Thursday 12 February 2009

Free Movement of EU workers and Geert Wilders

How topical the news that Geert Wilders has been banned from coming into the UK, but the government says it has no powers to stop foreign workers entering the UK.

Well that must mean the powers used by the home secretary Jacqui Smith to ban Geert Wilders from entering the UK must be illegal then.

It appears that the powers to ban elected politicians in the EU exists, but no powers exist to stop foreign workers coming in droves into the UK to take British workers jobs.

What a load of old bollocks.


The decision to ban Mr Wilders is likely to be contrasted with the Home Secretary's decision to allow Ibrahim Mousawi, chief spokesman for Lebanese group Hizbollah, to enter Britain last May.


Mr Mousawi was allowed by Miss Smith to address meetings in the UK organised by the Stop the War Coalition despite being banned from entering France and Ireland.


Miss Smith's decision was backed by Labour peer Lord Ahmed, who had been lobbying Parliamentary authorities not to allow Mr Wilders to broadcast the film in the Lords.

Looks like there is one law for Muslims, and the muslim block vote the Labour party needs to get elected, and one law for everyone else.

As for the fact that the UK is run by Israel, as peddled by the Far Left and Nazis, this shows that such a contention is totally false.

Geert Wilders is the most pro-Israel european politician.

What this ban on him entering the UK shows is that whilst the power of the Zionist Network is still strong in sections of the media, it is the Far Left / Liberal / Islamist blocks are now the major powers within the UK.

Unlike the jews who are a minuscule community in the UK, the Muslim block vote is essential to the Labour Party scum politicians getting elected - therefore they place their self interest as politicians and the interests of their muslim voters before any other sections of British society.

The Zionist Network in the UK better stop organising to block the BNP getting voted into power, as by doing so they are handing power to the Muslim Block vote to get politicians elected who have to pander to that block vote.

It is time the morons that run the Zionist Network had better start putting the interests of British Jews first, and stop the Labour Party from being the accomplices to the Islamisation of Britain and the growth of dhimmitude.

The news yesterday that Islamic finance in the UK is now larger than in Pakistan shows how the power of the Islamist lobby groups and economic groups is now rising to prominence - and yet British Jewish leaders still talk about the 1930's and Hitler whilst the world is being taken over Islamic finance and Islamist terrorists.

Islamic Finance and Ethical investments are gradually evolving into one of the most important asset classes in the financial services industry with London taking the lead as the global hub for Islamic investors.

Driving factors are the support by the UK government and the numerical importance of the UK Muslim community. That is why institutional investors as well as conventional financial services firms are looking to engage in this important field. In the midst of high growth figures in this industry on a global basis are challenges which must be addressed such as codification of Sharia'h compliance, Islamic regulation as well as different knowledge gaps within the financial services community about this important Asset class.

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  1. First I'd like to say that I'm not a huge Geert Wilders fan. But I'd love to know how radical Muslims can live in the UK and freely express hatred of the west and Wilders is banned from entering. No offense, but what's wrong with the UK?

  2. Hi Lormarie,

    I hope you are well.

    I wondered if you were ok as havent heard from you for a while.

    This ban is ridiculous, but then again we live in ridiculous times.
    The UK is now a mad country run by crooks and controlled by terrorists and fanatics.

    I see that Michelle Obama is on the front cover of Vogue with the headline' the first lady we have been waiting for' - I wonder if that is because she is a great first lady ( which to be honest we dont know yet as she has only been first lady for 23 days ) or simply because she would pose for Vogue ?

    The cult of celebrity is a terrible thing, which trivialises both the reader and the celebrity.

    All the best,


  3. "It is time the morons that run the Zionist Network had better start putting the interests of British Jews first, and stop the Labour Party from being the accomplices to the Islamisation of Britain and the growth of dhimmitude."

    Well said Lee.

    As for Wilders, the ban is simply an enforcement of sharia law. Under sharia law, a dhimmi must not criticise Islam. In kow-towing to the demand that sharia be enforced in this case by the Lord of Jihad, the British Home Secretary has made sharia superior to the rule of not just British law but European law too.

    All funded by those perenial little sheep the British tax-payer who are paying for their own conquest.



  4. funny (not) how the bbc conveniently omitted out the threats from lord ahmed who was prepared to march his 10 000 strong muslim army on parliament if he didn't get his way.
    I can safely say that nick griffin will soon be facing a lengthy jail sentence or worse before the euro elections. and the average brit will do absolutely sweet fa all about it, too shit scared to march on downing street because some nigel type may call them racist.

  5. I see that Michelle Obama is on the front cover of Vogue with the headline' the first lady we have been waiting for' - I wonder if that is because she is a great first lady ( which to be honest we dont know yet as she has only been first lady for 23 days ) or simply because she would pose for Vogue ?

    The cult of celebrity is a terrible thing, which trivialises both the reader and the celebrity.--DOL

    I'm doing very well, thanks for asking. I believe the Vogue headline has something to do with the fact that the fashion industry loves her. Even her daughters are coveted (TY toy company, offers to appear on TV). To be honest, I like the positive coverage that she's getting since it smashes the negatives.

    Back to Wilders. I'm actually quite surprised that the UK places a ban on anyone because of what they believe. I've always assumed that the UK and USA were similar in their approaches to issues like this.

  6. By banning Wilders the foolish bitch JS has shot herself in the foot.

  7. StoptheIslamificationOfBritain said...
    By banning Wilders the foolish bitch JS has shot herself in the foot.

    Shame it's not in the head...

  8. The ban on Wilders shows the double standards at work here.

    Jean Le Pen was allowed in to the UK in 2004 and the then Home Secretary stated that Le pen was a French national and therefore entitedl to travel to Britain.

    So why not Wilders?

    Le Pen had no less than 23 convictions at the time, yet his admission to the UK could be construed as tacit acceptance that anti-Semtism did not debar an individual from coming into teh country.

    Yet Wilders is considered undesirable because he is an anti-Islamist.

    is it acceptable therefore to hate Jews than to hate Muslims?

    It is likely that the Labour Government fears , whilst keeping a look-out over their shoulders at the Muslim bloc vote in their constituencies.

    Gutless cowards.

  9. Today in Britain we now have a new Inquistion - it's called the Home Office and run by the modern equivalent of Catholic bishops and cardinals.

    Like the Medieval period we now have a religion - which is alien to these shores - which dictates to the country exactly what we can and cannot say.

    Islam is now the new religion of the state. Criticise it at your peril - as Geert Wilders has found.

    Our freedom of speech, belief and expression are now being eodded and the new Inquistion ensures that the values of our once democratic society are eroded further and further.

    The new Inquistion is finally screwing down the nails of the coffin in which the corpse of British democracy now liies. This new Inquistion is both championed and enforced by the Left-liberals, and their neo-communist bed fellows of the so-called anti-facists and anti-racists.

  10. Talking of freedom of movement and speech....

    I just got off the phone with Liberty, allegedly the defenders of free speech, them having not answered any emails. The reason I called was that I heard someone on The World At One saying how terrible it was that we were all being so nasty to poor Abu Qatada. As this story was only from this morning and they were so quick off the mark, I thought "Hmmm, I must have missed something here regarding Wilders".

    I have just been told on the phone by a New Zealand sounding lady that they are "really busy this week and there won't be any statement coming as the whole Geert Wilders thing has been and gone now". When I asked "Why wasn't a statement issued at the time, and would you be prepared to let me know Liberty's stand on this?" I was told "Sorry, I really have to go now". The whole call took under a minute.

    PLEASE call, write or email Liberty and keep the pressure on, and politely but firmly re-assure them that the story has not "been and gone"!

    This is really really important - a strong test of what Liberty really means and where their allegiance lies.

  11. I was wondering about the deafening silence from Liberty, allegedly the defenders of free speech, So I phone them up, them having not answered any emails. The reason I called was that I heard someone on The World At One saying how terrible it was that we were all being so nasty to poor Abu Qatada. As this story was only from this morning and they were so quick off the mark, I thought "Hmmm, I must have missed something here regarding Wilders".

    I have just been told on the phone by a New Zealand sounding lady that they are "really busy this week and there won't be any statement coming as the whole Geert Wilders thing has been and gone now". When I asked "Why wasn't a statement issued at the time, and would you be prepared to let me know Liberty's stand on this?" I was told "Sorry, I really have to go now". The whole call took under a minute.

    PLEASE call, write or email Liberty and keep the pressure on, and politely but firmly re-assure them that the story has not "been and gone"!

    This is really really important - a strong test of what Liberty really means and where their allegiance lies.

  12. I've been wondering about this myself. Most of my friends in the UK are getting sick of the double-standard in "political correctness".

    Wake up UK!
