Monday 6 September 2010

The Fall of Reason

I was going to publish an article about a certain chap who believes that anyone who has an article published in the JC that attacks them or mentions them is a 'spy'.

Out of respect for their past, and for the way they fought the reds on the streets during the era of the Cold War when the communists were a serious street army, I shall desist from doing so.

I try not to attack the old fighters.

But you know who you are.

Get a grip.

You are rapidly losing all credibility when you write such rubbish.

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  1. I'm embarassed to ask this but what is a JC?
    Can you get it on the NHS or do you have to place an order with BNP officers?
    I'm only asking!
    JC was the serious bit.

  2. "I was going to publish an article about a certain chap who believes that anyone who has an article published in the JC that attacks them or mentions them is a 'spy'."

    The "Jewish Chronicle", JC to their friends.

  3. Thank you very much.
    Not a hope in hell I would have got that.
