Monday 6 September 2010

The Other Allegations

It appears fresh allegations have been made against another senior figure in the BNP of sexual misconduct, adultery and betraying a fellow BNP comrade by sleeping with their partner behind their back.

I have no knowledge of these allegations, so will not publish them here.

I only publish what I know is true, or what I have been told is alleged to be true by people who I know and trust.

Therefore I shall not repeat those fresh allegations here.

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  1. Lee. Last week you promised some articles about NG - now you are just teasing us. You are writing "maybe" "should've"
    "could've" stuff. What happened to the tune in for more - nothing yet.

  2. "It appears fresh allegations have been made against another senior figure in the BNP of sexual misconduct, adultery and betraying a fellow BNP comrade by sleeping with their partner behind their back."

    You put every "senior figure in the BNP" under suspicion "of sexual misconduct, adultery and betraying a fellow BNP comrade by sleeping with their partner behind their back" by "repeat[ing] those fresh [unsubstantiated] allegations here"

    Can you not see that?

  3. You don't print things from sources you don't trust.
    So that means the blue arrow is a not to be trusted source.

    who's the daddy is a despicable farewell line in my opinion.

    (tried to post this earlier but it must have got lost in amongst all the bad language and death threats)
