My theory is this - the sun is now releasing as it reaches the solar maximum in 2012 strange particles unknown to science which are causing changes in the earths magnetic field and causing us to enter an accelerated new pole shift.
I suspect that just as the pole shifts in the past underwent 'spurts' of accelerated shifting, this is what we are about to experience as the sun reaches the solar maximum in 2012.
As the link below reveals that strange particles are already being emitted from the sun that are affecting the decay rate of Carbon 14 and other materials, I think that other particles are emitted by the sun as it reaches a solar maximum and that these particles are those which causes the earths pole shifts to accelerate.
The bird deaths are indicators of this process beginning and are signs that the earths magnetic field is changing rapidly.
Earth's magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths
(NaturalNews) Following the unexplained deaths of several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the mysterious deaths. It all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric designators painted there. Why are those numeric designators being changed? Because the Earth's magnetic poles are shifting and the numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with the magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments (
As explains:
The primary runway at the airport is designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south. Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of the magnetic north pole.
This brings us to our first physics fact of this article:
Physics Fact #1: The Earth's magnetic poles are shifting. (And not just a little bit, but enough to affect airport runways on the scale of human observation.)
The role of Earth's magnetic field
The Earth's magnetic field is extremely important for protecting the planet...
More at the link below
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2002 - Scientists may have detected the beginning of the field's next such reversal.
2003 - Earth's fading field could mean a magnetic flip soon
2005 - Movement of North Magnetic Pole is accelerating
2008 - Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says
2009 - North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux
2009 - The earth's climate is significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field
Jan 2011 - Catastrophic weather events taking place across the globe
Jan 2011 - Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport
Jan 2011 - British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occuring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing!!
Jan 2011 - That location in the sky has slowly drifted westward because of something called "precession" -- the earth continually wobbles (a scientific term for a slight motion) every 26,000 years.
Jan 2011 - The Sun Rises 2 Days Early in Greenland
2010/2011 - People in the High Arctic say their 24-hour darkness isn't as dark as it used to be
2006 - Weather Makes Earth Wobble <---- this story is what yahoo linked it's source as for horoscope story
2009 - A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System
2009 - Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High
2009 - Russian scientists warn that the West’s “obsession” with manmade Global Warming is a deliberately designed propaganda effort to shield their peoples from the fact that Earth is or nearing a “total pole reversal” due to an as yet unexplained, but extremely powerful, gravitational force emanating from the outer reaches of our Solar System
SCIENTISTS LOCATE NEW RADIATION BELT AROUND EARTH composed of particles known as anomalous cosmic rays, the result of the sun's interaction with tenuous gas that exists between the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.. In 1992, between the months of August and November, they found that the amount of cosmic rays in this new 'radiation belt', DOUBLED.
Now look at it
and again..
Jan 2011 - British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occuring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing!!
2010 - The sun is emitting a mystery particle effecting the decay rate of radioactive material on Earth
[link to]
2010 - The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a sort of "mini-CERN" in space. In Search of Antimatter.. All of these exotic phenomena can make their presence known by the ultra-high energy cosmic rays they emit--the type of particles AMS excels in detecting.
Jan 2011 - Never-before-seen phenomenon observed with NASA telescope : thunderstorms hurl antimatter into space
UFO strikes. A military death ray. Or the coming of Armageddon. Why ARE thousands of birds falling from the sky?
By Tom Leonard In New York
Last updated at 7:45 AM on 7th January 2011
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There is talk of secret government experiments with death rays, collisions with UFOs, a demagnetised Earth’s core — and even the Second Coming of Christ.
It’s not the first occasion that America has been well and truly spooked by a series of bizarre occurrences, but is there reason to be worried this time?
The fish died first, with an estimated 85,000 carnivorous drum fish being washed up along a 17-mile stretch of the Arkansas River last Thursday. Local experts could not recall a time when so many had died so suddenly and, because it was confined to just one species, blamed disease.
Flock: Two mass bird deaths within days of each other have baffled experts, with some blaming fireworks for confusing the birds or parasites
Flock: Mass bird deaths (above, in Louisiana) within days of each other have baffled experts, with some blaming fireworks for confusing the birds or parasites
On their own, dead fish — even so many — might not raise too many eyebrows. But just a day later, and only 100 miles away, it was the turn of the creatures of the air to give people a fright.
Just before the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, thousands of birds started to rain down on the small town of Beebe, Arkansas.
Up to 5,000 red-winged blackbirds fell in a short stretch no more than 800 yards wide, sprinkling roads, rooftops and lawns. In some places, the ground was turned almost black.
Terrified residents hurried indoors as the tiny creatures thudded down around them.
Enlarge Apocalypse how? Locator map showing dead wildlife in USA, New Zealand, Sweden, England and Brazil
Apocalypse how? Locator map showing dead wildlife in USA, New Zealand, Sweden, England and Brazil
One hit a woman walking her dog, while another resident had to use an umbrella to protect herself. Local man Shane Roberts said it sounded like hail pelting on his roof. ‘I turn and look across my yard and there’s all these lumps,’ he said.
Milton McCullar, the town’s street department supervisor, said: ‘It was like a scene out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie.’ He didn’t need to spell out which film. The emergency switchboard lit up as everyone rang in alarm.
‘Some of them were a little panicked, they thought it was the end of the world,’ said Eddie Cullum, the local police chief.
The residents’ unease only increased when environmental clean-up workers turned up wearing white hazardous suits, helmets and gas masks to clear away the birds.
* More mass animal deaths see thousands of fish found floating in Florida and 200 birds dead on Texas bridge
Officials initially blamed high-altitude hail or lightning hitting the birds. Then preliminary lab tests concluded they had died from ‘multiple blunt force trauma’, implying they had flown into something. (Their stomachs were empty, ruling out poison.)
The prime suspect was New Year fireworks, which could have startled the birds from their roosts and send them crashing into houses, trees and each other. But fireworks go off every New Year. Why hadn’t this happened before?
Dan Cristol, an academic and co-founder of the Institute for Integrative Bird Behaviour Studies, said he found it difficult to blame fireworks unless ‘somebody blew something into the roost, literally blowing the birds into the sky’.
John Fitzpatrick, director of Cornell University’s ornithology laboratory, suggested the birds might have been sucked up by a ‘washing machine type thunderstorm’ that then spat them back out on to the ground.
Other experts still cling to the weather theory. Michio Kaku, a physics professor in New York, said the deaths could have been caused by a flock being hit by a ‘microburst’ — a sudden, fierce downdraft of wind that have been known to bring down airliners.
The U.S. Geological Survey has said it knew of 16 cases over the past 20 years of large numbers of blackbirds dying at once. Investigators admit they may never discover what happened, but are certain the birds and the fish are not connected.
‘We just think it’s a rather strange coincidence,’ said LeAnn White, a wildlife disease specialist at the U.S. Geological Survey. If only the deaths had ended there, most people might have swallowed the ‘coincidence’ theory.
But then something happened which sent a shiver down American spines. On Monday, some 500 birds — mainly starlings and blackbirds — were found dead 300 miles south, along a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They showed signs of internal injuries and blood clots, and the official explanation was they had probably flown into power lines.
Soon after, wildlife officials in Kentucky reported several hundred birds had been found dead in the western part of the state.
Creepy: Thousands of dead drum fish were also discovered just miles away lining the shores of the Arkansas River
Creepy: Thousands of dead drum fish were also discovered just miles away lining the shores of the Arkansas River
And then, on Wednesday, it emerged that an estimated two million more fish had been found dead in the Chesapeake Bay on America’s East Coast.
The local environment department blamed ‘cold water stress’, when the ocean is too cold for the fish to survive in. But that couldn’t explain the thousands of dead fish found floating in a creek in Port Orange, Florida. There had been cold weather, said puzzled locals, but that had been a week ago.
With the spotlight on deceased animals, more and more cases are turning up — and not just in America. In Sweden, about 100 jackdaws have been found dead in the road in the southern city of Falkoping. A lorry driver claimed he ran them over, but police said most birds had shown no signs of damage.
Many Americans don’t believe the official line at the best of times, and the burgeoning ranks of conspiracy theorists have found themselves spoilt for choice in picking a reason for these animal deaths.
Dead birds raining out of the sky and rivers of dead fish are the stuff of apocalyptic visions, and in a country where 41 per cent of people believe that Jesus will return by 2050, some see the hand of God and the Biblical ‘End of Days’ in all this.
Internet keyword searches in the U.S. have soared for the likes of ‘dead fish and Bible’ and ‘dead fish and birds and Revelation’.
Pastors on Christian internet forums have been busy answering questions about whether what the Washington Post scathingly dubbed the ‘Aflockalypse’ really does signal the beginning of the Great Tribulation mentioned in Revelation as the prelude to the final battle of Armageddon between good and evil.
Even before the wildlife started dying, an alliance of Christian groups was spreading the word that the end of the world will begin on May 21 this year. This is a date that’s been calculated by Harold Camping, a Californian preacher, based on his reading of the Bible.
James Manning, a controversial pastor in Harlem, New York, has dubbed the animal deaths ‘Global Katrina 2’ in reference to the New Orleans hurricane, and blamed ‘biological warfare’. He’s certain ‘we are in the period referred to as the Tribulation’, and that the Bible makes clear this pre-Apocalypse period will be about environmental catastrophe rather than war.
Gruesome: New Year revellers watched in horror as the birds rained down on houses and cars in Beebe
Gruesome: New Year revellers watched in horror as the birds rained down on houses and cars in Beebe
‘This strange occurrence can’t help but lead this Christian writer to remember the beginning of that 1988 movie The Seventh Sign, wherein signs of the Apocalypse, as outlined in the Book of Revelation, seem to be coming true,’ wrote Paula Mooney, for the Examiner newspaper.
Those who favour the End of the World theory have also cited the Ancient Mayan calendar, which runs out next year, another signpost to approaching Armageddon.
Add that to the fact that bird behaviour has been studied since Roman times for clues to the future. As with the canary in the coalmine, the birds are on to something earlier than the rest of us.
Hollywood sci-fi films have also been plundered for supporting evidence that something sinister is happening. Some have flagged up the Mel Gibson film Signs, in which birds were seen flying into invisible UFOs hovering above cities. Other theories have been anchored closer to the surface of the planet.
Mystery: A starling lies along the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Experts said hundreds of birds may have died after hitting power lines
Mystery: A starling lies along the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Experts said hundreds of birds may have died after hitting power lines
In the Hollywood disaster movie The Core, birds start falling out of the sky because the Earth’s magnetic core — which they use to navigate — has shifted. Those who are wary of the U.S. government have preferred to point the finger of blame at its High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme, or HAARP, which conducts research into the defence implications of harnessing the upper atmosphere’s ionosphere.
Some suspicious minds — reportedly including the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez — believe the project’s research instruments are death rays that can excite electrons in the ionosphere and so create earthquakes, storms and power failures.
Others have wheeled out another popular conspiracy theory — known as ‘chemtrails’ — which claims that aircraft vapour trails are chemical agents that are being sprayed at high altitude as part of a secret government programme. It might explain the birds, but the fish, too?
Another idea is that the New Madrid Fault earthquake zone — an area covering much of the U.S. mid-west and south, including Arkansas and Louisiana — is coming to life.
Those still yearning for other culprits can take their pick from pesticides, or toxins released into the air by the start of major natural gas drilling operations in Arkansas.
All have their supporters on the internet.
Thousands of them: Crabs washed up at Palm Bay, Margate, are thought to have died of hypothermia
Thousands of them: Crabs washed up at Palm Bay, Margate, are thought to have died of hypothermia
The UN Environment Programme yesterday played down Apocalyptic explanations, but said more research was needed into mass animal deaths.
‘Science is struggling to explain these things,’ said a spokesman. ‘These are examples of the surprises that nature can still bring. More research is needed.’
Greg Butcher, director of bird conservation at the National Audubon Society, the U.S. equivalent of the RSPB, said he was enjoying the speculation so much he ‘feels guilty’ debunking it — claiming that, in fact, fireworks are the most likely answer.
But he agrees with the conspiracy theorists on one point — the importance of not ignoring birds.
‘They can be good indicators of environmental problems in telling us something is wrong, so I’d hate to think that 5,000 would die and nobody would care,’ he said.
Just now, with the internet humming and preachers announcing an imminent Armageddon, there doesn’t seem to be any danger of that.
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The sun rises two days early in Greenland, sparking fears that climate change is accelerating
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:29 PM on 14th January 2011
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The sun over Greenland has risen two days early, baffling scientists and sparking fears that Arctic icecaps are melting faster than previously thought.
Experts say the sun should have risen over the Arctic nation's most westerly town, Ilulissat, yesterday, ending a month-and-a-half of winter darkness.
But for the first time in history light began creeping over the horizon at around 1pm on Tuesday - 48 hours ahead of the usual date of 13 January.
The mysterious sunrise has confused scientists, although it is believed the most likely explanation is that it is down to the lower height of melting icecaps allowing the sun's light to penetrate through earlier.
Climate change? The sun rose in Ilulissat, Greenland, two days early on Tuesday, ending a month-and-a-half of winter darkness. One theory is that melting ice caps have lowered the horizon allowing the sun to shine through earlier
Climate change? The sun rose in Ilulissat, Greenland, two days early on Tuesday, ending a month-and-a-half of winter darkness. One theory is that melting ice caps have lowered the horizon allowing the sun to shine through earlier
Thomas Posch, of the Institute for Astronomy of the University of Vienna, said that a local change of the horizon was 'by far the most obvious explanation'.
He said as the ice sinks, so to does the horizon, creating the illusion that the sun has risen early.
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This theory, based on the gradual decline of Greenland's ice sheet, is backed by recent climate studies.
A report by the World Meteorology Organisation shows that temperatures in Greenland have risen around 3C above average over the last year.
It also reported that December was much warmer than usual with rainfall instead of snow recorded for the first time in Kuujjuaq since records began.
Low horizon: The fishing town of Ilulissat is Greenland's most westerly habitation. Temperatures in Greenland have risen 3C above average over the last year
Low horizon: The fishing town of Ilulissat is Greenland's most westerly habitation. Temperatures in Greenland have risen 3C above average over the last year
It has even been suggested that the sun's early appearance could have an astronomical explanation.
But Wolfgang Lenhardt, director of the department of geophysics at the Central Institute for Meteorology in Vienna, scotched this theory.
He said: 'The constellation of the stars has not changed. If that had happened, there would have been an outcry around the world.
'The data of the Earth's axis and Earth's rotation are monitored continuously and meticulously and we would know if that had happened.'
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