Friday 6 March 2009

Union / Police Hypocrite Bastards

One of the issues we have identified as a result of the leaking of the BNP list, and one that will be the subject of legal action very soon, is trades unions, police forces, councils, newspapers and pther bodies keeping a copy of the stolen BNP list to check their employees in order to try and sack them.

So far a handful have been sacked and they are at present preparing legal cases against the police etc.

The ultimate hypcorites in thic country though are the trade unions and police.

A recent law just passed makes it an offence to collect data on police officers - but many bastards top coppers across the country have collected, stored and used the BNP list.

The trades unions are another bunch of hypocrites.

The article below reveals how the trdae unions are howling because someone collected a list of those people linked to the unions who have been involved in union militancy and passed that information to their employers, or other companies, to keep them out of their jobs.

Well now you bastards in the unions leadership know how it feels - and the same law used by the unions to ensure the bosses cannot collect information on their members we will use to ensure the unions cannot copy, collect or use the BNP membership list against our members.

Unions representing thousands of workers whose personal details were allegedly purchased by more than 40 major British companies demanded today that the Government introduce laws banning the practice of “blacklisting”.

Some of Britain’s biggest construction companies, including Balfour Beatty and Sir Robert McAlpine, are accused of paying a private detective to vet prospective employees.

Ian Kerr, of Droitwich, Worcestershire, allegedly charged firms £3,000 a year to consult his database of 3,213 workers, whose names were accompanied by notes such as “poor timekeeper, will cause trouble” and “Irish ex-army bad egg”.

The investigation by the Information Commissioner, which began last June and culminated in a raid on Mr Kerr’s premises in February, sparked fears that many workers were being unfairly blacklisted on the basis of information stretching back to the 1980s.

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Mr Kerr will be prosecuted under the Data Protection Act, which prohibits holding personal information on individuals without their knowledge or consent, the Information Commissioner said. He could face an unlimited fine if he is prosecuted in the Crown Court.

Union leaders today described the situation as "deplorable" and called on ministers to act. They said that the Government had passed a law in 1999 outlawing the practice of so-called blacklisting but had then decided not to implement it on the ground that “there was no hard evidence that blacklisting was occurring”.

Alan Ritchie, the general secretary of Ucatt, the construction union, said that it would be writing to the Government immediately “demanding that they bring forward the existing regulations and introduce them into law immediately”.

“Ucatt members know from bitter experience of being refused work that blacklisting exists in construction,” he said. “However, the extent of the practice and the fact that most of the major companies are involved in the practice is truly shocking. It is outrageous that construction workers have been barred from jobs simply for being trade unionists.”

Brendan Barber, the general secretary of the TUC, said: “Not only has information about workers’ union membership been recorded and shared,” he said, “but personal details have also been revealed.

“The Government must act now and bring in the 1999 blacklisting regulations to give workers proper protection and access to redress.”

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform said that it was prepared to review its position.

Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, also intends to issue enforcement notices against construction companies that appear to have paid Mr Kerr. The notices would prevent companies from trading personal data on penalty of being in contempt of court. His office did not rule out taking further legal action against the companies, it said today.

Individual workers affected may also sue the companies if they could prove that they suffered damage because they had been blacklisted, lawyers said.

Most of the companies declined to respond to the allegations but some said that they were conducting internal investigations. NG Bailey told The Guardian: “We are taking these claims very seriously and an immediate and thorough investigation into the matter has been launched.”

David Smith, the Deputy Information Commissioner, said: “This is a serious breach of the Data Protection Act. Not only was personal information held on individuals without their knowledge or consent but the very existence of the database was repeatedly denied. The covert system enabled Mr Kerr to unlawfully trade personal information on workers for many years helping the construction industry to vet prospective employees.”

Isabella Sankey, the director of policy at Liberty, warned that a Bill enabling private companies to share information would legitimise the creation of databases like Mr Kerr’s.

“The blacklisting scandal shows how closely people’s privacy relates to their freedom of conscience, association and protection from discrimination,” she said. “If Clause 152 of the Coroners and Justice Bill passes, future ministers could order enormously broad information sharing, meaning that blacklisting databases could become routine.”

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