Bring me my machine gun eh Zuma !
Kill the whites eh Nelson !
These are the lyrics of the songs they sing as their anthems.
Not racist eh - bollocks.
The article below reveals some interesting facts - that the Positive Discrimination plans that South Africa has applied to racially discriminate against whites are one of the legal reasons why the case was decided in Huntley favour, because these showed the institutional racism of the SA government itself.
I cant wait to read the judgement - now White South Africans in the same situation can apply for asylum in the UK too, and we should start deporting back to SA all those blacks and whites in the UK that came here during Apartheid.
The white liberals like Peter Hain should be deported from this country and returned to SA so they can live in the rathole racist state that they fought for and supported - lets see if all this bullshit in the media and the BBC about the 'Rainbow Nation' holds up when they are forced to live there !
White flees ‘SA oppression’
Lauren Cohen Published:Sep 01, 2009
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A WHITE South African man has been granted refugee status in Canada after an immigration board ruled that his “fear of persecution by African South Africans” was justified.
Brandon Huntley, 31, who grew up in Mowbray, Cape Town, made his refugee claim in April last year.
On Thursday, in Ottawa, Ontario, the only member of the immigration board to hear Huntley’s application, William Davis, ruled that Huntley would “stick out like a sore thumb due to his colour in any part of the country”.
Davis added that the unemployed irrigation sprinkler salesman had given “clear and convincing” proof of the state’s “inability or unwillingness to protect him”.
Huntley’s lawyer, Russell Kaplan, said that he is a human-rights lawyer who emigrated to Canada 20 years ago to escape the apartheid government’s discrimination against black South Africans.
Kaplan told The Times that Huntley had been attacked seven times in South Africa by black people who called him a “settler” and a “white dog”.
Kaplan’s sister, Lara, who emigrated to Canada last year, testified about the torture and murder of her other brother, Robert, by robbers in South Africa in 1997. Both Lara and Huntley gave evidence in camera in a full-day hearing on August 18.
Between 30 and 40 newspaper clippings were presented as evidence of life in South Africa.
“One article exhibited was published in [the Daily Sun in 2004] by Africa Ka Mahamba. [It was] entitled ‘Taking from whites is not a crime’,” Kaplan said.
The article quotes the leader of the “Uhuru cultural club” as telling youngsters who attended a Human Rights Day celebration to steal from whites because “it is the right thing to do”.
“The judgment was a direct criticism of the South African government,” Kaplan said.
He said that affirmative action and black economic empowerment were two of the aspects that were taken into account in considering Huntley’s application for refugee status in Canada. “These legislated policies, even though there is an explanation for them, are discriminatory. ”
Huntley first went to Canada on a six-month work permit in 2004, working as a carnival attendant. He returned in 2005, staying on illegally.
Foreign Affairs spokesman Ronnie Mamoepa said it would have been “preferable, before such a decision was made, that the South African government’s view was sought. “Quite clearly, the allegations are as preposterous as they are laughable — which they would be if they were not serious,” he said.

Encouragement of hate and property crimes against whites on Human Rights Day. Shows what goes on under the banner of human rights activism, doesn't it?
Seriously, what the hell is this? Nobody - black, Asian, white etc.- should be an object of discrimination because of the color of their skin. With the progressing times, I sometimes have a feeling that the situation is getting worse and worse.
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