Thursday 11 February 2010

Michael Kenny - Guardian retard

I have only one thing to say about the idiot that wrote this article ;

You and your evil liberal ilk have used immigration to destroy Britain and peddled your facile propaganda to undermine the identity of the indigenous British people, you can fuck off if you think we will accept any ethnics as being indigenous English.

The England of the English is the England of the indigenous English people, not another bullshit fake plastic identity acceptable to you and your soppy twat pompous liberal mates and 'folk singers' who think the fact they can sing a song makes them some kind of politician.

English civic identity and cultural identity can be shared, but our ethnic identity will never be surrendered.

As for Eliza Carthy - stick to the singing darling, leave the politics alone.

Theres a good girl.

You are an total embarrassment with your cringing 'some of my best friends are FILL IN THE GAPS HERE ' old shite.

As for Michael Kenny, who gives a toss what that liberal idiot thinks anyway.

Folk musician Eliza Carthy recently wrote of how appalled she was to find herself listed as one of BNP leader Nick Griffin's favourite musicians. And who can blame her?

But this episode goes deeper than one folk singer's embarrassment. Griffin's championing of English folk music is one element of a wider cultural strategy being pursued by the BNP. This involves forging a connection between the deeply felt sense of socio-economic marginalisation prevalent in some communities and the more overt espousal of pro-English, as opposed to pro-British, nationalism.

This shift in cultural politics on the far right is a prescient and overlooked one. According to research shortly to be published by the Institute for Public Policy Research, an attachment to Englishness has become a more significant feature within the social culture of England than many of our politicians have realised. This trend has also become powerfully intertwined with divisions associated with class.

Various factors have helped strengthen English identity over the last decade. Devolution has forced the English to reflect on their own sense of nationhood and position in the union. The recognition that England is governed in an extraordinarily top-down fashion has generated a sense of concern about its (un)democratic position that spans the camps of right and left. Just as important has been a general trend towards the revival of some of the ancient ties of belonging in the face of the changes and insecurities associated with globalisation.

Our research points to the Janus-faced character of this new sense of Englishness. On the one hand, a distinct English national iconography has quite rapidly become part of the wallpaper of our cultural life. Think of how commonplace the cross of St George, once a symbol tainted by association with the far right, has become. In this and many other guises – such as a notable revival of English musical traditions, literature and art – we found that English self-identification carries no single political or social agenda. Nor does the strengthening of Anglo identities necessarily mean that people cease to care about Britain. The evidence suggests that for most people the opposite is true: valuing your Englishness has for many people added to the stock of multiple identities that we enjoy holding.

So what's the problem? Well, a second trend has also come into play. A much shriller and often chauvinistic idea of English identity has emerged as an important vehicle for the expression of a growing sense of resentment among some sections of the English populace. It is this new breed of populist nationalism that is putting a gleam in Nick Griffin's eye.

This is the brand of English nationalism that many liberal commentators and politicians, including the current prime minister, rightly see as a toxic antithesis to the civic and inclusive patriotism which they want to see grounded upon a broader sense of Britishness.

Understandable as this recoil is, our research leads us to question this widely held progressive position. First, we found that the belief that government and polite society disapprove of Englishness is a key ingredient in the soil in which populist nationalism has flourished. A concerted progressive engagement with English identity and culture would help starve this unpleasant plant of much of its oxygen.

Second, it is about time that we dumped the caricature of the white working class, which infantilises public debate. It is simply not true that white working-class people are more prone to populist nationalism than their middle-class counterparts. In fact, what struck us most about the conversations we had with people from different backgrounds during our research were the different ambitions and fears associated with a commitment to being English. We became aware of a complex and shifting set of arguments about what it means to be English today.

And, third, we need to question the widely held assumption that Englishness is "for whites only". It is true that polls tend to suggest that the majority of ethnic minorities in England connect with the idea of being British rather than English. And there are good reasons why liberals are sometimes suspicious of the assertion of English pride. But closer inspection of the evidence suggests a more complex picture. Attitudes to English identity vary between and within ethnic minority communities, while there is anecdotal support for the idea that people from third-generation backgrounds are more ready to identify with aspects of English culture and identity.

We should recall too that on some important social issues, including attitudes towards racial mixing and community cohesion, England remains one of the most tolerant developed countries in the world. Progressive and multicultural English patriotism represents an important means of seizing back the ground that the far right is trying to occupy. A good start would be for all mainstream political parties to combat the insinuation that Englishness is "forbidden" in our cultural life.

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  1. So because English people are white they don't have the right to an identity anymore unless they share that identity with a load of brown people?

    What a load of old shit.

    BNP gets my vote this time around and I'm neither white, nor English.

  2. The term Inclusive Patriotism says it all doesn't it.

    I don't think these deranged genocodal psychos should be executed for treason, they need to be studied, we have to find a cure for this disease.

  3. Why do you even bother to waste your time writing what the looney left write in the Guardian ?

    It is only read by spotty-faced students and middle-class do-gooders.

    It loses readers every day - it is a spend force.

    Why bother with it ?

  4. think what you want but can't you keep the word retard out of it? when you use that word you drag my child with special needs and the million like her right into the gutter. She deserves the right to dignity. Yes, you have free speech but I'm just asking for you to make a free choice not to use that horrible hurtful word.

  5. think what you want but can't you keep the word retard out of it? when you use that word you drag my child with special needs and the million like her right into the gutter. She deserves the right to dignity. Yes, you have free speech but I'm just asking for you to make a free choice not to use that horrible hurtful word.

    I have a sister who is 'special needs too' and not once has anybody called her a retard, i think you are going over the top here Hannah with all due respect.
    Unfortunately in this day and age there are too may people acting in this manner who ARE NOT special needs.

  6. No Hannah, you are wrong.

    The word retarded should never have been applied against people with special needs in the first place, as it is a negative, insulting and perjorative word, and I have never used the word 'retarded' to apply to anyone with special needs.

    I call people with special needs, people with special needs.

    I dont call people with special needs 'retarded'.

    Of all the people with special needs I have ever known, and that is many over the years from my various jobs, I have never called one a retard - either to their face or behind their back.

    I use the word retarded to apply to the intellectually 'normal' people who are morally, intellectually or politically retarded eg of an undeveloped psychological or moral nature.

    Their retardation refers to their inner nature, not their physical or mental characteristics.

    In order to 'liberate' the word retarded from the idiots that use it to describe people with special needs then the word 'retarded' needs to be directed at the people, normal people, who are retarded.

    The word exists.

    It cannot be 'unmade' or 'uninvented'.

    Therefore it must be used to apply to the true retards in our society - people like Michal Kenny whose retardation relates to their internal nature.

    That way the meaning of the word changes and hence who it is directed at.

    Unless words are re-defined, they retain forever their original meaning.

    Its rather like Chris Rock the black comedian reclaiming the word 'nigger' from the 'white racists'.

    You should watch Bring The Pain and see him do it.

  7. No one with special needs is a retard, I don't care what the medical dictionary says, I take it to mean any one who has a choice but refuses to see sense, this would apply to lefties and I'm ashamed to admit it, some of my family, who despite masses of evidence refuse to believe what is really going on in this country,
    some of my family are retards, your daughter isn't.

  8. "BNP gets my vote this time around and I'm neither white, nor English."

    Excellent....Then you recognise that the "agenda" (Zionism)demands the destruction of all peoples.....Welcome aboard.

    All races and people are intrinsically valuable in themselves, because they exist.
