What we are witnessing today in British society is a historic seismic political shift.
The result in the Henley election, and recent wins for the BNP across the country, are the first tremors of a major political earthquake about to demolish the old political order.
Since 1945 when the Welfare State was set up we have seen both a reduction in the size of the working class and also a depoliticisation of the working class.
The demise of the old industrial and manufacturing industries led to a shrinkage in the size in the working class, and whilst many of the people who were once working class moved up the social ladder as they retrained and took advantage of the opportunities of social mobility that the economic North Sea oil boom of the 80’s created, and which has wrongly been credited to Thatcherism, many remained where they were.
The Welfare State was not created with an altruistic motive, it primary role was to ensure that the working class did not become revolutionary during the era of Communism. When Communism fell the necessity for the Welfare State as it was previously designed was unnecessary.
It is no concidence the World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed in 1995 after the end of the Soviet Union , as its agenda was to prioritize the privatization of education, health, welfare, social housing, and transport in nations. This was in effect a license to dismantle the Welfare State of nations as they were no longer needed to keep at bay the threat of Communist uprisings in our nations.
According to the U.S. trade delegation, "The United States is of the view that commercial opportunities exist along the entire spectrum of health and social care facilities, including hospitals, outpatient facilities, clinics, nursing homes, assisted living arrangements, and services provided in the home."
This is an agenda for the destruction of the Welfare State and the NHS.
The WTO is an international organization of 134 member countries that is a forum for negotiating international trade agreements and the monitoring and regulating body for enforcing agreements. The WTO was created in 1995, by the passage of the provisions of the "Uruguay Round" of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Prior to the Uruguay Round, GATT focused on promoting world trade by pressuring countries to reduce tariffs. But with the creation of the WTO, this corporate-inspired agenda was significantly ratcheted up by targeting so-called "non-tariff barriers to trade"-essentially any national or local protective legislation that might be construed as impacting trade.
This in effect was the death knell of the Welfare State. Once the threat of the working class becoming a revolutionary mass drawn to communism was eradicated, then the requirement to keep the working class under control was gone.
One of the most pernicious side effects of the decades of somatised existence created by the Welfare State during the Cold War was that it in effect depoliticised the Working Class.
Those who took advantages of the North Sea oil boom of the 1980’s and made the transition from the old industrial working class to become one of the Aspirational Working Class, primarily became Tories. They bought their own homes under the Right To Buy scheme and then joined in the orgy of Consumerism that the money from North Sea oil brought to the British economy.
In the meantime those in the old industrial working class that were unable to manage the transition to the new Aspirational Working Class, were tranquilised by the Welfare State.
The fact that the Welfare State offered them a means of existence and sustenance regardless of their ability to organise politically in society, meant that the old industrial working class became the Welfare Dependent Working Class. The Welfare Dependent Working Class no longer needed any political organisation to represent their interests in society, as they were guarantted their welfare benefits regardless of who was in power, and as a result the welfare dependent working class became totally depoliticised.
Where once the old Industrial Working Class voted Labour en masse, the Aspirational Working Class voted Tory and the welfare dependent working class did not vote.
This is why the Labour party became the New Labour Party and shifted its policies to attract middle class voters, ethnic minority voters, immigrants and the aspirational working class and abandoned the last remnants of the old industrial working class and the white welfare dependent working class.
The rise in the size and scope of the Welfare State can be matched with the shrinkage in the numbers of people voting in British society.
Today around a third of the country are dependent upon benefits, and this is almost the same percentage of the population that never vote in elections.
The Working Class today are formed of Five separate groups ;
1) The Welfare Dependent Working Class - these are those who are totally dependent upon the welfare state for their survival such as the disabled, unemployed, elderly and those whose skills were once essential in the old Industrial Working Class but are now redundant in the Brownite financial and services economy of todays Britain - people such as car workers, steel workers, miners etc.
2) The Low Income Working Class - those who work but who are dependent on benefits for their survival. The welfare state helps them with rent, income support, child benefit etc etc and these people who are on law wage jobs suffer from frequent bouts of unemployment made far worse by the influx of foreign workers who have taken their jobs, taken the council housing and lowered their wages. They have also been hit hard by off shoring and onshoring.
3) The Betrayed Working Class - those who live in towns and vilages which were destroyed by the destruction of the British industrial and manufacturing industries during the 1980’s and our growth and dependence on globalisation and imports.
These are the people who are victims of inter-generational welfarism, who live in towns where almost all the jobs are servile state jobs paid for by the government and whose populations work in service industries dependent on the welfare benefits of their customers.
4) The Dysfunctional Welfare Dependent - these are the drug addicts, criminals, immigrants and asylum seekers who are totally parasitic upon the welfare state. They are unemployable and hence a constant drain on the welfare state.
5) The Aspirational Working Class - these are those who bought their own homes under Thatcherism, have enjoyed wealth and status due to Consumerism and who are now beginning to feel the impact from economic migrants coming into the UK, the credit crunch, negative equity and rising prices for energy and food bills. These are those people who are beginning to realise that the welfare state is also a safety net for them and their children. Whilst they have their own homes and nice cars, they are seeing their children priced out of the property market and their relatives, such as older family members, slipping into fuel and food poverty. Until now these people have voted either Labour, Lib Dem or Tory.
The first three of these classes are the slumbering giant of British politics.
They are the ones who until now have either not voted or voted Labour.
This is changing.
Add to that the fact that Aspirational Working Class is also now becoming aware that the Welfare State is a safety net for them and their families, then each of them are becoming politicised and radicalised.
Another demographic that is also becoming radicalised is the Credit Dependent Middle Class. These are those people who are in middle class jobs with middle class incomes but whose outgoings are now more than their incomes. They are those who have second mortgages, large mortgages in negative equity and who depend on cheap credit, which has been stopped by the credit crunch. They also are being hit hard by rising energy and fuel prices, off shoring of middle class managerial jobs and competition from migrants who reduce wage levels.
Each of these new social groups are now becoming radicalised.
Whilst the Labour government was voted in to power 2005 just 9,562,122 people voted for the Labour government with just 35.3% of the total vote they were elected.
Labour received 35.3% of the popular vote, equating to approximately 22% of the electorate on a 61.3% turnout, up from 59.4% turnout in 2001.
The nearly 40 % of the population who did not vote are the Welfare Dependent Working Class.
It is this demographic that is beginning to awaken.
This is due to a combination of factors ;
1) The dismantling of the Welfare State by New Labour that once somatised the welfare dependent working class
2) Competition for social and welfare resources caused by immigrants which is causing resentment amongst the white welfare dependent working class
3) The rise in energy, food and housing costs impacting on incomes
4) Lack of housing caused by a lack of council housing
5) Job losses caused off shoring, onshoring and competition from economic migrants
All these factors are forcing the these social classes to reawaken and become repoliticised or to switch their alleigance from the old parties of Lib, Lab and Con.
All the old parties can offer only more of them same - which is surrender to the demands of the WTO to downsize and dismantle the Welfare State, slavery to the EU, open borders, more immigration and more dependence on globalisation.
Recent years have seen the old parties rely on the same minority middle class voters to get into power. This is why they have all diverged to the same policies in order to attract the same voters.
The new changes due to the impact of recent events means that the dominance of this middle class base on British politics is about to end.
The new majority that is awakening is the 40 % who have never voted and those who are becoming aware that a vote for the old parties is a vote for their continued impoverishment and economic downsizing.
The party that will benefit from the dynamics of the new social dynamics is the party that will offer nationalist solutions to the problems of the British nation.
The era of globalism is almost over. Peak Oil is almost upon us. The age of open borders and mass immigration is about to close.
The party that will benefit is the party that creates nationalist solutions to national problems.
This will be the party that demands ;
1) National self sufficiency in energy and food production and who withdraws us from the EU and puts our people and industries first.
2) Close the borders and put our people first in jobs and prevent the off shoring of British jobs to China and India. This will be a party that stands for the people as opposed to the profits of bankers, oil companies and Saudi Arabian owned corporations.
3) That will create a new national industrial and manufacturing economy to replace the stupidity the present financial and services economy based on credit, finance and services industry. A nation that does not make things to sell, is a slave to those that do.
4) That will invest in new housing and infrastructure projects to give people jobs and improve efficiency and productivity of business.
5) That will defend the Welfare State and the NHS from the WTO and the asset strippers of globalisation.
6) That will renationalise the railways, water companies and other essential industries and reopen the coal mines and build new power stations, and create a new Industrial Revolution in the UK based on green energy and national agricultural production and industries to equip the new railways, tram systems, mines and national infrastructure projects we require.
7) That will withdraw our troops from abroad and deploy them to protect our national borders
8) That will end all immigration and begin deportations of all economic migrants and illegal immigrants
9) That will invest public money in new major public work projects for renewable energy projects, canals etc that will employ the unemployed.
10) That will scrap the race relations laws and racial discrimination legislation that targets the indigenous people and that forces companies to hire and promote people simply because they are not white, English or indigenous.
11) That will offer our people new jobs and apprenticeship and skills in the new manufacturing and industries we need to rebuild and who will invest money in an education system based on engineering and technical development instead of the service industry.
Only one party can offer all these things and that is the BNP.
It is Nationalism which is the new force and new power in our society.
It is the BNP that is the party of the future.