
I'm with the poster who says there can be no rise of a new transcendental religion, the enlightenment put paid to that.
Although I'm reading that Postmodern Liberalism is a rejection of the enlightenment.
I'm afraid when it comes to Odin then I am lost.
There is no doubt in my mind that there is a profound malaise within Western civilisation, as you say, there is a vacuum out there, how else can abject indifference and apathy to the West's survival - be explained away.
The Western way of life, (civilisation) and arguably that of the world, is rapidly coming to an end. As the last remaining energy and resources are frittered away, then the writing is on the wall, this great technoligical civilisation is over - it's back to the future.
Who knows what new philosophies or religions or belief system will emerge? For me personally, and I suspect most reading here, we shall be gone when the final act is played out, but you never know, we may return one day to find out.
Thanks, Lee. As always, you're welcome.
I tend to agree that church-based worship as we know it today will undergo radical changes in the next decade or so - not all of them good.
Re: the Lord Jesus Christ, the sticking point is His declared physical reality after His resurrection, as attested by the 11 remaining disciples and which testimony is I believe consistent with the laws of jurisprudence:
"Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have" Luke 24:39.
Re: the bible, the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" Matthew 24:35.
The Lord's words are the written scriptures, as we have them in the KJB, i.e. as He said in His risen state to the apostle John "What thou seest, write in a book..." Revelation 1:11.
It's a matter of waiting to see what happens. My money would be on the KJB. It has a proven track record of survival.
I believe that the biblical dimension has to be addressed because, historically, it has been so widespread, certainly amongst the English-speaking peoples.
Re: vessels for the Lord's Spirit, St Paul's challenge to the Corinthian believers is interesting:
"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates" 2 Corinthians 13:5.
What is also interesting is the familiar expression "gave up the ghost" that occurs 10 times in the KJB (but not the modern counterfeits) and always refers to the moment of death.
The expression is often dismissed as a quaint colloquialism but in fact the term is technically correct in that 'ghost' has the basic meaning 'God's host,' indicating that the human being has the capacity to be indwelt by God's Spirit - also termed the Holy Ghost or the 3rd Person of the Godhead (the term occurring 89 times in the KJB, only in the NT and discarded by the modern counterfeits).
The capacity is lost at death. Best to exercise it before then, as John 1:12 indicates.
Re: Norse belief system etc., although not explicitly mentioned in the following work, Babylon Religion by David W. Daniels, Chick Publications, is an otherwise excellent summary of the development of all the non-Christian religions, including Islam. The format is pictorial because it is intended for a wide readership but it is extensively documented.
Lormarie makes some good points.
Correct me if i'm wrong but is the folowing assertion correct?
"In Odinism the God Odin is crucified like Christ to a tree."
I thought that Odin was hung upside down from a tree.
In a sense he is forerunner of the Christos myth, the myth of a suffering man-God who is redeemed and saves mankind.
Lormarie makes some further interesting points:
"But it appears that Europe is much too secular to embrace a new religion."
Is it?
Would any rational observer have made a similar assertion standing in Weimar Germany?
Would they predicted that one of the most rechnologically and culturally advanced states in Europe would succumb to Nazism, a irrational occult state that ended unleasing global war and the industrial extermination of a race of people?
No, only a few psychics and spiritual scientists did like Rudolk Steiner and Carl Jung.
Such things as the religious imperative and the archetypal foces of man cannot be adequately and rationally explained or predicted.
"I honestly do not believe that any religion could survive or make a "comeback" without those things or evidence that it can improve a population."
At this juncture I would tend to agree with Lormarie. Odinism has no structure or hierarchy or organisation or established holy books to compete with other religions. Besides, it has bene wiped from all CONSCIOUS memory within the Northern European soul.
It is, in that sense, a dead religion although of course it flourishes amongst certain groups.
However, the archetypal memmories and forms still radiate much energy and these can never die within the Northern European folk memory.
It is tehse archetypal forms that CAN be resurrected and drawn upon.
What forms of religions, spiritualities or occult political networks this will produce is open to question.
I would like to point out a few flaws in your initial argument. Maybe change them? If you choose not to you risk losing the point you are attempting to make, but I digress, i suppose if you choose not to change the flaws,it is inconsequential.
first and foremost is your use of liberalism throughout the work. I understand your message, but the context is both misleading and weak.
Liberalism is defined by the fall of the aristocracy and the rise of the public sphere. The Bourgeois public sphere was the definitive method of engaging reality instead of the imposed pseudo-environments by the greater populous, as such, not acting upon pseudo-environments with respect to inter-personal representation in society. The "masses" garnered both the respect of the fallen power of the church and royalty, along with subjugating the powers that be under the banner of the democratic process. These factors led to a new sense of power, one that lies in the heart of the public. This process deftly caught on in the west, and evidently gave rise to the middle class. Liberalism, we can now see, is not the result of a shift in christian ethos, but a result of progressive democratic institution over the powers of the church and state.
secondly, you use religion as the foundation for cultural morality. My problem with this is as outlined by the late and great John Stewart Mill, that in liberty "[o]ver himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign". This is pertinent because liberty is the method of engagement for western society. In response to your observation of a social lack of morality, it is moreover defined by this individual sovereignty, NOT a lack of religious influence. Why? Religious institutions operate on a basis of social control, which is separate from the individual as defining external response, and introspection. The church may act as a guide, but is NOT the only way to approach christian liberal value systems. If your argument applies, I could say that a murderer who attends church WILL stop murdering, period. it is just too weak and makes almost no sense.
lastly, you make reference to the past as some "bygone relic", as something to be worshiped or modeled after. This holds NO bearing whatsoever. One may refute me by saying they championed the causes you argue to the fullest extent. This may be true, but modern society isn't dictated by monarchs or church law. western society as a whole is possessed of free thinking individuals free from coercion from the state. Yggdrasil as a symbol for a new christian era will only pose duality which will convolute your position, and once more make reference to dead ideologies and methodologies. Revival ISN'T the answer.
hope this helps to solidify your argument. :)!
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