Wednesday 8 September 2010

More Questions for Griffin

A great post on Stormfront fromsomeone called Ravenser and Machiavellian, in fact it is so good I have nicked it.

Originally Posted by Ravenser View Post
EHRC Court Case Adjourned after Surprise Turn UPDATED 21:15 | British National Party

If Griffin truly thinks that the subject of his -and Darby's and Lumby's- contempt of court hearing is not an issue worth taking through the courts, why did he declare previously that it was a matter of principle for which he was willing to go to prison?

Answer - Because it brings in money.


And why did he use his claim that he was going to defend the action vigorously to demand more money from his supporters? Surely, if backing down on this matter is the correct course of action, this is a judgment he should have made a long time ago?

Answer - Because it brings in money.


It is nonsense to claim that the amendments to his Constitution and the contempt of court case are separate matters, since it was his refusal to comply with the so-called Equalities Commission's demands over the first which led to the second.

Answer - Because it brings in money.


How many times is he going to tell his supporters that he is going to fight like a lion in defence of nationalist principles and then -when it comes to the crunch- roll over and give the enemy what they initially asked for.

Because it brings in money.


And how many times are BNP members going to fall for the same trick?

Answer - Many would like the answer to that.

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  1. How very true. My membership runs out soon and I am loathe to renew it. I don't want to give them a brass farthing.

  2. Gri££in stated yesterday morning on R,W&B radio that he knows he isn't really going to be goaled, it's all a joke to him, but some people will still send in their hard earned money to this one-eyed crook. I see that the arch-shitbag Harrington is now his legal adviser in court.

  3. Notice how the 'sticky thermometer' on the BNP website has been reincarnated? Up until a couple of days ago, it was stuck at £23k. Now it has been replaced with a £50k fundraising campaign and an apparently arbitrary sum of £3k so far collected. Curiouser and curiouser.
