Thursday 12 February 2009

The UK is screwed

The British white working class who vote Labour are mugs.

These two stories demonstrate the utter stupidity of the British white working class who continue to vote for the Labour party.

Now the public are going to reap what they sowed, and a banquet of consequences is going to follow.

The demented labour bitch on sandwell council who ordered her minions to vote to stop funding the St.Georges day event is a lying bitch.

Would she cancel a muslim march just because a few muslims on the march were waving placards that were extremist ?

Of course she wouldnt - she would say ' the muslims on the march who were extremists were a minority and we must not punish the majority of decent muslims because of the actions of a few idiots'.

But when it is a white event, then it is banned.

A hypocritical two faced treasonous bitch is the only way to describe people like her.

From The Times

February 12, 2009

Statisticians are right to publish and be damnedFor: Sir Andrew Green

Statisticians can cause quite a stir just by being honest. Yesterday the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published the latest employment figures.

They show that in the past 12 months the employment of British workers has fallen by about 250,000 while the number of foreign workers has gone up by about 200,000.

Does this show that foreigners are taking “British” jobs and, if so, was the ONS right to publish the analysis on the very day that it also published figures showing unemployment within an ace of two million?

Of course it was right. Nothing is worse than suspicion – harboured (according to polls) by 80 per cent of the population – that the Government is less than truthful about immigration.

Yesterday’s publication is a success for the new watchdog, the UK Statistics Authority, which is determined that government statisticians should tell it as it is, whatever the topic, and let the debate take place. Until recently these labour force numbers would have been buried in obscure tables perused only by specialists. But now we have the facts before us and they do indeed show what they appear to show.

There is also an important distinction between non-UK-born and non UK nationals.

Economic migrants who have become British citizens are, of course, in the former category. The Government uses this to its advantage, with the Prime Minister saying that nonUK nationals were 8 per cent of the workforce, which sounds better than the 13 per cent who are not UK-born. In the present case both measures show a decline in British employment and a slightly smaller increase in foreign employment. Sir Andrew Green is chairman of MigrationwatchUK.


Axe falls on St George: Parade is halted after council says it attracts racist thugs
By Daniel Bates
Last updated at 12:32 AM on 12th February 2009

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England's biggest St George's Day parade is facing the axe after councillors said many of those attending it were racist.
For the last decade up to 15,000 have assembled in the town of West Bromwich under the slogan 'Forever England, For Everyone'.
Children and parents from all over the country parade through the Black Country town waving St George flags and marching to rousing anthems such as Jerusalem.
Organisers say one of the aims is to reclaim the Saint George Cross from Right-wingers and make it a source of pride for all.
On the march: Led by a mounted knight representing St George, the West Bromwich parade in 2005

But last night the local council, Labour-controlled Sandwell, voted to withdraw its support for the parade. Funds will go to support a Party in the Park instead.
It leaves parade organisers with what they say is the impossible task of raising £10,000 to cover their costs with only a few weeks to go.
In a letter to the organisers, one councillor, Yvonne Davies, said the parade created an 'unhealthy atmosphere' and inspired young boys to be racist.
She wrote: 'It is not only the parade which is the problem, but the tribal excitement it creates.'

The West Bromwich St George's Day parade started in 1998 and began as a fairly modest affair with 5,000 turning up. Now three times that attend the two-mile parade in April. Fire Service and Scout Association bands have played, the British Legion lends its support and each year ex-servicemen attend.

A volunteer dresses up as St George and rides with the marchers, children paint their faces with the St George Cross and there are activities such as medieval jousting.

There have been some problems - last year organisers had to clamp down on drinking in the street and a band with hard-Right roots joined in without their permission.
Councillor Davies wrote in her letter: 'I am sure most are very respectful and law-abiding, however some are distasteful in the extreme and wish to divide and separate people from each other.'

She said she had once been abused by youths who 'had been emboldened by the parade and thought racist chants were funny'.

'I have seen first hand how the parade (albeit unintentionally) creates an unhealthy atmosphere.'

At a meeting of Sandwell council cabinet last night, her colleagues sided with her and decided against backing the parade. Instead there will be the Party in the Park, a concert in the Town Hall and St George Flags will be flown on all of the council's buildings.

Trevor Collins of the Stone Cross Saint George Association, which organises the parade, said: 'To suggest the parade is racist is ridiculous and offensive. When you see the kids, the dogs, everyone out having fun, it's really a beautiful sight. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, green, brown or whatever, everyone's welcome.
'The council's decision means we have to foot the bills for insurance and security. We've got to come up with £10,000 in two months which seems impossible.'
Another organiser Mark Cowles said the parades had raised £7,000 for charity. He added that, as well as losing out on council support, they had probably missed the deadline for applying for road closures.

'All we wanted to do was organise a fun, family-friendly day for everyone that celebrates being English,' he said. 'We have been approached by extreme Right-wing groups and we have turned them away.'

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1 comment:

  1. She's obviously yet another treasonous 'Common Purpose' muppet in high places.
