Saturday 20 March 2010

Gay Adoption Traumatises Kids

Children with same-sex parents prone to suicide, study reveals

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Mexico City, Mexico, Feb 19, 2010 / 01:57 am (CNA).- A study presented at the symposium in Mexico, “Homosexual Adoption: What Science Has Discovered,” revealed that most children adopted by same-sex couples display “greater levels of stress,” and suffer from “suicidal tendencies and attempts.”

The symposium was organized by the Mexican Institute on Sexual Orientation, “Renacer,” in order to provide scientific information about homosexuality, homosexual adoptions and their impact on child development.

During a presentation on research conducted by George A. Rekers, Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science at the University of South Carolina, the presenters noted that “boys and girls adopted by lesbian and homosexual couples show a greater level of stress than that which is already generated by their status as orphans or children abandoned by their biological parents.” They added that this situation “produces diverse trauma and behavioral disorders that can even lead to suicidal tendencies or attempts.”

“According to various studies containing testimonies from children of homosexual parents, most them of admit to suffering strong emotions, such as fear, anxiety, apprehension, shame and anger in trying to hide from their friends and relatives the homosexuality of their father or mother,” they continued.

Adoptive families

Likewise, addressing the issue of homosexual “marriage,” the study pointed out that “they are significantly and substantially less stable and shorter on average compared with marriages between a man and woman.” Consequently, “homes with a homosexual adult inevitably contribute to substantially higher rate of changes in adoptive homes.”

“Due to the high incidence of psychological disorders among children who enter the adoptive care system,” those “living with a practicing homosexual in the adoptive home,” are especially “ vulnerable to psychological damage and an increasing inability to adapt,” Rekers' study said.

Oscar Rivas, president of Renacer, underscored that “according to international experience, based on various studies and research, the conclusion is that in matters of adoption, the rights of the children, not those of the parents, are what should prevail.”

The symposium in Mexico took place after lawmakers in the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City approved reforms allowing homosexual adoption. The study by Professor George A. Rekers was the basis for rulings in the state of Florida prohibiting the adoption of minors by same-sex couples.

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