Well that`s a turn up for the books, a Wodenist preaching about `christ` and `christmas`. I don`t know if you have had a Road to Damascus experience or you are just being cynical but honouring a dead jew on a stick is what helped to cause the decline of the Germanic peoples centuries ago and there is a direct causal link between christinsanity and the emasculation of our race today. Hail Woden!
In what sense is it a `majority Christian country`? Since people threw off the shackles of enforced Christian observance decades ago church attendance[which is the only way we can measure the success of Christianity]is miniscule. Just looking at the Church of England, the largest chuch organisation in England church membership-ie regular attendance is less than 3% of the population. Clearly it is a minority religion and in decline compared to say Islam. If it were not for immigrants-mainly negroes and eastern Europeans it would be in even further decline. By comparison anecdotal evidence suggests that Wodenism/Wotanism/Odinism/Asatru is growing amongst Germanic people[see Pagan Resurrection by Richard Rudgley]. In no sense can the national culture be defined as `Christian` but secular-humanist would be a more appropriate term to use. The reality is that the majority of people-the masses think very little of spiritual matters except when they are on their death bed and hold no serious or considered religious views one way or another. Regardless of all of this should we as English heathens "commemorate and clebrate" a religion which spiritually and physically enslaved Germanic people and caused our current state of emasculation? If you feel unable to further the cause of Wodenism on your blog then the honourable thing to do would be to avoid any comments that could be perceived to promote semitic religions. Let`s not cynically use an alien religion[Christianity] to attack another equally alien religion[Islam]. We should leave this cheap tactic to the BNP. It is the Spear of Woden which will accomplish this, not a dead Jew.
I have not "abused other religions".I have merely pointed out that instead of defending Christianity we should be promoting our own native ancestral Wodenist faith which has been the subject of christian persecution since the 4th century CE. To advocate that we do not resist our enemy but in effect "turn the other cheek" is not only inconsistent with Wodenism but strikes me as a rather `christian` attitude. It is only when Aryan man has entirely cast off the emotional and psychological shackles of Christianity will he find the necessary will and impetus for the revolution that must be undertaken to free our Aryan lands from zionist domination and the presence of the Third World invader. Our ancestors would not have been so accommodating to mass invasion. This post war generation is the first one in thousands of years of English history that has permitted its sacred soil to be desecrated in this way and thus has committed race treason. It is weak and decadent. Christianity has been a driving force behind mass alien immigration into Aryan lands and one must delve deeply into the origins, psychology and fundamental beliefs of this religion to understand why this is so. I speak to you as one who was once a fundamentalist bible believing christian preacher who heard the Call of the Blood 20 years ago and after a mighty internal struggle embraced the Gods of his ancestors and cursed the white christ as an integral part of the Oath of Profession. I have therefore an insider`s understanding of the christian Weltanschauung and consider this religion to have caused more damage to our Volk than Islam ever could. The truth of the matter is that nationalism in the UK and other western countries falsely sees the current struggle in terms of religion rather than race or cynically hides behind religion-in this case Christianity as a pretext for attacking Islam[and marshalling anti-muslim fundamentalist christian forces] because they lack the courage to confront this struggle on the right battlefield-race not religion.The greatest threat to the biological integrity of the Aryan race comes not from Islam which in fact acts as a deterrent to race mixing but from non-muslim immigrants and their offspring-mainly African or Caribbean negroes who mate with our people. Indeed the zionist controlled media encorage this activity. By and large these people are not muslims but more often than not christians. At least Islam culturally acts[albeit unintentionally] as a barrier to mixed marriage. When will British nationalists begin to understand that real christians detest nationalism-it has no place in their ideology. So let`s not be so quick to `hop into bed with them`! By the way there is no evidence that the Christ ever existed. He is a mythological construct and one which has been plagiarised from earlier Aryan sun myths[see Aryan Sun Myths The Origin of Religion by Charles Morris]. Thus I fail to see why the "insulting" of a religion that has actively sought the demise of our religion and our blood be condemned by you! I will be intrigued to see what line you take when the USA and its pet poodle the UK attack Iran. Will you in such an event support that zionist puppet the EDL[who no doubt will be right behind this latest zionist imperialist capitalist crusade] or will you condemn the war and recognise it for what it is-an attack on an ancient Aryan culture and the most anti-zionist regime in the world?
I have not "abused other religions".I have merely pointed out that instead of defending Christianity we should be promoting our own native ancestral Wodenist faith which has been the subject of christian persecution since the 4th century CE. To advocate that we do not resist our enemy but in effect "turn the other cheek" is not only inconsistent with Wodenism but strikes me as a rather `christian` attitude. It is only when Aryan man has entirely cast off the emotional and psychological shackles of Christianity will he find the necessary will and impetus for the revolution that must be undertaken to free our Aryan lands from zionist domination and the presence of the Third World invader. Our ancestors would not have been so accommodating to mass invasion. This post war generation is the first one in thousands of years of English history that has permitted its sacred soil to be desecrated in this way and thus has committed race treason. It is weak and decadent. Christianity has been a driving force behind mass alien immigration into Aryan lands and one must delve deeply into the origins, psychology and fundamental beliefs of this religion to understand why this is so. I speak to you as one who was once a fundamentalist bible believing christian preacher who heard the Call of the Blood 20 years ago and after a mighty internal struggle embraced the Gods of his ancestors and cursed the white christ as an integral part of the Oath of Profession. I have therefore an insider`s understanding of the christian Weltanschauung and consider this religion to have caused more damage to our Volk than Islam ever could.
Merry Christmas To All
See how they poison our Christmas -
Retribution can't come soon enough!
Merry Christmas all.
I wish I could convince me Mrs its not all about spending :O(
Merry Xmas Lee! I've stuck with your blog and supported you since the start and the end of the BNP.
Thanks chaps,
all the best to all of you,
Well that`s a turn up for the books, a Wodenist preaching about `christ` and `christmas`.
I don`t know if you have had a Road to Damascus experience or you are just being cynical but honouring a dead jew on a stick is what helped to cause the decline of the Germanic peoples centuries ago and there is a direct causal link between christinsanity and the emasculation of our race today. Hail Woden!
Britain is a majority Christian country, religiously and culturally.
It also has other indigenous heathen religions that I also commemorate and celebrate on this blog.
Pretending that Britain is not a majority Christian country is just silly.
In what sense is it a `majority Christian country`?
Since people threw off the shackles of enforced Christian observance decades ago church attendance[which is the only way we can measure the success of Christianity]is miniscule. Just looking at the Church of England, the largest chuch organisation in England church membership-ie regular attendance is less than 3% of the population. Clearly it is a minority religion and in decline compared to say Islam. If it were not for immigrants-mainly negroes and eastern Europeans it would be in even further decline. By comparison anecdotal evidence suggests that Wodenism/Wotanism/Odinism/Asatru is growing amongst Germanic people[see Pagan Resurrection by Richard Rudgley].
In no sense can the national culture be defined as `Christian` but secular-humanist would be a more appropriate term to use.
The reality is that the majority of people-the masses think very little of spiritual matters except when they are on their death bed and hold no serious or considered religious views one way or another.
Regardless of all of this should we as English heathens "commemorate and clebrate" a religion which spiritually and physically enslaved Germanic people and caused our current state of emasculation?
If you feel unable to further the cause of Wodenism on your blog then the honourable thing to do would be to avoid any comments that could be perceived to promote semitic religions.
Let`s not cynically use an alien religion[Christianity] to attack another equally alien religion[Islam]. We should leave this cheap tactic to the BNP. It is the Spear of Woden which will accomplish this, not a dead Jew.
Abusing other religions is what demeans our religion.
Insulting Christ and Jews is not just childish and pathetic, it is sickening.
Grow up.
Insulting Christianity is pathetic.
Positivity is the path of progress, negativity is the road to nowhere.
I have not "abused other religions".I have merely pointed out that instead of defending Christianity we should be promoting our own native ancestral Wodenist faith which has been the subject of christian persecution since the 4th century CE. To advocate that we do not resist our enemy but in effect "turn the other cheek" is not only inconsistent with Wodenism but strikes me as a rather `christian` attitude.
It is only when Aryan man has entirely cast off the emotional and psychological shackles of Christianity will he find the necessary will and impetus for the revolution that must be undertaken to free our Aryan lands from zionist domination and the presence of the Third World invader.
Our ancestors would not have been so accommodating to mass invasion. This post war generation is the first one in thousands of years of English history that has permitted its sacred soil to be desecrated in this way and thus has committed race treason. It is weak and decadent. Christianity has been a driving force behind mass alien immigration into Aryan lands and one must delve deeply into the origins, psychology and fundamental beliefs of this religion to understand why this is so. I speak to you as one who was once a fundamentalist bible believing christian preacher who heard the Call of the Blood 20 years ago and after a mighty internal struggle embraced the Gods of his ancestors and cursed the white christ as an integral part of the Oath of Profession. I have therefore an insider`s understanding of the christian Weltanschauung and consider this religion to have caused more damage to our Volk than Islam ever could.
The truth of the matter is that nationalism in the UK and other western countries falsely sees the current struggle in terms of religion rather than race or cynically hides behind religion-in this case Christianity as a pretext for attacking Islam[and marshalling anti-muslim fundamentalist christian forces] because they lack the courage to confront this struggle on the right battlefield-race not religion.The greatest threat to the biological integrity of the Aryan race comes not from Islam which in fact acts as a deterrent to race mixing but from non-muslim immigrants and their offspring-mainly African or Caribbean negroes who mate with our people. Indeed the zionist controlled media encorage this activity. By and large these people are not muslims but more often than not christians.
At least Islam culturally acts[albeit unintentionally] as a barrier to mixed marriage.
When will British nationalists begin to understand that real christians detest nationalism-it has no place in their ideology. So let`s not be so quick to `hop into bed with them`!
By the way there is no evidence that the Christ ever existed. He is a mythological construct and one which has been plagiarised from earlier Aryan sun myths[see Aryan Sun Myths The Origin of Religion by Charles Morris].
Thus I fail to see why the "insulting" of a religion that has actively sought the demise of our religion and our blood be condemned by you!
I will be intrigued to see what line you take when the USA and its pet poodle the UK attack Iran. Will you in such an event support that zionist puppet the EDL[who no doubt will be right behind this latest zionist imperialist capitalist crusade] or will you condemn the war and recognise it for what it is-an attack on an ancient Aryan culture and the most anti-zionist regime in the world?
I have not "abused other religions".I have merely pointed out that instead of defending Christianity we should be promoting our own native ancestral Wodenist faith which has been the subject of christian persecution since the 4th century CE. To advocate that we do not resist our enemy but in effect "turn the other cheek" is not only inconsistent with Wodenism but strikes me as a rather `christian` attitude.
It is only when Aryan man has entirely cast off the emotional and psychological shackles of Christianity will he find the necessary will and impetus for the revolution that must be undertaken to free our Aryan lands from zionist domination and the presence of the Third World invader.
Our ancestors would not have been so accommodating to mass invasion. This post war generation is the first one in thousands of years of English history that has permitted its sacred soil to be desecrated in this way and thus has committed race treason. It is weak and decadent. Christianity has been a driving force behind mass alien immigration into Aryan lands and one must delve deeply into the origins, psychology and fundamental beliefs of this religion to understand why this is so. I speak to you as one who was once a fundamentalist bible believing christian preacher who heard the Call of the Blood 20 years ago and after a mighty internal struggle embraced the Gods of his ancestors and cursed the white christ as an integral part of the Oath of Profession. I have therefore an insider`s understanding of the christian Weltanschauung and consider this religion to have caused more damage to our Volk than Islam ever could.
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