Wednesday 8 September 2010

Filthy Bolshevik Scum Crimes Revealed

The media will hound German war criminals to the ends of the earth, but when it comes to arresting and prosecuting the murderous Bolshevik red scum who slaughtered tens of million people in Europe and Israeli terrorists in the Irgun and Stern gang who killed British troops in Palestine then forget it.

The grave was discovered in a forest in Slovenia close to the Austrian border and is thought to contain Nazi collaborators, around 100 Austrian citizens, and civilians that Yugoslavia's fledgling communist regime deemed as "class enemies" and a threat.

Acting on information given by eyewitnesses investigators unearthed a trench three metres wide and 21 metres long packed with human remains.

"Some were killed kneeling, with hands tied behind their backs, and their bodies revealed traces of gunshot wounds," said Marko Strovs, head of the Slovenian government's commission for mass graves, but he added that other victims appeared to have been killed with an axe.

The scale of the massacre surprised officials, who had originally thought it had involved no more than a hundred victims, and investigators explained that the presence of shoes in the grave indicated that some of the victims were civilians.

Eye witnesses said that in May 1945 a convoy of 19 lorries carried the victims into the forest where they were probably killed on the site of what is now the grave.

The latest discovery is further evidence of the tremendous bloodletting that engulfed the former Yugoslavia in the weeks and months that followed the German surrender. Josip Tito's victorious communist government sought to eliminate anybody considered a fascist collaborator or a possible opponent of the new regime. Slovenia alone has an estimated 600 mass graves containing the remains of at least 100,000 people.

Despite the profusion of graves bearing testament to the scale of the post-war massacres, Slovenia's left-wing government has faced accusations of trying to stall investigations into crimes committed during the socialist period.

Critics maintain that the Social Democrats, which have their political roots in the communist past and are also the largest party in the country's governing coalition, prefer not to investigate Tito-era crimes as it would expose them to adverse publicity.

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  1. #######BREAKING NEWS!!!######

    According to the BNP's latest (rather belated news) news flash, 2 Christians have today been warned not to preach Christianity in a Muslim area.

    BUT WAIT!!!1 WTF!

    The BNP are 2 years behind the real world, this incident took place in June 2008!

    Fucking hell, and this is why I stopped donating and will never renew my BNP membership.

  2. Yea, there's a Firewall surrounding that whole issue. It'll take a few more generations at least, and then all the main perps will be dead and gone, and the bones turned to dust.
    Martin (boy) Amiss, touched on the issue but soon backed away.
    Hands behind the back, bullet in the head - very Bolshevic.
    The Poles did ask for Soloman Morel to be extradited from Israel, but probably they sent the letter just for a laugh, knowing they had no chance of getting their hands an the racist animal.
