Friday 6 March 2009

The White Grapes of Wrath

The Daily Mail article here is interesting ;

Note the fact that the majority of the poor, dispossessed people in the pictures are White and not black.

Yet the media constantly focuses in on the plight of the welfare dependent blacks in the US, yet never focuses in on poor whites.

The Second Great Depression is one that will mainly hit whites, as they are mainly the workers in the US.

It will be white workers, white managers and white poor who will be hit the hardest by thos crash.

The higher percentage of welfare dependent blacks will be untouched as the government will merely continue to subsidise them through the crash.


  1. Yet the media constantly focuses in on the plight of the welfare dependent blacks in the US, yet never focuses in on poor whites.

    The "plight" often highlighted is the rampant crime.

    The higher percentage of welfare dependent blacks will be untouched as the government will merely continue to subsidise them through the crash.

    But the sorry state of welfare dependent blacks will not change. They were poor before the crash and they'll be poor during and after the crash. The welfare system has never made anyone rich.

  2. Hi Lormarie,

    I agree. America is going down the pan.

    Obama got a poisoned chalice.

    The welfare system never made anyone rich, but it has made plenty of black people satisified with being poor, living on benefits and exploiting the 'racial greivances culture'.

    This in its turn has created a culture of low expectations re education in a Bling Culture that says 'get rich or die trying' is the only way blacks should be.

    As chris rock said - black gangsters are respected by poor black folks but a black university proffesor is regarded as a weak assed bitch by most poor city blacks.

    An education is what you get when you cant play football, rap, make money from selling drugs or being a gangster. Crime is glamorised, education mocked.

    Thats a sick culture making children into criminals.

