The fact that Star of Bethlehem appeared at the Spring point of Pisces is important as Christ himself was represented and symbolised as a Fish. Christ himself referred to himself as ’The fisher of Men ’ and had disciples who were fishermen. He fed the multitude with bread and fishes. Even Christs followers were called ’Pisiculi ’ the little fishes. Christ himself hints at the future Aquarian age that is coming. Both Mark and Luke state that Christ told his disciples to make preparations for the Last Supper and said to them “ Go into the city and you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him “ (Mark 14;13 and Luke 22;10). Christ was also seen as a water bearer and water dispenser. To the Samartian women at the well he said that if she had asked him for a drink, he would have dispensed eternal living waters for her (John 4;10) In the Gnostic gospels such as the Apocalypse of Peter Christ frequently calls the religious teachers of his time, and those who he says will preach in his name in the future as ’waterless canals’ meaning they are devoid of spiritual wisdom.
As the Spring Point moved along the ecliptic in alignment with the stars in Pisces 1, the Christian Church is formed, grows in power and begins to develop its image of the all good Christ as Pantokrator. In AD 380 the Roman Empire under Constantine adopts Christianity and the power of the Church begins to impose its own theological interpretation of Christ and his teachings and begins to suppress the Gnostic teachings of Christ.
Then as the Spring point of the ecliptic passes along the cord uniting the two fishes, then the notion of ’heretical’ doctrines was created by the masters of the Church to clamp down on those Christian sects that dared defy the Roman Church and its teachings. This dynamic unfolding of the psychic process in individuals and society led eventually to those who challenged the authority of the Church as heretics, such as Copernicus born in 1473, Luther who was born in 1483 and Calvin in 1509, challenging the power of the Church. In the Reformation violent theological conflicts began to cause not just schisms in the Church but also caused civil and religious wars in Europe. The era of scientific discovery was a direct challenge to the power of the Church, and eventually this process led to Newton being born in 1642, the French Revolution in 1776, Karl Marx in 1818 and Darwin in 1809. The Fish of Sprit had moved into the Fish of matter and the doctrine of materialism began to challenge the Church and dominate the world.
It is during this era that the Church contended that the Antichrist would be born. The Spring Point of the ecliptic reached the first star in the tail of Pisces 2 in 1818. This was the enantiodromian (mirror image) of the power and teachings of the Jehovan Christian Church and the epoch of the era of Materialsm, which is the shadow of Jehovah. The birth of the Antichrist occurs with the French Revolution when the Goddess of Reason was enthroned in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. Karl Marx and Darwin were the first prophets of Materialism born in this time and rejected entirely the theological teachings of the Church. During this era of Materialism that commenced with Newtons espousal of the scientific method the reality and the presence of the divine in Man and the universe was denied. The mythopoeic imagination in Man was denied and suppressed and just like Faust mankind had unlocked the material powers of science but at the same time the presence of the Soul was denied and lost. The scientific methodology of the rationalists and materialists rejected any divine presence in Man and the universe for the divine, the soul and spirit failed the empirical cause and effect test of science. The era of Communist dictators such as Stalin was the shadow cast by Jehovah. Separated from any awareness of his own inner divinity, and also of the nature of the soul, Man saw himself as god in the mirror image of Jehovah and began to mimic the murderous actions of Jehovah himself. Man began to mimic Jehovahs evil and saw himself as master of the world and also rejected entirely the notion of the divine soul within Man or that Man had a divine role in the universe.
Today we have militant atheist authors like Richard Dawkins with his The God Delusion and Christoper Hitchins with his ‘God is not Great’ book, who espouse the belief that science has proved that God does not exist and that faith in the divine is a false consciousness. They deny even the existence of the Soul and reject the reality of the Spirit. At the same time we have the armies of Islamic extremism attacking the West and the world. All three of the religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism at war with each other are religions of Jehovah and rooted in the Middle East.
The Apocalypse is the war that ends all three, and allows new spiritual growth. All three are Jehovan religions of the demiurge. They will destroy each other in order to allow Novalis and the Second Coming of Christ.
The Faustian struggle within Man between Good and Evil was a major problem that also troubled Western civilisation at this time. The idea that an omnipotent ,all good creator god like Jehovah, could allow the existence of evil in the world was a major theological problem. If Jehovah did not create the Devil, then the Devil must be a self created entity and this implies that Jehovah must be also evil to allow evil and the devil to exist in the world. If the devil creates evil in opposition to Jehovah then therefore Jehovah is neither omnipotent nor the sole creator of all things.
In order to avoid this theological crisis the Christian Church taught that evil is created by Mans choice, by his original sin of eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden and that Christs sacrifice was meant to redeem him of this sin. This neatly absolved Jehovah of allowing / causing evil.
Such an irreducible divide between Good and Evil, Spirit and Nature and Christ and Man means that the opposites in nature and the gulf between the Christian Church and Scientific paradigm cannot ever be united. In the absence of any awareness of God in the universe, then Man thought himself God and that both good and evil were meaningless concepts. In rejecting the soul then man created for himself an empty universe where he could do as he wished as he alone was god. Another aspect of this split between Good and Evil also allowed the Church to equate the feminine in Nature either with the immaculate virgin ( such as Nuns whose reproductive barreness as Brides of Christ means they are unable to achieve their natural destiny which is as mothers of the Pneumaticos) or with the wicked temptress Eve ( when in fact Eve was the liberator of Man from his captivity in the Garden of Eden and the Serpent was Seth-Christ who had come from the Second Aeon to save Adam who had come from the first Aeon to the Garden of Eden in order to save Barbelo / Sophia). The feminine and the Mother Creator Barbelo / Sophia of the universe was slandered and repressed by the Church and Jehovah so that no one would understand that Jehovah was not God and that he did not create the universe.
In the Christian Church and the Jehovan religions such as Islam and Judaism the sexual nature of the feminine is repressed and darkened, and the divine path of sexual reproduction that leads to the creation of the Sethian Pneumaticos of the Adamic Humanity cannot occur. Man is kept in the dark and ignorant of the divine path of creative self evolution by the Churches.
Therefore in such a world Adamic Humanity cannot liberate the Universe and Adam and can never achieve the reunion of Man, Adam, Sophia and the Universe with God in the Four Aeon.
The sin of Barbelo was to create the Universe without the input of the divine creative spirit from the 'depth' which is the purest spirit of God, and the sin of Jehovah was to think he created the universe. As Jehovah was tasked by Barbelo to give Adam form and human beings form, then the genetic flaws in human DNA is a result of the imperfections within Jehovah.
The false god Jehovah could only create imperfect forms and therefore Man and the world suffer as a result of these imperfections he created. The perfect within Man is his Soul swhich comes from God via Barbelo. Man given the gift of spiritual vision via the imagination so as to allow the Soul to express itself in the real world. The spirit is the reflection of the soul in the mind of man that inspires the imagination to the divine vision.
In the Gnostic teachings of Christ the being named Jehovah is explicitly named as a false god and a demiurge. Christ taught that evil is a product of Jehovah and his false laws. Jehovah is not God. Jehovah is an Archon, a being created by Barbelo in order to redeem the universe, a role which he refuses to do as he comes to believe that he is god himself.
Jehovah created the world and the Garden of Eden under the command of Barbelo / Sophia in order to create a place where Adam could incarnate and bring with him the seeds of the trees of Life and Knowledge from the Fourth Aeon in order to save Sophia from entropy and death.
But Jehovah then rebelled against Sophia and God and then proclaimed himself sole God of the universe and it is this act of rebellion that is the cause of the evil in the world. The only sin of Man is worshipping the sinner Jehovah and the religions that derive from his delusions and illusions.
Jehovah then gave form to the saviour Adam, who had chosen to incarnate in the Garden of Eden in order to save Sophia from death and entropy in the Universe she had created, but forbade him from eating the fruits of trees of Life and Knowledge grown in the garden of Eden. Without access to the fruits of knowledge and life, Adam was a slave with no memory of his mission in the universe. Jehovah kept the fruits of the trees of life and knowledge in order to enslave life and control the universe for his own ends. This thereby deprived Adam of the knowledge and means to evolve the universe and liberate Sophia from her captivity within matter.
Soon Adam grew despondent and refused to tend the fruits of the trees that Jehovah needed to control the universe. With no memory he had no meaning to his existence. Therefore Jehovah was then tricked by Sophia into creating Eve in order to give Adam company and meaning, to take care of her and the Garden of Eden.
Both Adam and Eve were then kept as slaves in the Garden of Eden in a state of unconsciousness so as to produce the fruits of life and knowledge that Jehovah required to control the universe. At the moment of the creation of Eve, the divine spirit of Sophia was breathed into her by Jehovah and the soul in Man was implanted into all human beings who descended from Adam. It was at this moment that Man became more powerful than Jehovah and this was the moment that Jehovah became afraid of Man as Man had a soul that came from Sophia who was the true creator of the universe. Jehovah then needed to create as Blake calls them 'Webs of Religion and Law' to control Man.
Jehovah did not create the soul as the soul is from the higher realm of Sophia, and therefore Jehovah is afraid of Man understanding his own divine inner nature.
It is for this reason that Seth-Christ entered the Garden of Eden in the guise of the Serpent in order to liberate Adam and Eve, and Sophia and the Celestial Adam, from their state of slavery and repression under the domination of Jehovah.
When Eve and Adam ate of the fruit of knowledge and Life then Adam and Eve woke up and understood that they must leave the Garden of Eden and embrace the path of physical evolution via the evolution of the soul within Man.
Man and Woman were created as human beings at that moment as the fruit of the tree of Life gave man and woman human physical form. Then the ’curse of Eve’ her menustration began which was the path of the physical evolution via sexual reproduction back to God. The curse of Eve is a saying of the false god Jehovah for the blood of Eve, and menustration, are in fact the path of holiness, as man was now able to evolve back towards God.
The devil is in fact Saklas one of the archons created by Jehovah to do his duty in the world. Saklas, Satan is an emanation of Jehovah.
No Jehovah = No devil.
Evil exists in the world as evil encourages fear and fear encourages obedience to the religions of Jehovah. The more evil exists in the world the more people turn to the false religions of Jehovah, and hence to Jehovah.
The more evil afflicts the planet the more people will follow the false teachings of the organised religions and the more they will remain captives of the Church and Jehovah. The teachings of the false Abrahamic religions are in fact how Jehovah keeps Man in ignorance of his divine soul and prevents him from achieving Gnosis and apolytrosis. The Jehovan concept of Sin, and that Christ died for our sins, is how Jehovah ensures the faithful believe in the false teachings of the Church. The depiction of Christ on the cross as dying for our sins ensures that the true meaning of the Crucifixion is misunderstood by the faithful and that the concept of sin is reinforced as a central theme of Christian theology. The concept of sin, and the concept of the possibility of forgiveness of sins through obedience to the Church and Jehovah, is how Jehovah ensures Man lives in fear and ignorance of his divine inner soul.
Christ did not die for our sins as Man is not sinful, only Jehovah is sinful as Jehovahs sin is to raise himself above God and to deny his mother Barbelo's plan and to imprison Adam in the Garden of Eden.
Christ died on the Cross in order to show us how to live and how to escape the dominion of Jehovah.
The Church cannot forgive us our sins, as we are not sinful. Those that pray on their knees for forgiveness for their sins are in fact reinforcing their belief in the same sickness that afflicts them and the world. In a world where Evil is produced by Jehovah in order to ensure Man stays in fear then those that choose to do evil deeds are in fact the agents of Jehovah. Those that do Evil are the spiritually dead who will not be reborn in the Third or Fourth Aeon. Sin does not exist but Evil does.
Christs message was that rebirth in the spirit await’s the Pneumaticos after death only if they achieve understanding of the Gnosis in life.
That only be transcending the false laws and teachings of Jehovah, and all false gods, and understanding that the human soul is divine can we save ourselves and the planet. Christs last words on the Cross are ‘It is finished’ - this is the contraction of the spiritual within the universe into Man, that Jehovahs actions by crucifying him prove and show that the only spiritual presence in the Universe is ithin the Soul not within the religions that worship Jehovah in his many guises as Allah, Yahweh etc.
The true message of Christ is that the Soul is the only path to the redemption of the self and Universe and that Jehovah is the enemy of the Spirit, Mankind and the Soul.
The Cross upon which Christ was Crucified was in fact created for him by Jehovah. The Cross represents the false teachings of Jehovah and Mans ignorance of his own inner divinity of the soul. The true meaning of Christs Crucifixion is that Man must free himself from the bondage to Jehovah in all his many guises and that by doing so he will liberate his divine soul and will be reborn in the spirit.
Now in 2007 the world is moving out from the Piscean Era into the Age of Aquarius and this symbolises the unfolding of a dramatic change in the psychic nature of Man and his place in the universe. This is the Johannine Era and the birth of the Age of Spirit as described by Joachim of Flora.
The era of Pisces is symbolised by a fish and in the age of Aquarius the symbolism is that of water carrier. The symbolism of the transition of the eras is between that of the dualities of the Inside and the Outside. In the era of Pisces the fish is contained within water whilst in the era of Aquarius the water carrier is no longer contained within the water vessel. In the Aquarian era Man is outside the water and this symbolises a change from being a captive within the container of the psyche and the Church to being outside of the container and becoming a conscious dispenser of the psyche.
Man will no longer be a ’pisiculi who is trapped in the orthodoxies of the container of the Church and Man will be reborn outside of the container. Man will escape the dominion of Jehovah and come to understand the divine nature of his own soul and his true role and place in Creation. Man in the Aquarian age will be the conscious dispenser of the spiritual teachings of the Gnosis and the Church , and all other organised religions, will no longer be the sole dispensers of spiritual wisdom.
Man will be free of the control of the Church and Jehovah. With the image of the container being held by Man and the waters of spirituality being poured from it we have the image of the alchemical vessel and the symbolism of Man being the container and liberator of his own psyche. Instead of Man being simply a fish contained and constrained in a undeveloped psychic pond and spirituality being contained only within the theological paradigms of the organised religions controlled by Jehovah, the individual will achieve the full potential of their psyche and also becomes a conscious dispenser of the spiritual wisdom to allow others to achieve spiritual wholeness and escape the control of the Church and dominion of Jehovah.
In the Piscean era the water Christ dispensed to his followers and humanity did not generate more water carriers. The waters that Christ dispensed to his followers were the spiritual teachings of the Gnosis but these were suppressed and denied by the Church. Instead of these Gnostic teachings being disseminated to people so they could achieve the spiritual release of Apolytrosis the Church acted to suppress the Gnostic teachings of Christ and began to contain the waters of spiritual teachings within its own theological boundaries. The Church as an institution was interested only in creating more ’pisculi’ and more of the faithful that they could control for themselves. The Church once it became part of the Roman Empire became the great dragon, the Whore of Babylon, the agent of Jehovah and Saklas in the world whose role was to turn out not Pneumaticos but only the blind disciples of Samael, the false Christ.
It is Samael who is the false Christ of the religions of Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah.
The Church faithful in fact worship Yaldabroath, Salkas and Samael not the Holy Trinity of God, the Holy Spirit of Barbelo and Christ the Allogenes. The Church of Jehovah was not interested in self liberating us and our souls with knowledge of the Gnosis of Christ instead it was interested only in controlling us to achieve more power for itself and to ensure that Man was never aware of the true nature of Jehovah and also of their own divine souls.
The religions seek to keep man trapped in lies and delusions in order to give power to Jehovah.
In the era of Aquarius the Gnostic wisdom of Christ, the waters of spirituality, will no longer be contained in the Church and Man will become a conscious dispenser of the Gnosis in order to liberate souls outside the Church and to liberate them from Jehovah. Individuals will dispense the knowledge of the Gnosis and Man will be able to achieve apolytrosis outside the remit and teachings of the Church. This is the path of Theosis - of becoming divine, of becoming a Christos.
The fulfilment of the potential of the psyche of Man as achieved with the union of Mind and Spirit, Christ and Man, Man and Nature within the Gnosis means Man will no longer be under the control of the Church or Jehovah and individuals will the dispensers of this wisdom. The control of the Church over mans psyche, and the attempt to keep Man a captive and psychically undeveloped in order to control and contain him within the confines of the Church, will end and Man will no longer need to rely on established religious communities for the wisdom and teachings that will allow him to achieve apolytrosis. Man the pisiculi will be released from the container and individual teachers of the Gnosis will be able to enlighten and release individuals from their spiritual captivity and allow them to attain full psychic development.
The Pneumaticos will become reborn in the Gnosis as Christos.
The Johannine Era that of the Pneumaticos who seek the enlightenment of the Soul and reunion with Sophia - Mora of Love as opposed to Roma of Rome - the love of the inner Soul as opposed to dominion under the exterior Church. The Aquarian Grail is the vessel held by the Divine Self, the womb from which flows the Waters of Life and rebirth, the waters of the Gnosis, Divine Wisdom.
The womb of women will bring forth new enlightened ones, and these continuing incarnations of divine individuals who are also vessels for the Holy Spirit, the Soul, and the Gnosis will begin teaching others again and these enlightened ones, Pneumaticos, will be conscious dispensers of the Gnosis and able to spiritually liberate individuals.
This is the Second Coming of Christ. The return of Christ is the awakening of the Gnosis and the awareness of the new spirituality. Each of the enlightened Pneumaticos will become Christos. They will become members of the Great Race of the Sethian Pneumatics and Christ will be resurrected within the souls of every one of them. Christos will be reborn in the world in the souls of the Pneumaticos.
This knowledge of the Gnosis was not entirely lost within the Christian Church. The issue of the dating of Good Friday in the Celtic Christian Church was an example of this. By 630 AD the Churches of Southern Ireland had submitted to the dating decreed by the Roman Church. The Celtic Christians of Northern Ireland, Scotland, Northumbria, Wales and Scotland did not. When Colmans opponents in the Roman Church at the Synod of Whitby demanded he follow the dating of the Roman Church he replied that the method of computation followed by the Celtic Christian Church had been handed down to them by St. John the Evangelist. This is evidence of a secret inner teaching within the Celtic Christian Church of a spiritual knowledge derived from the secret teachings of Christ as given to the Beloved Disciple. This that there is within the Christian tradition a secret’ Church within a Church ’ who possess a secret teaching that must stay secret until the right time for it to be revealed.
In the Gospel of John it is recorded in the last chapter that three times Jesus says to Peter “ Dost thou love me ? “ and it states “ Peter was deeply moved when he was asked a third time, Dost thou love me ? And said to him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou canst tell that I love thee. Jesus said to him’ feed my sheep…… Peter turned, and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following him…… seeing him, Peter asked Jesus, and what of this man Lord ? Jesus said to him, If it my will that he should wait until I come, what is it to thee ? Do thou follow me ? “.
It appears that Christ entrusts his flock to Peter, yet it seems that John has a secret role that must remain hidden until the world is ready. This is the Johannine tradition preserved secretly within the Petrian succession. This was the Gnostic teachings that were lost.
Only now have the lost teachings of the Gnostic Christos have been unearthed and re-discovered.
Joachim of Flora held that the Papacy, and the Jehovan control of the Church, will come to an end and the era of the Holy Spirit and the Age of John will begin. The era of the Old Testament, of Jehovah as the father, was the reign of fear whilst that of the New Testament, of the Son, was the era of the expiation; whilst that of the Johannine Era will be of the Holy Spirit which has now begun.
This Church, Novalis, will be in Albion where Christ came as a child to learn of the Gnosis from the Druids at Glastonbury, who were also linked with the Saddhus of India in a vast Indo-European mystic network.
The very name Druid is composed of two Celtic word roots which have parallels in Sanskrit. Indeed, the root vid for knowledge, which also emerges in the Sanskrit word Veda, demonstrates the similarity. The Celtic root dru which means “immersion” also appears in Sanskrit. So a Druid was one “immersed in knowledge.”
Old Irish - aire (noble) | arya (freeman), Sanskrit
Old Irish - naib (good) | noeib (holy), Sanskrit
Old Irish - bodhar (deaf) | badhira (deaf), Sanskrit
Old Irish - nemed (respect) | names (respect), Sanskrit
Old Irish - righ or rĂ (king) | raja (king), Sanskrit
There is ample historical evidence for cross-cultural exchange between Gnostics and Asian mystics, such as Brahmins and Buddhist monks. From the 4th Century BCE Alexandria was a melting-pot where diverse cults met and mixed. The Church Fathers attest the presence of Druids and Brahmins in Egypt at the dawn of the Christian Era. Gandhara art from the Hindu Kush demonstrates the fusion of Greek and Indian cultures from the 4th Century BCE, and Buddhist scholars such as David Snellgrove and Paul Williams see Gnostic ideas affecting early views of Mahayana. In a hallmark essay published in 1967, renowned Buddhist scholar Edward Conze outlined 17 key similarities between Buddhism and Gnosticism. But comparative studies of this kind are totally out of fashion today, and comprehensive historical perspective on Gnosticism is non-existent.
Jesus was brought by his Great Uncle, Joseph of Arimethea at the age of 12 to Cornwall where his tin mines supplied the Roman Empire. That Britain was the repository of a Christian teaching is made clear by Tertullian in 200 A.D and Gildas in the sixth century states that in the reign of Tiberius Ceaser in 37 A.D. that “ Meanwhile these islands, stiff with cold and frost, and in a distant region of the world, remote from the visible sun, received the beams of light, that is the holy precepts of Christ, the True Sun ……… in the latter part, as we know, in the reign of Tiberius Ceaser “.
The reference to the beams of light is also found in the Druidic religion when Menw the Aged was given the three words of God as three beams of light. The beams were given the meaning of O I V, the three meanings of God this being Love ( O ) , Knowledge ( I ) and Truth ( V ). This is also the secret name of Christ - IAU.
This is also Yule, from the Anglo-Saxon Geola which means Yoke of the Year. This is the day of the rebirth of the Sun, Christs Birthday. The name IAU is also the name of the supreme Celtic diety. The three pillars of light are the Holy Trinity.
Ogham is pronounced as Owm , which is the same as Aum, what the Greeks changed into A O M, A O, or Alpha and Omega.
This link between AUM and Gnostic teachings is made explicit here ;
"You have learnt that the laws of the Son of Man are seven. Now you shall know of the mystery of the three Holy Streams and the ancient way to traverse them; so shall you bathe in the light of heaven and at last behold the revelation of the mystery of mysteries: the law of God, which is One."
---The Teachings of The Elect from The Essene Gospel of Peace
The Three Holy streams are AUM ;
Life (Matter) ( A ) Water - Pranayama - stillness - focusing - posture
Sound ( M ) Air - Prana - divine cosmic sound - the sacred breath - breathing - Bhayan
Light ( U ) Fire - Divine Cosmic Light - posture - AUM - Dhyan
" The laws of the Son of Man are seven" refers to the seven interior castles, the seven churches (Revelation 1:4, 11, 20), the seven lampshades (Revelation 1:12, 13, 20), the seven stars (Revelation 1:16, 20), and the seven-story foundation of the seven chakras.
The secret teaching of the Gnostic Christos hidden for two thousands years is a method using the 7 Chakra's to attain the Gnostic enlightenment state.
This I suspect was learnt by Christos in India, where many legends suggest he ventured in his travels between the ages of 12 and 30. Christos was trained by the Druids in Britain then travelled to India and studied the teachings of the Saddhus and fused them all in a secret Gnostic teaching that he gave only to the select within his disciples.
The revelation of the Gnosis symbolises the start of the Johannine Era and the commencement of the Era of Spirit. It signifies the end of the Jehovan Petrian succession.
The era of Spirit has begun.
The Gnostic Gospels reveal a technique involving meditation on the Seven Chakras and an understanding of the techniques of the Three Holy Streams ( Posture, Breath, Meditation ) that will allow a Gnostic access to enlightenment and then access to the Second Aeon of the Sethian Pneumaticos.
The Sethian Pneumaticos are those who have achieved the Gnosis.
I will give more details on the meditation, posture and breathing techniques contained in the Gnostic Gospels that allow an individual to achieve the Gnosis in the next article.

Thank you...
I have been for some time following (Zen) Buddhism and unknowingly Gnostic teaching thus described.
But really haveing come across Gnostic teachings in a much earlier time I think really I have never let them go but rather they were taken up again in aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Thank you
In the Gnostic teachings of Christ the being named Jehovah is explicitly named as a false god and a demiurge. Christ taught that evil is a product of Jehovah and his false laws. Jehovah is not God. Jehovah is an Archon, a being created by Barbelo in order to redeem the universe, a role which he refuses to do as he comes to believe that he is god himself.
Now I understand why many Christians are uncomfortable with Gnostic teaching. I'm a bit confused about who Jehovah actually is according to Gnostic teaching. Is he the God of the OT or a separate being? I ask because I'm wondering if the God of the OT (Jehovah) is the evil one spoken of in the Gnostics.
Re: the sin issue. While I believe that the politics of fear are rampant within Christianity, I don't see anything harmful in teaching that human beings are sinful. If we look around, sinful behavior as described in the bible is the cause of many problems.
Hi Lormarire,
Jehovah according to the Gnostic Christ is a demiurge, a deformed evil being who acts as an evil, deluding force in the universe.
The OT and NT both worship Jehovah and therefore are against Christ according to the Gnostic Christ.
The Gnostic Christ taught that the only Sin in the world is Ignorance - and that the reason evil exists is because people are ignorant of their true divine nature, and the divine nature of others, and that people are ignorant of the nature of the world, which is a profane creation with a sacred purpouse controlled by false gods with false laws, and therefore the people are in the grip of false desires and delusions, wants and needs, that lead them to commit acts of evil.
Gnostics say ;
Ignorance leads to Delusion
Delusion leads to suffering
Suffering is defeated by Wisdom
Wisdom leads to Enlightenment,
all the best,
Jehovah according to the Gnostic Christ is a demiurge, a deformed evil being who acts as an evil, deluding force in the universe.--DOL
Perhaps, but I checked out Gnostic Gospels online and found this from the Gospel of Thomas:
(114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."
I personally find that quite disturbing.
I forgot to include a link
Hi Lormaire,
The saying is strange because you do not understand the Gnosis, and most importantly nor did peter - who also did not achieve the Gnosis.
What Christ refers too in that statement is that each Gnostic, enlightened one, is neither male nor female - they are a creature of spirit - which means they are sexless.
The male he refers too in the qoute you mention is Allogenes - the Male/ Female Christos.
Allogenes is the divine creative force in the universe, the asexual partner of Barbelo.
Christ is the name of Allogenes when he/she incarnated on earth - which means Christ was both human and divine.
Barbelo is called female as she is a womb though she is not female of course as male / female are attributes of organic, living beings - Allogenes is also called male when he also is neither male nor female - he is the initiating male creative spiritual principle that 'impregnates' the womb of Barbelo in order for the 'depth' (which is GOD) to create perfect creations.
The universe, remember, is a product only of Barbelo who created the universe by herself without the spiritual input of Allogenes and without Gods permission. This is why it is a fallen universe and required Jehovah to control it.
GOD (The Depth) is unable to create by itself as it is a spiritual entity so GOD created Barbelo and Allogenes to allow acts of divine creation to occur.
This is the true Trinity - GOD, Barbelo, Allogenes.
The need for women to become men is referencing the requirement for all humans to become Gnostics before they may enter the Kingdom Of Heaven.
The Male human must become a Male / Female Allogenes, just as the Female human must become a female / male Allogenes.
Allogenes is Christ, and when a Gnostic becomes a Gnostic after enlightenment they also become Allogenes - neither human, male nor female. They become spiritual beings.
Allogenes is the spiritual name all GNostics who have experienced Gnosis.
This then allows the Gnostic access to the Sethian Second Aeon as a Pneumaticos.
I hope that makes it clearer !
Hi Lormaire,
The saying is strange because you do not understand the Gnosis, and most importantly nor did peter - who also did not achieve the Gnosis.
What Christ refers too in that statement is that each Gnostic, enlightened one, is neither male nor female - they are a creature of spirit - which means they are sexless.
The male he refers too in the qoute you mention is Allogenes - the Male/ Female Christos.
Allogenes is the divine creative force in the universe, the asexual partner of Barbelo.
Christ is the name of Allogenes when he/she incarnated on earth - which means Christ was both human and divine.
Barbelo is called female as she is a womb though she is not female of course as male / female are attributes of organic, living beings - Allogenes is also called male when he also is neither male nor female - he is the initiating male creative spiritual principle that 'impregnates' the womb of Barbelo in order for the 'depth' (which is GOD) to create perfect creations.
The universe, remember, is a product only of Barbelo who created the universe by herself without the spiritual input of Allogenes and without Gods permission. This is why it is a fallen universe and required Jehovah to control it.
GOD (The Depth) is unable to create by itself as it is a spiritual entity so GOD created Barbelo and Allogenes to allow acts of divine creation to occur.
This is the true Trinity - GOD, Barbelo, Allogenes.
The need for women to become men is referencing the requirement for all humans to become Gnostics before they may enter the Kingdom Of Heaven.
The Male human must become a Male / Female Allogenes, just as the Female human must become a female / male Allogenes.
Allogenes is Christ, and when a Gnostic becomes a Gnostic after enlightenment they also become Allogenes - neither human, male nor female. They become spiritual beings.
Allogenes is the spiritual name all GNostics who have experienced Gnosis.
This then allows the Gnostic access to the Sethian Second Aeon as a Pneumaticos.
I hope that makes it clearer !
Regarding Jehovah, Allah etc, there is an old Buddhist warning "Do not go for refuge to Samsaric Gods"
Hi there, I'm a lawyer but whose life has drawn me to the Gnostic path; the pull towards another reality is now no longer a luxury. Serendipity brought me to your page today as I'm seeking a Gnostic-specific meditation that works with the chakras. I can't wait for you to post it.
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