Friday 12 February 2010

Another 'Race Attack' - yeah right

Image - Noor Ramjanally. Another victim of a race attack (yeah right).

Image - The chief suspect and the racist graffiti.

This guy must think the people are mugs.

Who has the motive for this crime - perhaps its the person seeking re-election whose whole platform is based on 'racism' and then along comes a 'racist' graffiti attack just at the right time to justify his cries of 'racism'

Who benefits most - well its the person screaming that racism is rife in the area isnt it, who can then use this 'attack' as means to support his election platform and campaign.

Who has benefited most - well take a look at the picture. Who is standing there in front of the graffiti - yep, its the person standing for re-election.

Like most people I am sick and tired of seeing these 'race' attacks, as in most cases it appears to me that they are nothing more than sick, cynical stunts in order to exploit the issue of racism and extort rights, money, privileges from the majority population.

The list of such incidents is vast.

I blogged here a few days about an 'evil racist attack' in Australia on an Indian chap who was set on fire which led to the liberal elite in Australia going into a hissy fit - until it was revealed his attackers were four Indian blokes he had a falling out with over money ;

And then we have the best one of all - the infamous 'the bnp attacked me on my doorstep, kidnapped me and drove me away' story of Noor Ramjanally ;

Yet again it appears that the police should focus their investigation either on Baig or his chums or his supporters WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY.

If you believe this was a race attack please send me a cheque for fifty grand and I will send you a trillion pounds from the bank account of my uncle Tellik Stanislov who is the chairman of the National Bank of Lithuantiania.

Students shocked by campus attack

Thursday, February 11, 2010, 09:20

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A POLICE investigation is underway after a university was daubed with offensive slogans.

Swastikas and offensive wording, including "no Pakis", were sprayed on a number of buildings at Staffordshire University's Leek Road and College Road campuses at roughly 2am yesterday.

Once spotted, maintenance staff were dispatched to clean up the graffiti.

However, the incident has left students upset, with many saying they wouldn't recommend Stoke-on-Trent as a suitable destination to come and study.

Charlotte McKenzie, aged 20, came to the university from Nottingham.

The broadcast journalism student said: "The graffiti is disgusting. I came to Stoke-on-Trent already aware of the high number of BNP councillors, but gave it a chance.

"This sort of thing makes me not want to be here anymore, or recommend it to my friends.

"I have experienced racism during my time here, whether it is sly remarks or innuendos."

Rochelle Owusu, aged 18, is originally from North London.

The law and journalism student said: "I cannot believe something like this has happened at the place I chose to come to study.

"I'm only in my first year and I didn't sign up to deal with this sort of thing. This is somewhere we should feel safe."

The incident has been linked by some to the imminent university elections where current students' union president Assed Baig is fighting to hold on to his position.

The 28-year-old is facing the polls after a group of students moved for a vote of no confidence.

Mr Baig has been heavily involved in protests against the BNP and in the recent English Defence League demonstration in Hanley.

He also made headlines last year after posting an article on the union website, containing a link to a site identifying 30 BNP members living within two miles of the university's Stoke campus.

Mr Baig, who has Pakistani parents, believes the attack was a message to him.

"I have no idea who has done this, but when they write "no Pakis" outside the entrance to my work, I feel it is aimed at me, especially with the election approaching," he said.

"I cannot understand why somebody would do this, it makes me sick to my stomach."

Gary McNally, aged 24, is chairman of the Students' Union Council.

The modern and international history student, who moved to the Potteries from Newbury, said: "I think it's disgusting that people are trying to intimidate students. We need to bring the community together, from all religions, to fight this.

"This sort of thing really puts people off studying here."

A spokesman for the university said: "We wish to send a strong and clear message to say we do not tolerate racist behaviour in any form on our campuses.

"Our campuses are covered by CCTV and regular night patrols and we will be fully co-operating with police."

A police spokesman added: "We are working with the university and students' union. CCTV footage is being checked."

Witnesses are asked to call PC Keith Emery on 0300 123 4455.

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  1. Students are the perfect target for black-ops because they are so fucking stupid and believe anything.

  2. Whenever there is a high profile "racist" graffiti incident you will find that those involved were from ethnic minorities themselves. The Jewish defence agencies like the ADL and CST need such activities to generate the millions that they receive. Just remember the clip from the film " Defamation".... "Antisemitic attacks are on the rise thats good...ur no thats not good".

  3. There must be an election looming. Isn't it strange that these so-called racist attacks have not been reported over the past four or five years. I can remember the commie students rioting in the sixties. It was not uncommon for some of them to pour tomato ketchup over their faces and then position themselves near tv cameras, so they could accuse the police of brutality.

    I suspect this particular 'race' attack bears all the hallmarks of the extreme left eg UAF

  4. Dr Shipman voted Tory.12 February 2010 at 11:27

    This has been going on for years, but the BNP is still growing and with the breakdown of British society speeding up, it will keep growing.

  5. I think 9-11 was an inside job too, and remember a few yrs ago when someone drove up behind a biker and shot him.
    I remember thinking at the time, someone is trying to provoke a biker war.

    I think, as well as the assorted scum we have on the streets there is one or more teams of assasins going round killing people, conducting black ops.

    This one may be just uaf, but the more serious stuff will involve professionals.

    Over the last few yrs Ive had the esense there are at least one team in this country running around, killing people to try to stir thingsup.

  6. Any Whitey's doing this are shitting on their own.
